Nasal congestion is a fairly common occurrence, which every person periodically discovers in himself. Many people do not attach much importance to it. But you need to correctly choose a medicine to prevent the development of complications.
Drugs for nasal congestion help narrow the dilated vessels. Thanks to this, a positive effect on the mucous membrane is provided and the runny nose passes. However, not all drugs can be used for a long time. Only a specialist is able to correctly prescribe a drug, taking into account the characteristics of the body of a sick person.
Signs of the disease
Breathing is considered healthy if the process of inhaling and exhaling air occurs easily and without interference, in addition, silently. If it is difficult to breathe through the nose, there is not enough air and you want to open your mouth - this indicates that there is congestion. Additional symptoms are frequent headache and weakness.
Oxygen in the required amount does not enter the brain, so a person cannot fully concentrate on work, suffers from insomnia at night or constantly wakes up. In addition to puffiness and shortness of breath, which torment for a long time, complications arise.
If you do not start treating a runny nose in time, then sinusitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis can occur. They are accompanied by swelling of the nasal mucosa and severe difficulty in breathing.
The main sign indicating chronic congestion is the duration of this condition. If such respiratory disorders are observed for more than a month, you need to contact a rhinosurgeon and an otolaryngologist.
It is important to correctly choose a drug for nasal congestion, which will help eliminate unpleasant symptoms and normalize well-being.
Therapy Features
The drug for nasal congestion must be selected separately for each, it all depends on the type of runny nose. Chronic rhinitis is provoked by an allergy to wool, fluff, dust, feathers. Usually relief comes in the fresh air. In this case, you must definitely get rid of the main allergen.
Infectious rhinitis is caused by acute viral rhinitis. Initially, it is necessary to establish which microorganism provoked the disease, and then select a course of antibiotic therapy.
Allergic rhinitis develops at a certain time of the year, when a variety of plant species bloom. Antihistamines are used for treatment .
With nasal congestion, you need to constantly moisturize the sinuses inside and out. You can just take a warm, damp cloth and rub your nose. The procedure should be carried out continuously.
When washing the nose, it is recommended to use decoctions of herbs. They will help soften the mucosa, remove mucus from the sinuses, which often causes nasal congestion. This will prevent the development of the inflammatory process.
In the supine position, the head should be on the pillow. This will provoke the release of excess mucus in a natural way. It is necessary to pay attention to the quality of food. It is recommended to reduce the amount of sugar in your diet, since in case of an excess of it, hormonal disorders in the body can occur and bacteria begin to multiply more actively.
The best medicine for nasal congestion, which helps eliminate swelling, is Pseudoephedrine. The drug is available in the form of a spray and tablets.
Determining which drugs for nasal congestion is best used, it is worth using vasoconstrictors. They help well at the very beginning of treatment for colds or flu, when it is difficult to breathe through the nose. They also help with swelling of the mucosa with allergies, and are also used to treat sinusitis.
All vasoconstrictor drugs for the treatment of nasal congestion can be divided into 3 varieties, namely, containing the following substances:
- naphazoline;
- xylometazoline;
- oxymethazoline.
Drops with naphazoline are the most affordable. They help eliminate swelling from the mucosa for 4 hours. The therapeutic course lasts no more than 5 days. Oxymetazoline nasal drops make you feel good for 12 hours. The course of therapy should not exceed a week. Drops containing xylometazoline give relief for no more than 8 hours. Their application time is also limited.
However, it is much better to use a vasoconstrictor spray for nasal congestion, as it has much less side effects. It can be used without dangerous consequences for a longer time. In addition, when using a spray, you can affect a much larger area of the mucosa. At the same time, it is worth noting that the medicine does not get into the throat - this helps to prevent the risk of side effects.
It is recommended to use such vasoconstrictor drugs for nasal congestion in an adult, such as:
- "Xylometazoline";
- "Rino grippostad";
- "Galazolin";
- Otrivin;
- "Tizin Xilo."
These drugs have a very quick effect, but their effect is short-lived. Adults are prescribed 3 drops in each nostril up to 4 times daily. A good remedy is the Snoop spray, which, in addition to the vasoconstrictor component, contains sea water. Due to this, it has a mild effect, and also there is no discomfort in the throat. Adults are prescribed 2 injections three times a day.
Among the vasoconstrictor drugs that relieve nasal congestion, Ximelin Extra spray should be distinguished. It, in addition to nasal congestion, helps to cope with a strong secretion of mucus. The spray has a special dispenser that helps the product evenly spread over the entire surface of the nasal mucosa. The drug has a positive effect and helps to reduce a runny nose. It is recommended to do one injection of the drug three times a day.
Naphthyzine has the most powerful effect. It lasts up to 4 hours. Sanorin is considered a good remedy. It contains an extract of eucalyptus leaf, so its effect on the mucous membranes is much milder, and there is no overdrying. A remedy of 3 drops is prescribed in each nostril no more than 4 times a day.
When using drugs such as Nazol Advance, Nazivin and Nesopin, swelling of the mucous membrane lasts for 15 minutes, and the drug lasts up to 8 hours. It is worth noting that vasoconstrictor drops do not treat a runny nose. Their action is aimed only at relieving nasal congestion within a few days. They must be used in combination with the main tool. You can’t use these drugs for a long time, as they are addictive and atrophic rhinitis. This is very dangerous, since the ability to independently narrow the vessels disappears.
Moisturizers with oils
Choosing effective drugs for nasal congestion, it is worth paying attention to drops made on the basis of essential oils. They help eliminate puffiness and do not cause addiction. You can use them for a long time.
Unlike vasoconstrictors, these drugs do not give an instant result, but act gradually. They gently eliminate swelling, and also provide hydration of the sinuses for a long time. Their therapeutic effect can be compared with aromatherapy.
Herbal remedies are especially effective if the cause of nasal congestion was not a catarrhal disease, but air overdried in the house. They are recommended to be instilled at night and in the morning. These funds have an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiviral effect on the nasal passages during colds. They do not just eliminate puffiness, but treat it with quality.
The composition of the drops includes peach, fir, almond, and eucalyptus oil. The disadvantage of such funds is that they can provoke an allergy.
The use of sea salt
Many are interested in what drugs for nasal congestion will be effective, but at the same time as safe as possible. Preparations based on sea salt are considered completely harmless. These drugs very quickly eliminate swelling of the nasal mucosa, and also help soften and remove accumulated mucus.
They are suitable for absolutely all patients, independence from the origin of the problem, help with colds, allergies, the occurrence of nasal congestion due to environmental influences.
One of the best moisturizers is Aqua Maris. The composition of this drug includes ectoin, which helps to cope with nasal congestion, clean from dust and dirt. This remedy eliminates swelling and breathing problems. Also, “Aqua Maris” is effectively struggling with an allergic rhinitis.
Spray "Aqualor" is recommended for nasal congestion and severe runny nose. It contains useful substances and trace elements that help to avoid dangerous complications of pharyngitis, sinusitis, sinusitis. This medicine can be used to eliminate swelling of the nasal mucosa after surgery. It can also be used as a prophylaxis during the SARS, influenza epidemic, as well as in areas with a high degree of air pollution.
These drugs block histamine receptors, resulting in reduced severity of allergic reactions. With their use, vasodilation decreases, and swelling of the mucosa is also eliminated. Man sneezes less.
For allergic rhinitis, second and third generation drugs are prescribed. These include such as "Cetirizine", "Oxatamide", "Loratadine", "Levocetirizine." Antihistamines with nasal congestion are used for acute sinusitis and rhinitis. The effect of their intake will be more pronounced if you determine the allergen and eliminate contact with it.
Combination drugs
Sometimes in the fight against nasal congestion, it is combined drugs that have a good result. Helps the drug "Polydex", which combines vasoconstrictor components and an antibiotic.
Rinotayss Doctor Tyss contains eucalyptus oil, which has an antimicrobial effect, as well as xylometazoline, that is, a vasoconstrictor component. The drug "Rinopront" constricts blood vessels and eliminates signs of allergies.
Treatment of a runny nose and nasal congestion with drugs that have a complex effect helps to solve the existing problem much faster and more efficiently. Sinupret is considered a good remedy. This is a combination medicine based on herbal ingredients. The drug has a mucolytic, anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect. Often it is used for sinusitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis.
Herbal components of the drug are highly active, help reduce swelling, improve breathing, and reduce mucus. Available in the form of tablets and drops. Due to its natural composition, the drug has good tolerance and almost no contraindications.
Homeopathic remedies
Homeopathic remedies for runny nose and nasal congestion are highly effective and have no contraindications. Some doctors consider them completely useless, while others prescribe quite often and are satisfied with the result. Homeopathy can be used in combination with other medicines. The composition of the components contains components of animal or vegetable origin. These include drugs such as:
- "Sinupret";
- "Horizontal";
- Cinnabsin.
You can use homeopathic preparations for any type of sinusitis, rhinitis or sinusitis. The advantage of such funds is that they can be used to treat pregnant women and children. The disadvantage is the need for their long-term use. They are released without a prescription.
With nasal congestion, drugs from the homeopathic group have a very good result. They should include such a tool as "Korizaliya." This medicine helps to reduce the intensity of inflammation, eliminate swelling, sneezing and other signs of rhinitis. The tool is intended for systematic therapy. Very often it is used for the complex treatment of allergic rhinitis. It also helps get rid of nasal congestion in adults and children. In its composition, the drug contains plant components and is well tolerated.
The Delufen preparation helps a lot. It gently acts on the nasal mucosa, has decongestant, anti-inflammatory, regenerative, antihistamine and protective effects. Available in the form of a spray that contains a liquid without color and odor, a little brackish taste. The best drugs for nasal congestion are selected only by a qualified doctor, taking into account the age of the patient, the severity of the disease and the presence of concomitant pathology.
Other remedies for nasal congestion
With nasal congestion, only the doctor should select the drugs for treatment after a comprehensive examination, since an incorrectly prescribed remedy can lead to complications. Antiviral pills help well, because often a runny nose is of viral origin. Such drugs suppress and destroy pathogens, block their reproduction, thereby reducing the symptoms of colds and colds, accelerating the recovery period. In addition, antiviral drugs against nasal congestion increase immunity. Such medicines include, for example:
- Aflubin
- "Remantadine";
- "Arbidol";
- Anaferon.
Antiviral tablets can also be used as a prophylaxis for seasonal colds, flu epidemics. They give a particularly good result in the early days of the disease.
Cold remedies for nasal congestion without a cold help restore normal health much faster. In addition, such remedies cope with body aches, eliminate fever, sore throat and restore nasal breathing. These include such means as:
You can use cold medicines from the very first days of the disease in combination with other medicines.
With bacterial rhinitis and prolonged nasal congestion, antibacterial agents are often prescribed. They are mainly used for chronic diseases or complications. In the treatment of runny nose and nasal congestion, drugs with antibacterial components suppress the bacterial flora, and also affect the cause of the common cold, eliminating unpleasant symptoms. Such drugs include such as:
- "Sumamed";
- “Augmentin”;
- "Erythromycin";
- Amoxiclav;
- "Claforan."
The treatment with antibiotics lasts about 5-10 days. Only a doctor can prescribe the drug if there is evidence. Antibiotics do not treat rhinitis, but eliminate the root cause of the disease.
Medications for the baby
Preparations for nasal congestion in children should be selected only by the attending doctor after examining a small patient. If the baby has a nose, then the mucous membrane must be cleaned and moistened in the room. It is worth starting treatment with inhalations.
Effective drops with sea water, which are similar to saline. These include such as "Aquamaris", "Aqualor". It is necessary to instill a drop into each nasal passage. Parents should consider that babies should not rinse their nose, as there is a risk of re-development of inflammation.
For the treatment of viral and bacterial infections, Pinosol or Sinupret are used. They contain essential oils in their composition. They need to be buried in 1-2 drops. If it is necessary to use a vasoconstrictor, it is recommended to use the children's Nazivin.
In the event of a purulent rhinitis, the child is prescribed the drug "Protargol". Combined drugs can be used for inflammation and allergies. These drugs are usually referred to as Vibrocil. It contains anti-allergic and vasoconstrictive components. If it constantly flows from the nose, then Rinofluimucil can be used for treatment. It contains components that constrict blood vessels and thin the mucus.
Washing the nose with sea salt deserves good reviews, as it helps to eliminate excess mucus in the nose and wash the bacteria. Among the most popular means you need to highlight "Aquamaris". For children, Derinat drops can be used. They help not only in the treatment of nasal congestion, but are also used as prevention. For the treatment of the common cold, you can use Bioporox, which has a minimum of contraindications and is allowed even during pregnancy. What remedies for nasal congestion have helped you and your children - share your experience!