Many women experience health problems after childbirth. During pregnancy, the body becomes especially vulnerable, it takes time to recover. Even the observance of a proper lifestyle and a healthy diet do not guarantee the absence of diseases. Cystitis is especially often worried about newly moms. The cause of its occurrence are chronic diseases, decreased immunity, non-compliance with hygiene. One of the effective means for its treatment is the drug "Monural". With breastfeeding, it is possible or not to use this medicine - the doctor decides.
Manufacturer about the drug
Is it acceptable to take Monural while breastfeeding? This question needs to be addressed in the annotation. In the instructions for use, the manufacturer says that with lactation and pregnancy, the medication can be used, but only in the following situations:
- the woman has good reasons for taking the medication;
- the expected benefit is higher than the possible risk to the child;
- the patient has no contraindications for therapy.
The manufacturer tells potential consumers of the drug that Monural is prescribed for the treatment of bacterial lesions of the urinary tract. The instructions say that the drug will be effective in acute, chronic and recurrent cystitis, urethritis. Also, the medication is prescribed for asymptomatic bacteriuria of unknown origin and is used to prevent complications after surgical interventions. Before using Monural for breastfeeding, it is necessary to consider all sides of this tool.
In what cases should the medication not be taken?
The medicine "Monural" during breastfeeding should not be used under any circumstances if a woman has an increased sensitivity to its composition. The drug includes fosfomycin trometamol, citrus flavors, sweeteners and sugars. If you previously had an unpleasant experience of treatment with this tool, then this time you should replace it with another drug. It is forbidden to use "Monural" to nursing mothers when they have kidney failure. A medicine may aggravate this condition. The use of "Monural" in hepatitis B is possible only as prescribed by the doctor, but not on its own.
Can the medicine harm the baby that the patient is feeding?
Antibacterial agent "Monural" when breastfeeding freely penetrates into breast milk. In the patient's body, the active substance breaks down into two components: trometamol and fosfomycin. The latter is found in breast milk in large quantities. If lactation is continued, then he will fall to the baby. How safe is it for a baby? After all, the claimed medicine for certain indications is prescribed for children.
The medicine "Monural" is used in children from the age of five. This is the recommendation that the instruction gives. Despite this, doctors sometimes prescribe medication to younger patients. Practice shows that the use of "Monural" is already in two years under certain conditions. We can conclude that the medication does not harm the child. But still, it should not be used when the baby has not reached the age of 6 months.
Features of taking Monural while breastfeeding: instructions
During lactation, the drug is used in the same way as in other cases. Before use, the powder must be diluted. Follow manufacturer's recommendations during therapy:
- dissolve the powder before use in a third of a glass of clean water and mix thoroughly;
- use only fresh solution, do not store the finished product;
- a single dose of the drug is 3 g (one sachet);
- take the medicine on an empty stomach (2 hours before a meal or 2 after it);
- empty the bladder first;
- use the medicine once before bedtime.
With constant recurrent bacterial diseases of the urinary tract, the drug can be prescribed again (with an interval of 24-48 hours).
Effects of therapy
When Monural is prescribed for breastfeeding, its positive effect on the female body is expected. The active substance accumulates in the bladder, destroying pathogenic microorganisms, and also cleanses the urinary system. The medicine is usually well tolerated by women. However, during lactation, mothers can become very sensitive, therefore adverse reactions are not ruled out. Seek medical attention immediately if you have any of the following symptoms during treatment:
- allergy in the form of skin manifestations;
- nausea or dyspeptic disorders;
- dizziness and lack of coordination;
- dry mouth, heartburn, flatulence.
If you are using a medication and do not stop lactation, then carefully monitor the behavior of the child. Any unusual signs like anxiety, irritability, rash should make you consult a pediatrician.
Doctors about treatment with Monural
If you ask your doctor if Monural can be breastfed, you will get a detailed and understandable answer. Doctors allow and even recommend the use of this tool, but only if there is a real need for it. Doctors say that it is better to take an antibiotic than to suffer from cystitis. The fact is that this disease can soon acquire a chronic form. Then it will be much more difficult to get rid of it. Doctors recommend that women stop lactation for two days if possible. That is how much medication is excreted from the body. If the child is already 6 months old, then this will not be difficult, since the crumb eats complementary foods. Do not forget to express milk during the treatment period if you want to continue lactation after recovery.
Women's reviews
Powder "Monural" during breastfeeding, reviews of women confirm this, did not harm the baby. Many mothers took medication to treat bacteriuria and cystitis. At the same time, they continued regular feeding. Nothing criminal has happened. Representatives of the weaker sex believe that doctors are reinsured, advising to temporarily stop lactation. In fact, this can not be done. What to do in this or that case, each woman decides independently. Someone is afraid of the consequences and puts the baby on artificial feeding. Others are afraid that the baby will then give up the breast, and continue to lactate. Still others avoid treatment altogether, sacrificing their own health for the good of the baby. Each patient has her own truth. You should not listen to the experience of experienced friends and take the medicine or refuse it. To make the right decision, you must always consult a doctor.
To summarize
The drug "Monural" is one of the most effective means in the fight against cystitis. Due to the rare use in microorganisms, resistance to it does not occur. If you use antibiotics in violation of the instructions, then the bacteria develop immunity to them. Often this happens with an early cessation of therapy. With the drug "Monural" this will not work, since it is almost impossible to use it incorrectly. In most situations, it is this remedy that is effective and saves a woman from painful symptoms of cystitis in the shortest possible time.
It is difficult to say how the therapy will affect the baby, if you use "Monural" when breastfeeding. Some patients took an antibiotic without negative consequences, while others refused such an act, fearing the negative effect of the drug on the baby. If you experience pain during urination, pain in the lower abdomen, or see an admixture of blood in the urine, be sure to consult a doctor. After analysis and examination, the doctor will decide on the possibility of treatment with Monural. In this case, the individual characteristics of the female body and the age of the baby will be taken into account.