Helminthic invasion in a child: causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention

Helminthic infestation in children does not apply to serious diseases. However, doctors say that helminths are the cause of allergies. In addition, they can cause intoxication of the body, provoke a violation of the digestive system.

It is very important to recognize the presence of helminthic infestation in a child in order to conduct a comprehensive and timely treatment of the existing problem.

Prevalence and types of helminths

Worms are a disease that various types of helminths provoke. Recognizing their presence in the child's body in the initial stages is quite difficult. In the chronic form, the symptoms proceed secretly and only in the acute course of the disease do the clinical signs of the disease appear. This is the main danger.

Infection pathways

Helminths in children provoke not only insufficient intake of nutrients in the body, but also cause allergies, decreased immunity, chronic intoxication, and diseases of the digestive tract.

Among all the worms that can exist in the body, 3 main groups are distinguished:

  • nematodes related to round helminths (whipworm, pinworm, roundworm);
  • ribbon worms (various types of lentets, tapeworms, echinococcus);
  • flukes or trematodes.

In most cases, helminths multiply and parasitize in the intestines, however, eggs and larvae can spread along with the bloodstream to different organs. Often the liver, gall bladder, and gastrointestinal tract suffer. Parasites can populate the lungs, muscle tissue and brain.

Infection pathways

Many parents are interested in what helminthic invasion is and how it manifests itself, what threatens the baby. The child's body is quite easily infected with parasites, since the immunity in children is quite low. In addition, he cannot produce an enzyme that helps to destroy worm larvae. A person acquires this feature only with age. That is why the real threat of infection of the child exists constantly and the reason for this may be:

  • hands not washed in a timely manner;
  • contacting with pets;
  • food contaminated with worm eggs.

It is impossible to visually notice the eggs of the worms, since their sizes are very small and are present almost everywhere. The danger of infection appears at a time when the child is just beginning to know the world around him by feeling different things.

The kid seeks not only to feel all the objects, but also to taste them. Of particular danger and risk of infection are sandboxes on the street, as often animals use them as a toilet. Among the main ways of penetration of worms into the child's body, it is necessary to highlight:

  • unwashed hands;
  • insufficiently good heat treatment of fish and meat;
  • contact with animals;
  • unfinished fruits and vegetables;
  • dirty water.

An important factor is also considered that worms can be a source of self-infection of the baby, despite all the efforts of parents. The thing is that parasites can crawl out through the anus and lay eggs next to it, which provokes a very severe itch.

The child itches, and the eggs of the worms appear under his nails, from where they enter the mouth, then pass through the digestive tract and again appear in the intestines. After 2 weeks, the larvae grow to adults, which can also lay eggs.

Main symptoms

Signs of helminthic invasion in a child manifest in completely different ways. Much depends on the type of helminths and the way they enter the body. Some worms live exclusively in the intestines, while others move from one organ to another.

Roundworms enter the stomach, and then with the flow of blood penetrate into the lungs or liver. There they develop for 3 weeks, and then again appear in the stomach or intestines. Pinworms often live and develop in the anus, thereby provoking severe itching in the anus. In girls, this type of parasite lives in the genitals and becomes the cause of the development of vaginitis.

Worm Symptoms

Opisthorchis live in the pancreas and liver. Chains can enter any organ, including the brain. Echinococcus provokes the development of diseases of the muscles and bones. There are also types of helminths that live in the respiratory system, causing a strong cough. In addition to severe intoxication of the body, helminthiasis leads to a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body. Symptoms of helminthic infestation in children can be characteristic and general. The first should include such as:

  • itching in the anus;
  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • bloating;
  • joint and muscle pain;
  • inflammation of the genital mucosa;
  • allergy;
  • headache;
  • temperature rise;
  • skin diseases.

In addition, there are also common signs of helminthiasis, which include:

  • the child has a lot and is not getting better;
  • abdominal pain;
  • insomnia;
  • fatigue;
  • increased salivation;
  • nausea;
  • teeth grinding in a dream.

Symptoms of the disease are not always well pronounced. The most difficult thing is to detect helminthic invasion in a child under 2 years old, since at this age he still can not accurately formulate what exactly bothers him. Signs pass almost without a trace and parents do not notice the presence of worms in the intestines of the baby.


Often, helminthic invasion in a child is diagnosed thanks to annual preventive examinations of feces on worm eggs. However, this is not the most reliable way, since it is worth remembering that not all types of helminths can be detected in this way. It may be that two individuals of the same sex live in the body, and they are not able to lay eggs, but still cause serious harm to the body.

A sign of the presence of helminths may be increased irritability in the child, therefore, it is necessary to conduct an additional examination. Initially, it is important to pass an analysis of feces and make a scraping for enterobiosis. You can also suspect the presence of worms by a blood test. The presence of parasites in the body is indicated by a high level of eosinophils in combination with reduced hemoglobin. To clarify the diagnosis, studies of bile, sputum, urine can be used.

If echinococcus is suspected, an examination of the peritoneal organs with an X-ray or ultrasound is required. Opisthorchiasis is diagnosed using duodenal sounding and intestinal contents analysis. You can clarify the type of parasite and the harm it inflicted by conducting an immunological study. Only after a comprehensive diagnosis is the treatment method selected.

Treatment features

When symptoms of helminthic infestation in children appear, treatment should be started immediately, since parasites can lead to more serious problems. Therapy implies the use of medications that are prescribed only by the doctor after a comprehensive examination. Anthelmintic preparations, vitamin and mineral complexes, enzymes, enterosorbing agents, and biological products are mainly prescribed. Contraindication of their use is a violation of the nervous system, tumors and blood diseases.

Additionally, you need to follow a special diet. If the worms were found in a child, then treatment should be carried out by all family members living with him in the same apartment. If there are pets, then they are also prescribed anthelmintic treatment.

The apartment needs daily hygiene. It is advisable to remove all soft toys, carpets, bedspreads during the treatment period. Towels, bed linen should be changed every 2 days, and after washing, iron everything carefully.

It is important to follow the rules of personal hygiene, since without this, the therapy will be ineffective due to the constant presence of sources of infection in the environment of the sick child.

Drug therapy

If the child has worms, what to do should be told by the attending doctor, who after the examination selects the treatment methods. Therapeutic measures consist of such stages as:

  • preparation for the removal of worms;
  • the use of anthelmintic drugs;
  • restoration of the normal functioning of the body.

The last stage includes improving the work of the digestive tract, increasing immunity and taking vitamins. Preparation for treatment involves the administration of choleretic and sorbent drugs. They help get rid of worms.

Drug treatment

Medications for helminthic infestations for children are presented in a wide range, which is why a pediatrician should prescribe them. Often, doctors select the least toxic agents that have a minimum of side effects. To simplify the intake, many anthelmintic drugs are available in the form of syrups. To completely recover from worms, it is often enough to take the medicine only 2 times.

It is known that anthelmintic drugs act mainly on adults, and against larvae they are practically useless. That is why, in order to get rid of helminthic invasion and its symptoms, you need to give the anthelmintic to the child again 2 weeks after the first dose.

Often, Mebendazole is prescribed for treatment, the price of which is affordable, and it helps to cope with enterobiasis, ascariasis, trichinosis, as well as other types of helminths. Also good drugs are Levamisole and Albendazole. For small children, the doctor prescribes Pirantel, the price and instructions for use of which must be found first. This antiparasitic drug has certain indications and contraindications. All of them are indicated in the instructions for use of "Pyrantel". The price of the drug is 20-60 rubles. It all depends on the form of release of the drug. The price of Mebendazole is 75 rubles.

At the third stage of treatment, doctors recommend taking immunostimulants and vitamins so that the child’s body quickly recovers from the harmful effects of helminths. In some cases, the use of diuretics and antihistamines is indicated. With damage to the heart muscle and liver, hormones may be prescribed.

Folk remedies

If the child has increased appetite, then this may be a sign of infection with worms. In this case, it is necessary to carry out diagnostics and drug treatment. Additionally, folk remedies can be used, since they do not have a toxic effect on the body and help get rid of parasites.

Folk remedies

Before using such funds, a doctor’s consultation is required and the dosage should be strictly adhered to, since improperly prepared medicine can lead to allergies or poisoning. The most popular means are considered such as:

  • enema with garlic;
  • a decoction of chamomile;
  • onion remedy.

Garlic is a natural antiseptic that is effectively used to combat worms. Take 1 cup of milk, put 1 head of chopped garlic, boil, cool and filter. At night, the child is given an enema from the funds received.

Another good antiseptic is considered to be a decoction of chamomile. Take 1 tbsp. l dry herbs, pour boiling water, leave to brew until cool. Give your child a drink during the day instead of tea or water. The duration of treatment is 5 days.

Take 1 small onion, chop, pour milk and boil. Cool, filter and give the child to drink 100 ml for 3 days in a row. Pumpkin seeds are considered a good remedy for worms, since they contain a substance that paralyzes helminths, which greatly complicates their survival in the children's body. Need to eat on an empty stomach for 1 tbsp. l seeds 3-4 times daily.

Folk remedies help well in the fight against helminths, however, to achieve the desired result, they must be used together with medications.


With helminthic invasion in a child, during medical therapy, to speed up the healing process, you need to adhere to a special diet. It must include useful products, which include:

  • vegetables and fruits;
  • dairy and dairy products;
  • nuts
  • fish.
Power Features

It is recommended to exclude cereals, potatoes, and pasta from your diet.

Danger of worms

It is very important to recognize the presence of worms in the child’s body in a timely manner and conduct treatment, since in addition to discomfort and general intoxication, a parasitic infection threatens many dangerous consequences for the baby. These include:

  • allergies
  • decreased immunity;
  • tendency to develop asthma.
Possible complications

In addition, there is a likelihood of developing gastrointestinal diseases. Worms damage the walls of the intestines and can cause inflammation and even lead to bowel obstruction.


The child has worms - what to do? In order not to ask a similar question, it is necessary to prevent helminth infections. It is quite possible to prevent helminthiasis, but for this you need to make a lot of effort. In particular, they give a good result:

  • frequent wet cleaning in the house with the use of disinfectants;
  • systematic washing of hands and household items;
  • replacement of bed linen, thorough washing and ironing on both sides.

Parents should remember that the greatest danger to the child is infection with worms in infancy. That is why it is important to maintain the cleanliness of playpens, strollers and cribs. Be sure to observe the rules of hygiene for people caring for a child.


It is undesirable for the baby to have contact with pets, crawl near the front door, touch the shoes in which he walks on the street. As a child grows up, you need to teach him the rules of hygiene. Even just washing your hands after using the toilet and the street will help reduce the risk of helminth infections.

To avoid mass infection, especially in the children's team, it is recommended to periodically conduct preventive anthelmintic courses. These actions are justified if there is a threat of an epidemic. In this case, the use of several anthelmintic drugs is effective. In the first stage, "Dekaris" is mainly prescribed once to weaken the parasites. Dosage is selected in accordance with the age of the child.

3 days after this, "Vermox" or "Nemazole" is prescribed, since these funds are completely non-toxic. In addition, these drugs are safe and do not provoke side effects. Their action is selectively directed against helminths and, in their absence, is excreted unchanged from the body.

There are also many other ways that will help prevent infection of the baby, using which, you can achieve a good result.

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