Flucostat and alcohol: interaction and compatibility

It is common for a person to take medications for various diseases and ailments. But sometimes the course of treatment falls on some important celebration or feast. Then there is doubt about whether it is possible to combine alcohol with the prescribed medicine. Today's article will help you understand how Flucostat tablets and alcohol interact. Is their combination permissible and how does it threaten a person?

flucostat and alcohol

A few words about the drug

Flucostat tablets are produced by the Russian company Pharmstandard. The active substance of the drug is fluconazole. The medication is intended for the treatment of fungal infections of various localization (skin, genitals, mucous membranes, and so on). In the pharmacy, this tool can be purchased without medical prescription. Many consumers do just that, because they don’t have too much time to visit a doctor. Already in the course of treatment, the question may arise as to whether the simultaneous use of Flucostat tablets and alcoholic beverages is permissible. The answer to it today is sought by many users. Let's take a closer look.

Flucostat and alcohol: compatibility

Customer reviews may carry a variety of information. Some people will suggest that you can combine this medicine with alcohol, while others will talk about the ban. To answer the question posed correctly, you should start by studying the annotation. What does the instruction say about "Flucostat"?

The price of the drug is in the range from 200 to 250 rubles per tablet, which contains 150 mg of the active substance. The manufacturer says that this amount is enough to treat acute vaginal candidiasis. The medicine should not be used for hypersensitivity. It is also unacceptable at the same time as Flucostat to use some antihistamines and agents that stimulate intestinal motility. About alcohol, nothing is said in the instructions. Many consumers may accept this fact as permission to combine an antifungal drug and ethanol.

flucostat instruction Price

How do drugs and ethanol interact in the human body?

You already know that Flucostat is used for thrush. It eliminates the synthesis of sterols inside the cell of the fungus, preventing the infection from progressing. Within the first hour, the maximum concentration of the active substance in the patient's body is noted. In the treatment of candidiasis, it is strictly forbidden to consume beer and other yeast drinks, as they will contribute to the development of the disease. Also, during therapy, you need to abandon the sweet soda. It can be concluded that Flucostat tablets and alcohol in the form of beer, champagne, sparkling wine cannot be combined. Otherwise, the effect of the treatment may not be as expected.

What about stronger spirits? Is it possible to combine "Flucostat" and alcohol (dry wine, whiskey, cognac or vodka)? The answer to this question will be unequivocal: impossible. The fact is that an antifungal medicine has a pronounced hepatotoxic effect. Therefore, it is often prescribed in combination with drugs to restore the liver. If you take a pill and drink alcohol, then the reaction of the body can be unpredictable. Ethanol is processed in the liver, but this organ will be distracted by filtering the drug. Therefore, the destructive effect of alcohol will easily hit the nervous, vascular system, kidneys, and brain.

flucostat from thrush

Combination effects

How to take Flucostat depends on the location of the fungal disease. The medication can be used from one day to two years. An individual scheme is always selected by a doctor. Throughout the course, you should refrain from drinking alcohol. If you take a medication with ethanol, you can get the following:

  1. The medicine will be ineffective, and the problem will remain even after the end of the course.
  2. An allergic reaction will occur (from urticaria and skin itching to swelling and shock).
  3. The liver will suffer.
  4. There will be a headache, insomnia or, on the contrary, drowsiness.

Practice shows that even small doses of alcohol at times reduce the effectiveness of an antifungal drug. Therefore, the patient should make the only choice: take "Flucostat" or drink alcohol.

flucostat and alcohol compatibility reviews


You can hear from many consumers that Flucostat is not an antibiotic to completely stop drinking alcohol. Indeed, the drug does not cause terrible disulfiram-like reactions in combination with ethanol . Patients say they drank alcohol several times and took Flucostat from thrush, but nothing bad happened to them. Doctors say that the consequences of such improper treatment are not always immediately visible. Perhaps they will manifest themselves much later. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to abstain from alcohol during treatment.

How much after alcohol can I take Flucostat? This question arises in patients who attended the celebration the day before and drank, and from the next day they wish to begin treatment. You can take an antifungal agent only when ethanol is completely eliminated from the body. Tablets should be drunk on an empty stomach in the morning. If a lot of alcohol was taken yesterday, then it probably will not be withdrawn by morning. Begin treatment one day after your last drink.

When can I drink after Flucostat? This issue is becoming no less relevant than its predecessor. Doctors recommend waiting at least seven days, since the withdrawal period for this medication is very long.

how to take flucostat

To summarize

Today you were able to find out what the instruction says about the compatibility of ethanol and the drug “Flucostat”. The price of the medicine is also known to you. Combining treatment with drinking alcohol or not is a personal matter for each patient. Doctors have no power to ban, but they can warn, recommend and tell. Listen to the advice of doctors and do not succumb to provocations that say that "Flucostat" and alcohol are compatible.

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