Cerebellar stroke, or, in another way, an acute violation of the brain stem, is a rather rare but dangerous deviation in the circulatory system. Recovery from an attack is not complete even after undergoing an effective course of therapy and rehabilitation. The consequences of a stroke can not be compared with other pathologies: from complete paralysis to death. Doctors use two approaches to treating a cerebral infarction - preventing an attack and rehabilitation after being transferred. Other options in this situation are impossible, because hemorrhage occurs instantly and often the patient does not even know about the presence of the disease. Symptoms that portend a stroke are not pronounced, so you need to carefully monitor your health and undergo a medical examination at least once every six months.
When cerebellar stroke occurs, the final outcome will depend on how quickly the patient is helped. Damage to brain tissue leads to a sharp deterioration in health and the development of coma. Then there is swelling, which, in turn, compresses the cerebellum.
Consider a brain stroke from an anatomical point of view. Tonsils wedge into the large occipital foramen. As a result of blockage of the vessel, complete paralysis develops, periodically it comes to a fatal outcome. To help the patient in such a situation is possible only with timely surgery. Pathology occurs due to damage to the vessels of the brain. A similar effect appears as a result of rupture of arteries and thrombosis.
Depending on the factors that influenced the appearance of the pathology, two main types of the disease are distinguished: hemorrhagic and ischemic cerebellar stroke. In the first case, the activator is rupture of blood vessels due to an increase in their permeability. It is worth noting that the prognosis in such situations is not the most rosy, as this is a more dangerous form of the disease.
Cerebellar ischemic stroke is more common, occurring in approximately seventy-five percent of cases. The development of pathology occurs due to a decrease or complete cessation of blood flow to the tissues, as a result, a neurosis is observed.
The likelihood of such a disease increases after thirty years. Apoplexy, that is, sudden paralysis due to cerebral hemorrhage, is more likely to affect elderly people. The considered disease, namely cerebellar stroke, according to statistics, is diagnosed in fifteen percent of cases, other situations are marked by other types of circulatory deviations of the central part of the body.
Due to vascular damage to the tissues, a sufficient amount of oxygen and other nutrients ceases to flow. As a result, the totality of cells dies, and the disease develops. Pathology reaches its peak when the supply of blood to the cerebellum stops or a hemorrhage is detected in this zone.
Causes of occurrence
Since the classification of the lesion in question involves a division into two types, the grounds for the appearance of a heart attack can also be divided into a couple of groups. First, let's talk about the causes of the development of ischemic cerebellar artery stroke. These include:
- the appearance of a blood clot, or rather plaque. A disease called atherosclerosis provokes such a situation;
- the formation of a blood clot in the structure of blood vessels of other parts of the body. In such a situation, there is a high probability of a thrombus detachment. Subsequently, he can wander throughout the body, and then easily enter the cerebellum vessel, blocking access to oxygen;
- too high levels of glucose and cholesterol in the blood;
- the presence of excess weight, maintaining a sedentary lifestyle, bad habits like smoking and drinking alcohol;
- mental disorders that occur against the background of nervous breakdowns, stressful situations;
- jumps in blood pressure, old head injuries.
As already noted, a hemorrhagic type of heart attack develops when a blood vessel ruptures. The main reasons in this case include:
- diabetes mellitus, abnormalities in the work of the heart and blood vessels;
- high blood pressure, obesity;
- sickle cell type anemia, atrial fibrillation.
Risk groups
Medical experts say that certain people are more at high risk for cerebellar stroke. In addition, risk factors are also identified. The latter, in turn, are divided into independent (which cannot be influenced) and those that can be overcome.
The first option includes the following circumstances:
- the presence of a heart attack or serious circulatory abnormalities;
- too much blood;
- hereditary predisposition;
- elderly men.
There are also factors that can be easily eliminated, and then the likelihood of a stroke will be significantly reduced. These include:
- excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages in large quantities and with relative constancy;
- high blood pressure, problems with normalization of heart rhythm, high cholesterol;
- taking hormonal drugs for a long time, including birth control contraceptives ;
- overweight, metabolic disturbance, improper diet, the presence in it of a large number of foods with a high salt content, sedentary lifestyle, sedentary work.
Symptoms of cerebellar stroke
We noted above that signs are often hidden, not clearly expressed. Of course, deviations are present, but to determine their nature without diagnostic studies is almost impossible. Such symptoms are found in any diseases of the cerebral circulation and not only.
What changes does a stroke entail? Let us dwell on the signs of pathology:
- problems with normal coordination of movements, habitual reflexes disappear;
- more often there are situations when it becomes difficult for the patient to maintain balance in an upright position;
- there are painful sensations in the back of the head, dry mouth, the process of swallowing is complicated;
- the pupils move uncontrollably, slurred speech appears , often the patient loses consciousness, a feeling of nausea and vomiting occurs.
If you notice at least one sign in yourself or someone from your environment, you should go to an appointment with a specialist as soon as possible. The prognosis of life expectancy in cerebellar stroke is already disappointing, and if you hesitate with the help of specialists, the situation will worsen.
First aid
You should know what actions must be completed before the ambulance arrives in order to help the victim as much as possible. In such cases, painkillers should be given. Drugs that lower blood pressure and relieve vascular spasm will not interfere. After this, you should put the patient on the bed and give him a rest.
The victimโs head and shoulders should lie on the pillow correctly. The main thing is to prevent neck bending, because this will lead to a violation of blood circulation in the arteries of the spine. The room in which the patient is located should be aired, but in moderation. A strong draft will obviously not benefit the victim, because he can catch various parts of the body. If, as a result of a cerebellar stroke, the patient does not faint, you need to give him a little drink of water.
The life of the victim often depends on first aid, so all actions should be performed quickly and clearly. The limbs of the patient must be fixed in one position, they should not be allowed to move freely. Such actions are necessary to make it easier for the ambulance team to move the patient in a horizontal position.
Diagnostic measures
After getting to the hospital, qualified doctors are involved in the injured. The first step in a stroke is to check the condition of the vessels. Indispensable research methods are magnetic resonance therapy and angiography of the vessels of the central nervous system. Based on the results of these laboratory measures, the doctor decides on further treatment.
To complete the picture, some experts conduct several studies in order to more likely diagnose pathology. Computed tomography and angiography are designed to assess the state of the brain. An electrocardiogram allows you to visually check the functioning of the heart. Ultrasound dopplerography for the vessels of the central nervous system, a general blood test of an expanded type, physiological tests are carried out in cases where there is no confidence in the correct diagnosis.
After the doctor determines the cause of the pathology, he chooses treatment methods for cerebellar stroke. In each case, individual therapy is prescribed.
How to treat?
The method directly depends on the type of disease and severity. So, for example, if there is an ischemic form of a stroke, the doctor prescribes medications aimed at dissolving the thrombus and expanding the walls of the vessels. After the introduction of drugs, the specialist recommends taking medications that thin the human connective tissue.
A hemorrhagic attack is more difficult to treat. The doctor directs all forces to stop the bleeding. In some situations, surgery is necessary to remove blood clots from the vessels of the brain. In this case, you can not do without drugs that restore the rhythm of the heart and bring blood pressure back to normal. To speed up the recovery of the body, the doctor prescribes medications, the effect of which is to inhibit oxidative processes and utilize excess oxygen circulating inside. The most effective are considered nootropics and neuromodulators. The prognosis of life expectancy depends on the timeliness of the course of therapy. Cerebellar stroke cannot be attributed to simple pathologies, therefore treatment requires a special approach.
Surgical intervention
People who have suffered an acute circulatory disturbance in the brain are recommended to undergo surgery in most cases. With ischemic pathology, the doctor changes the direction of blood flow to a crowded vessel, removes a plaque and removes a blood clot. To restore normal blood circulation to the cerebellum, an operation called angioplasty is used. Its essence is reduced to the expansion of vessels by the surgeon, which were narrowed due to atherosclerosis. For greater effect, the doctor sometimes allows himself to perform stenting. This is the placement of a small part in a vessel.
Hemorrhagic disease requires the immediate assistance of a qualified specialist. During surgery, the doctor must remove the spilled connective tissue and install a special plug.
Restoring coordination after cerebellar stroke is quite difficult and difficult. It is worth noting that rehabilitation can not begin immediately after the attack. To begin with, it is worth recovering from arrhythmia, normalize blood pressure, restore respiratory function.
Unfortunately, we can state a fact: after a stroke, the rehabilitation course will not restore all lost abilities by one hundred percent. After all, this is a very serious damage that leaves its mark on the rest of his life. But if you follow the recommendations of doctors, you may be able to recover at least partially. Patients need to visit sanatoriums at least once a year. There should undergo medical massage, reflexology and other useful procedures.
Rehabilitation cannot be effective without physiotherapy exercises and a visit to a physiotherapist. The moral component in this case is no less important. The main task of relatives and relatives is to support the patient, faith in his recovery. A positive mood is transmitted from person to person, and he himself will believe that he will succeed. And as we know, miracles happen.
Consequences and forecast
The consequences of cerebellar stroke directly depend on how badly damaged tissue during the attack. Pathology can adversely affect the patient's motor activity. In ordinary life, this can be easily traced: it is difficult to stay on one leg when trying to sit on a chair. Quite often there is a staggering effect. After suffering an acute violation of cerebral circulation in most patients, limbs tremble and the functions of several muscle groups are impaired. If a hemorrhage occurs in the left hemisphere of the brain, speech problems are possible.
Very few people have been able to fully recover from cerebellar stroke. The prognosis is unfavorable: the probability of death in such diseases is fifty percent. In practice, you can see a trend: most people become disabled after an attack.
The most dangerous time for patients is the first week. If a person could survive a month with cerebellar stroke, the chances of recovery and life expectancy will increase. Doctors say that the following symptoms are observed in all victims: pallor, interruptions in the heart rhythm, increased sweating.
As you know, any disease is much easier to prevent than to treat later. Stroke in this case is no exception. If a person is at risk or has previously suffered a pathology, he needs to adhere to certain rules:
- undergo a full medical examination once every six months, including brain tomography;
- carefully monitor the level of cholesterol, eliminate the amount of smoked and fatty foods, foods high in sugar and salt;
- get rid of bad habits like drinking alcohol and smoking;
- Sport is an integral part of every personโs life. Try to do some exercises every day, do gymnastics, go for a run, etc .;
- avoid stressful situations.
As you already understood from our material, one of the most terrible pathologies is cerebellar stroke. Life expectancy fluctuates depending on many factors. It must be remembered that if the first signs of circulatory problems occur, consult a doctor as soon as possible. You can only avoid a stroke if you take care of your health and receive a scheduled examination in a timely manner.