The resulting acute pain in the scapula, neck and shoulder often indicates hypothermia or prolonged exposure to a draft.
Such a disease occurs at any time of the year, regardless of age. In summer, it may be due to the air conditioner or fan turned on. This especially happens during sleep with constantly working devices.
Subcooling in cold windy weather is also the basis for the occurrence of unpleasant sensations. Prolonged presence at the open window provokes pain in the neck and back.
Symptoms of the disease
Such an ailment has a pronounced character and it is difficult to confuse it with another disease. Some muscle groups become inflamed as a result of “blowing”. When moving, they begin to put pressure on the nerve endings. For this reason, sharp pain occurs. It focuses in one place, but tends to extend to the back of the head, the side of the neck.
When the shoulder is blown out, the symptoms are manifested in the fact that the cold spot may turn red, which is an indication that the temperature has increased in this part of the body. The affected muscles are in tension and can be felt.
Treatment of such a disease should be comprehensive. One of the components of therapy is home remedies.
Treatment methods
It does not matter how the shoulder is blown, treatment of the disease is necessary immediately after the appearance of its first signs. This will allow you to quickly defeat the ailment. If it is not possible to seek qualified help, then you need to choose the most optimal treatment option yourself at home.
What to do
It doesn’t matter how the shoulder is blown, treatment at home should be started immediately. It should be remembered that the disease causes muscle inflammation. Therefore, it is necessary to take a drug that relieves spasms and inflammation.
In addition, warming gives a good effect. For this procedure, it is necessary to take coarse edible table salt, heat it well, place it on the canvas, make a kind of compress and apply it to the sore spot. For the compress, boiled potatoes are used, which must first be crushed and laid in this form on the inflamed area. Top wrap a scarf.
Some doctors do not recommend taking baths with hot water during illness. They believe that this worsens the condition of the patient. Swelling and pain only increase.
At home, it is recommended to use ointments that relieve pain, cramps and restore blood circulation.
You can prepare an ointment consisting of turpentine, vinegar and egg yolk, which are mixed until a homogeneous mass, the resulting mixture is applied to the desired area of the body.
The main thing is that all applied folk remedies produce a warming effect. To do this, it is recommended to wrap the place where therapeutic ointments and compresses are applied with warm scarves, shawls and so on.
Apply also plasters having anti-inflammatory, warming characteristics. In such cases, use the pepper option. It is placed on the affected area of the body and worn until a strong burning and tingling sensation occurs. The onset of such consequences depends on the quality of the manufactured product. At night it is recommended to use mustard plasters or compresses from mustard powder.
In a home medicine cabinet there are always tinctures for alcohol or solutions. They are used as a grind, followed by wrapping. Inflamed muscles are in a state of tension, therefore, to relax, they recommend, if possible, bed rest.
To relieve pain, use cabbage leaves and burdock, which are applied to the sore spot, after having soaped them with laundry soap. Sometimes the leaves are sprinkled with edible salt. The characteristic mesh pattern applied with iodine also gives results after a short period of time.
If home treatment methods do not bring the desired result, then you should contact a specialist.
Therapy approach
The medical term for this type of disease is myositis. To establish the true cause of the disease, as a rule, initially the patient turns to the therapist.
The doctor prescribes a number of examinations:
- visual inspection and feeling of the affected area;
- a blood test that confirms or disproves the presence of a pathology;
- radiography.
These measures allow you to make a final conclusion about the diagnosis.
Doctors, as a rule, with a similar disease prescribe treatment in combination. It is aimed at removing inflammatory processes, pain and eliminating bacteria in the affected tissue.
Preparations differ in a variety of forms and contents. It can be ointments, tablets, solutions for compresses and so on.
It does not matter how the neck and shoulder are blown, the pathology should be treated, adhering to some rules:
- In acute and pronounced pain, an analgesic is used, for example, novocaine in the form of injections.
- With drug treatment, it is necessary to abandon alcohol. For effective exposure to the prescribed drugs, it is recommended to drink them with water.
- It is undesirable to take several different drugs with a certain focus at the same time. For example, against inflammation or to relieve pain.
- You can not take the prescribed drugs for a long time. This can cause unwanted changes in the digestive system.
- Ointments made using snake or bee venom are used only for adult patients.
In addition to medicines, depending on the patient’s condition, when the shoulder is blown and sore, the doctor may prescribe warming, treatment with currents, therapeutic massage and special physical education.
Massage with myositis
A light professional impact on the affected area helps to relieve swelling, discomfort, increase blood circulation and restore the original functions of the affected part of the body.
To enhance this effect, experts use various essential oils: chamomile, rosemary and many others. This type of treatment is carried out exclusively by professionals.
The intensity of the impact on the sore spot increases with each session. At the first stage, tangential touches to the affected area and light pressure are allowed. Over time, these movements become more "aggressive." They involve squeezing, stretching, capturing certain areas of the skin.
In this process, the patient can also participate. He, along with massage, performs simple exercises that are recommended to him by a specialist. In addition, if the disease affects a place accessible to the patient’s hands, for example, the neck and collar zone, he can independently massage the affected area. Such actions do not require deep professional skills.
Massage is prescribed at the initial stage of the disease. In acute form, its use is not recommended.
But getting rid of an ailment with just one massage is impossible, therefore it is used in combination with other types of treatment.
Such an event is auxiliary, especially with a chronic form of the disease.
Physiotherapy exercises helps to restore muscle elasticity, eliminate painful mobility, inflammation of muscle tissue, that is, it helps to restore the state of the body that was before the pathology.
Classes are conducted according to an individual program. In this case, the patient’s age, degree of disease and its nature, as well as the presence of existing pathologies are taken into account.
Control over the implementation of exercises is carried out by a specialist who selects the optimal level of load that meets the above criteria. Depending on how the body responds to stress, you can reduce or increase the number of sessions, adjust the time of rest and exercise.
The body responds to pain by a positive result of such exercises. This is a normal phenomenon, indicating the restoration of diseased tissues. After classes, the muscles are recommended to relax, for which the patient takes a horizontal comfortable position.
At home, you can also do simple exercises. For example, tilting and turning the head, moving with the shoulders, pressing the palm on the forehead, temple area, neck.
It is important not to overwork, mistakenly relying on a faster result. The patient is engaged in the restoration of his health, but is not preparing for sports.
Disease prevention
To avoid such a disease, it is necessary to follow simple rules and apply them:
- It is recommended to dress depending on the season, avoid hypothermia.
- If the work requires constant muscle tension, then it is necessary to take short breaks for simple exercises and light neck massage.
- Avoid drafts. This is the main provocateur of the disease in question.
- Try to exclude the effects of a sharp temperature drop on the body.
- You can not perform too heavy physical exertion, requiring increased muscle tension.
- In the morning rise do not make sudden movements, as the muscles are in a relaxed state.
- It is recommended to engage in feasible physical exercises, take long walks, choose a convenient place and appropriate posture for a good sleep.
Diet contributes to treatment. It contains products containing the necessary vitamins. These are vegetables and fruits.
They recommend eating more citrus fruits, apples, tomatoes. They contain vitamins of groups A and C. They help to eliminate toxins from the body that contribute to inflammation.
Nuts, chicken meat contain protein, the use of which increases muscle mass. This is a necessary and important process for this type of disease.
Cottage cheese, kefir, milk, sorrel, parsley contain calcium, which helps to restore muscle.
As for the doctors' recommendations on what to do if the shoulder and neck are blown out, they are as follows:
- You can not be in the same position for a long time.
- Treatment should be started immediately so that the disease does not become a chronic course and does not give possible complications.
- You can not neglect this type of ailment, treatment should be carried out until the complete disappearance of all symptoms.
Avoiding the disease is possible subject to simple rules and recommendations. It is also necessary to remember that only an integrated approach can give a positive result.