Burning in the lower back is a symptom of some diseases that are not always related to the musculoskeletal system. Such a clinical sign may be a consequence of diseases of the pelvic organs, nervous system and gastrointestinal tract.
A burning sensation in the lower back can be caused by diseases of such organs and systems of the human body as:
- musculoskeletal system;
- pelvic organs;
- the cardiovascular system;
- diseases of the peripheral nervous system;
- Gastrointestinal tract.
Among other things, such a symptom may be present in women during pregnancy. In this case, such a clinical manifestation should not always be regarded as a pathological process, but medical consultation is required. The causes of burning in the lower back should be determined by the doctor.
Among the etiological signs of burning in the lower back have the following diseases:
- Pathologies of the pelvic organs, in which this symptom is present in the clinical picture, include: fibroids, salpingitis, endometritis. It should be noted that in men with diseases of the pelvic organs a similar symptom is manifested in rare cases.
- Diseases of the peripheral nervous system and musculoskeletal system, which may be etiological factors. These include: intervertebral disc herniation - the alleged cause of lumbar burning. Also, the causes of burning in the back can be metabolic and infectious diseases, injuries and vitamin deficiency. The exact reason for the occurrence of such a clinical symptom is established only by the doctor with the help of appropriate diagnostic measures.
With a burning sensation in the lower back caused by pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, the following clinical picture can be observed:
- muscle weakness;
- stiffness in movements, especially intensely manifested after a long stay in complete rest or in the morning;
- stiffness in movements, becoming more intense as the disease process worsens;
- joint pain
- feeling of cold in the fingers of the upper and lower extremities;
- local temperature increase;
- tremor of legs and arms;
- redness and swelling of the skin;
- muscle contracture;
- sharp pains that can pierce the back on the right and left, with irradiation in the leg;
- male problems with potency.
With pathologies of the cardiovascular system, lumbar burning will be accompanied by the following symptoms:
- pain in the sternum, accompanied by a burning sensation in the area behind it;
- high blood pressure;
- heart rate
- dizziness;
- headache;
- excessive sweating;
- low working capacity;
- weakness;
- feeling of heaviness in the chest.
With a burning sensation in the lower back and lower abdomen due to diseases of the female genitourinary system, the following symptoms may be observed:
- burning and itching;
- frequent desires for little need, not always bringing relief;
- cycle disturbances;
- a feeling of heaviness and pain in the groin;
- the presence of blood in urine;
- discharge;
- sleep disturbances;
- swelling
- rashes on the external genitalia;
- decreased performance, weakness;
- the temperature rises at times;
- burning is accompanied in some cases by back pain;
- discomfort with intimate communication;
- a feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium.
It should be noted that due to the anatomical features of the disease of the genitourinary system in women appear more often. For men, this is not characteristic.
With a burning sensation in the lower back caused by diseases of the peripheral nervous system, the following clinical picture may be present:
- frequent sharp and burning back pain;
- heart pain that does not subside after consuming nitroglycerin;
- muscle weakness;
- limited movement;
- numbness of the legs;
- redness of the skin at the site of the onset of pain;
- skin rashes, if the disease has an infectious origin (with shingles);
- local temperature increase;
- general deterioration of well-being.
Also, the manifestation of this symptom can be observed with pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, which will differ in characteristic signs:
- change in bowel movements - prolonged constipation can be replaced by diarrhea;
- nausea, often with vomiting;
- abdominal pain, the nature and location of which are due to the root cause;
- belching with an unpleasant odor, heartburn;
- bad taste in the mouth;
- loss of appetite, which may cause weight loss.
In addition, the manifestation of pain and burning in the lower back is not excluded with various kinds of strong physical exertion, injuries. Burning in this case will be accompanied by swelling, pain in the inflamed area and bruising.
To establish the exact cause of this symptom in women or men can only be a qualified specialist with the help of competent diagnosis.
When burning in the lumbar region, it is necessary to undergo an examination.
Diagnostic measures will be determined by the current clinical picture, as well as the medical history collected during the initial examination. In this case, a consultation of a number of highly qualified specialists may be required: an orthopedist, traumatologist, neurologist, surgeon, cardiologist, gastroenterologist. To determine the provoking factor, it may be necessary to conduct laboratory and instrumental examination methods:
- general clinical analysis of urine and blood;
- endoscopy procedure;
- blood chemistry;
- Ultrasound of the abdominal organs and genitourinary system;
- CT
- endoscopic analyzes of the gastrointestinal tract;
- ECG;
- chest x-ray.
First aid for burning and pain
First of all, with pain and burning in the lower back, a person needs to take a comfortable pose in which sensations subside at least a little. A simple coachman pose helps a lot. To this end, you need to sit on a chair, push the body forward and try to relax the muscle tissue, lower your head down. These measures are only first aid. When the pain subsides, you need to go to the doctor, who will prescribe all the studies, determine the cause of such symptoms, and also form a therapeutic scheme.
In addition, when a burning pain appears in the lower back, a calm state helps. The patient just needs to lie. If a person suspects that the cause of the unpleasant sensations lies in heart disease, you need to drink "Nitroglycerin." Then it is advisable to consult a doctor, call him, as there is a likelihood of a heart attack.
Neurological diseases, when the lumbar region burns, require the adoption of an embryo pose. Experts recommend that patients lie down on the floor, then pull their knees to the chin. This situation reduces pain. In addition, you can make a massage, which eliminates pain, discomfort, their further development is prevented.
What does burning in the lower back left or right mean, interesting to many.
Vertebrogenic pathology
Dorsalgia is often caused by inflammatory and traumatic degenerative-dystrophic or other changes in the structures of the spinal column. If the patient has osteochondrosis (the most common pathology of the axial skeleton), changes in the joints, cartilage discs, peripheral nerves, muscles and ligaments of the back are diagnosed, which causes pain and affects the physical activity of a person. Signs of radiculopathy appear:
- tingling, numbness, goosebumps, burning sensation;
- decreased skin sensitivity;
- a change in the manifestation of tendon reflexes;
- decrease in muscle strength.
In some cases, itching is included in the structure of sensory disorders, which can be either mild or almost unbearable. If the back burns due to problems with the spine, during palpation and examination, soreness of the paravertebral points, muscle tension, smoothness of physiological bends will be noticed. The movements are sharply limited, walking with inflammation of the lower back is difficult.
Burning in the spine is a common sign of osteochondrosis or other pathologies of the axial skeleton.
Kidney disease
It is necessary to consider the possibility of diseases of the excretory system: glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis, urolithiasis. Renal inflammation or the appearance of calculi is the cause of a fairly characteristic clinical picture. It consists of the following symptoms:
- lumbar pain
- dysuric disorders: itching, burning, pain during urination;
- the character of urine changes: turbidity, increase or decrease in quantity, bloody hue;
- with pyelonephritis, body temperature rises, glomerulonephritis manifests itself in the form of arterial hypertension and edema, often urolithiasis is characterized by symptoms of renal colic, in which stones interfere with normal urodynamics.
Various kinds of chronic diseases result in renal failure, in which the activity of the organ is significantly affected. This is manifested by skin itching, swelling, anemia, defects in other systems of the patient's body.
Pleural and lung diseases
Burning in the sides of the lower back can occur in people with pathologies of the respiratory system. First of all, we are talking about croupous pleurisy and pneumonia. In this case, pain in the sternum is accompanied by other symptoms of inflammatory changes:
- wet or dry cough;
- the appearance of sputum: with a rusty tinge, purulent;
- fever;
- shortness of breath.
A specific sign of pleurisy is the weakening of pain in a supine position on the affected side. With percussion and auscultation, wheezing is determined, breathing is weakened, the sound above the inflamed focus is dulled.
Diseases of the pleura and lungs are often manifested by pain symptoms in the lower regions of the chest, spreading to the lower back.
Digestive system diseases
Consider some more causes of burning in the lower back.
Reflected pain syndrome is a characteristic sign of the pathology of different parts of the digestive system. It can appear with peptic ulcer, colitis, cholecystitis or pancreatitis. In almost every disease, dyspeptic symptoms will be present:
- stool disorders;
- flatulence;
- vomiting
- loss of appetite;
- nausea.
They have a pronounced connection with food intake and specific dietary disorders. Calculous cholecystitis is suggested by the characteristic symptoms of a violation of the bile outflow: jaundice, skin itching and lightening of the color of feces. Itching is observed in various parts of the body, including also the back.
What are the causes of lower back burning in women?
Gynecological problems
Female genital diseases cannot be excluded. Most often, inflammatory pathology (endometritis, adnexitis) can be assumed, however, pain can also occur with spontaneous abortion, ovarian apoplexy and ectopic pregnancy. Burning in the lower back often gives to the lower abdomen, accompanied by such symptoms:
- discharge of the reproductive system;
- irregular menstruation;
- fever.
The processes of inflammation can cause the spread of infection to the peritoneal region, as well as the development of peritonitis, often acute obstetric disease is also accompanied by internal bleeding.
When a woman appears, a burning sensation in the lower back on the right or left diagnostic measures necessarily imply the presence of an obstetric-gynecological disease.
Herpes Zoster
Itching and burning pains in the sternum are frequent symptoms of herpetic inflammation of the intercostal nerves. This condition is related to infectious pathology, that is, it is characterized by infectiousness (contagiousness). The virus for a long time can be in a state of "hibernation" in the nerve ganglia, with a decrease in the reactivity of the body as a whole (stress, hypothermia), it triggers the onset of the disease.
Skin manifestations are initially absent, however, at some point, redness occurs, and against its background there are bubbles filled with a clear liquid (vesicles). They burst when combing and expose the erosive surface underneath, which heals over time, and a crust forms.
After a clinical examination, the doctor prescribes additional diagnostic procedures, their list will be determined by the alleged disease. After receiving the results of the study, the specialist forms an individual treatment program.
How to get rid of burning in the stomach and lower back?
Treatment methods
In this case, treatment can be carried out both by conservative and radical therapeutic methods; there is no general program for all patients.
Medication may include taking such drugs:
- antibiotics to establish the infectious origin of the disease;
- anti-inflammatory non-steroidal;
- muscle relaxants;
- painkillers.
In addition, the patient may be prescribed bed rest, accompanied by the immobilization of the inflamed area.
In addition to drug therapy, physiotherapeutic procedures can be prescribed:
- reflexology;
- acupuncture;
- magnetotherapy;
To relieve pain, a course of manual treatment, exercise therapy and therapeutic massage can be prescribed.
If the cause of this clinical symptom is a gastroenterological pathology, then the necessary medication with a mandatory diet is prescribed in this case. In addition, surgical intervention is not ruled out when conservative therapeutic methods fail to eliminate the root cause.