In the article, we consider the instructions for use with the Fluditec syrup for children.
Compared with adults, children are more likely to suffer from colds, especially in autumn and winter, so parents have to go on sick leave from time to time and deal with pathology. Recently, the rate of development of the infectious process and the resistance of the latter to a number of drugs have increased, which significantly complicates the healing process and delays it.
So, for example, quite quickly the disease passes into the bronchi and becomes chronic. That is why pharmaceuticals are developing new and new drugs that can very quickly rid the patient of various pathological symptoms and accelerate the recovery of children in general. For timely cleansing, Fluditec was produced - syrup for young children 2%, as well as for teenagers from fifteen years old 5%.
Release form, packaging and composition
As the instruction to Fluditek indicates, it is available in several forms:
- Transparent orange syrup for children with a banana smell. One milliliter accounts for 20 mg of carbocysteine. Auxiliary components: methyl parahydroxybenzoate, glycerol, yellow sunset dye, sucrose, sodium hydroxide, banana flavor and purified water. 125 ml glass bottles in cardboard boxes.
- Transparent greenish syrup with a caramel smell. One milliliter accounts for 50 mg of carbocysteine. Excipients: methyl parahydroxybenzoate, glycerol, yellow sunset dye, sucrose, patented blue dye, sodium hydroxide, purified water and caramel flavor. In glass bottles of 125 milliliters in cardboard boxes.
Pharmacological effect
According to the instructions, Fluditec is a mucolytic agent that dilutes sputum, almost without increasing in volume, and then removes it from the bronchi. The main active ingredient of this drug is carbocysteine. When it is taken orally, it is rapidly absorbed and reaches its maximum concentration in just a couple of hours in the blood plasma and the mucous membrane of the respiratory system. This concentration remains about eight hours.
The effect of the drug on the gel phase of bronchial mucus is based on the activation of the natural enzyme produced by the bronchi, as well as its rupture of glycoprotein disulfide bridges - thus, sputum is diluted. In addition, there is a restoration of the structure of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.
Also, the drug activates the activity of cilia of the ciliated epithelium, thereby contributing to the removal of sputum from the body and without causing discomfort in children; accelerated bronchial cleansing prevents the occurrence of complications, since bacteria do not have favorable conditions for further reproduction. Carbocysteine ββand metabolic products are excreted through the kidneys for two hours.
In accordance with the instructions for use "Fluditec" children's eliminates inflammation and enhances local immunity.
The syrup concentration for children is 2%, five ml per 100 mg of the active substance. The drug is available in a 125 ml bottle in the form of an orange liquid with the smell of a banana and a pleasant taste, so that children do not have problems with its use. Children over the age of 15 are prescribed an adult Fluditec, the concentration of which is 5% per five ml of 250 mg carbocysteine ββsyrup. Available in the form of a light green liquid with a caramel flavor.
What else can you learn from the instructions for Fluditec? The drug is prescribed in the treatment of chronic and acute diseases of the respiratory organs, accompanied by the appearance of sputum that is difficult to separate. For example, the drug is used for cystic fibrosis, tracheitis, influenza, bronchitis, pulmonary tuberculosis, tracheobronchitis, pharyngitis, bronchial asthma, laryngitis, bronchiectatic disease, childhood pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
In addition, it is used to treat pathologies in which mucus appears in the respiratory organs: rhinitis, inflammation of the nose or middle ear, otitis media and sinusitis. Fluditec is often prescribed for children in the treatment of wet cough in order to timely prevent the development of chronic pathology.
The drug is used before such procedures as bronchoscopy - assessment and examination of the condition of the mucosa of the tracheobronchial tree by introducing a special endoscope into the airways; bronchography - an x-ray photograph taken after a special radiopaque substance containing iodine is introduced into the lumen of the trachea and bronchi.
As the instruction to Fluditek indicates, its contraindications for use are as follows:
- peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach at the stage of exacerbation;
- cystitis and exacerbation of chronic glomerulonephritis;
- the age of the child is up to two years (baby syrup) and up to fifteen years (syrup 50 mg per milliliter);
- first trimester of pregnancy;
- excessive sensitivity to the active or auxiliary components of the drug.
It should be prescribed carefully for chronic glomerulonephritis in the history of the disease, as well as ulcerative pathology of the duodenum and stomach.
How to use Fluditec for children according to the instructions?
1. Dosage of baby syrup. In one teaspoon, one hundred mg of carbocysteine. For patients from two to five years, a teaspoon is prescribed twice a day, the dose during the day can not be more than 200 mg. Children after five years - a teaspoon three times a day, the daily amount is not more than 300 mg. Treatment cannot last more than 8-10 days without medical advice.
2. Syrup from fifteen years. One tablespoon includes 750 mg of carbocysteine. Adults and adolescents are prescribed one tablespoon three times a day, preferably one hour before a meal or two hours after it. Treatment cannot last longer than 8-10 days without consulting a specialist.
Side effects
In accordance with the instructions for use with Fluditec for children, in most situations it is well tolerated by children, but some side effects should not be forgotten. From the nervous system: slight malaise, dizziness, weakness, headache. Gastrointestinal tract: vomiting, flatulence, nausea, epigastric pain, diarrhea, bleeding of the stomach and intestines. If such symptoms appear, then the dosage of the drug is reduced.
Drug interaction
In addition to the side effects listed above, some symptoms may occur associated with the combination of syrup with certain drugs. For example, it is impossible to give patients simultaneously Fluditec and funds that block the cough reflex: Terpincode, Libexin, Codelac, Stoptussin and Sinecode. This can cause sputum stagnation, due to which infectious pathogens will multiply and diseases will develop, accompanied by damage to the respiratory system and an increase in the inflammation process. It is best to use drugs in turn, and be sure to pay attention to the time it takes to remove them from the patient's body.
Among other things, an allergic reaction to the substance of the drug may occur. For example, in the first months of life, babies may experience an allergy to the flavor, manifested in the form of angioedema, urticaria, itching and rash.
This is confirmed by the instruction for syrup for children, Fluditec.
Signs of an overdose: nausea, gastralgia, diarrhea.
Treatment is symptomatic.
Drug interaction
"Fluditec" with simultaneous use enhances the effectiveness of antibacterial and glucocorticosteroid treatment of the lower and upper respiratory sections.
When the drug is used simultaneously with "Theophylline", the bronchodilator effect is enhanced.
Atropine-like and antitussive drugs weaken due to the activity of the active substance.
The instructions for the syrup "Fluditec" are very detailed.
special instructions
Patients with diabetes or a low-carb diet should take into account that one teaspoon of baby syrup contains 3.5 g of sucrose.
According to the instructions for use, Fluditex syrup 50 mg per milliliter is used only by children after fifteen years and adults.
The most truthful and eloquent reviews about the effectiveness of the drug - from those who have already taken it. Naturally, there is no unequivocal opinion: someone scolds the medicine, and someone, on the contrary, praises. For example, there are reviews on the Web that claim that the drug is highly effective and treats cough in children without any discomfort.
But along with the positive, there are also negative reviews that state the absence of the necessary influence or partial assistance. Sometimes patients talk about side effects that only worsen the condition of the child. Of course, reading reviews is unlikely to help determine how appropriate the use of the drug is, but you can understand what to expect from it. That is why in no case should you self-medicate. If the condition of the child worsens, he should be shown to the doctor, and he, in turn, will decide which medicine will help him. Doctor consultation is very important. If a specialist prescribed Fluditec to a patient, and no improvement occurs within 2-3 days, it is necessary to inform him about this in order to avoid possible negative manifestations and unnecessary burden on the baby's body. In addition, we must not forget that the syrup is most effective when taken in the appropriate dosage, without alternating with antitussive drugs and agents that suppress bronchial secretion.