Instructions for use "Holosas". What helps "Holosas"

The drug "Holosas" is a choleretic drug containing natural ingredients of plant origin. First of all, it is used to stabilize the activity of the liver, which occurs due to the improvement of natural metabolic processes. Over the entire period of its existence, this drug has won many positive reviews confirming its good quality and high performance.

What helps "Holosas"

This tool has a diverse effect on the body and improves the functioning of many organs and systems:

  • It affects the composition of bile, increasing the amount of cholate contained in it, which contributes to a change in its structure and a decrease in viscosity.
  • Increases the tone of the gallbladder.
  • It relaxes the smooth muscles of the bile ducts.
  • Stimulates the pancreas.
  • Enhances wave-like bowel contractions.
  • Improves the general condition of many internal organs.
  • Accelerates the natural metabolism.
  • Saturates the body with vitamins PP, C, E, A and group B, as well as other, no less useful trace elements and substances.
  • It stops inflammation.
  • It has an antiseptic effect aimed at the destruction of all sorts of microbes.
  • It has a diuretic effect that does not provoke excessive kidney stress.
  • Enhances the effect of tanidazole and identical substances.
  • Prevents the multiplication of anaerobic bacteria.
  • Supports healthy microflora in the intestines.
  • Promotes the outflow of excess bile.
  • Normalizes and strengthens the immune system.
  • Restores parenchymal cells and supports their normal functioning.

Knowing what helps Holosas, you can correctly use it to treat adults and children.

Release form

Means "Holosas" is made in the form of syrup with a dark brown tint and a characteristic aroma. The liquid is placed in bottles of 130 and 300 ml. This form of release "Holosas" is very convenient for oral use. In addition, even small children are happy to absorb syrup, because sweet medicine has a rather pleasant taste and aroma.

Composition and form of issue "Holosas"

Syrup base

The composition of the drug is quite simple and includes:

  • rosehip extract, which plays the role of the main active ingredient, approximately 0.4 g of fruit concentrate is present in each milliliter of syrup;
  • sugar acts as an additional ingredient, helps maintain the structure of the product and improves its absorption by the body;
  • distilled water is also an auxiliary substance.

Indications for use

Use "Holosas" advisable when:

  • hepatitis of any kind that has become chronic, especially if the disease negatively affects the process of outflow of bile;
  • inflammatory phenomena covering the gallbladder, interfering with its normal operation;
  • alcohol poisoning;
  • various disorders in metabolic processes;
  • inflammation covering the bile ducts;
  • lack of balance between the levels of vitamins PP and C;
  • general deterioration of the state of immunity.
Instructions for use "Holosas"

In addition, the indication for the use of "Holosas" may be the prevention of diseases relating to the tissues of the liver and gall bladder.

In fact, the scope of this drug is quite extensive. For example, the Holosas syrup is often used for constipation in adults. Many patients prefer this remedy in view of its naturalness and relative harmlessness. However, in reality, this drug does not always cope with constipation. It turns out to be effective usually only in cases where the problem is caused by malfunctions of the pancreas.

Treating children

The drug is no less popular with parents. For example, Holosas is often used for jaundice in newborns. However, this area of ​​use is rather dubious and often causes a lot of controversy.

And it is not surprising, because the instructions for the drug say that one of its contraindications is the age of up to three years. But, despite this, many parents fight with the help of "Holosas" with jaundice in infants and talk about the success of such therapy. The tool has proven itself in the treatment of this pathology, even in the smallest children. And thanks to the herbal composition, many parents are not at all worried about side effects.

Treatment of jaundice in newborns "Holosasom"

Features of use in children

In the official instructions, the drug is approved for use from the age of three. But, as practice shows, it is often recommended for the treatment of various diseases in newborns. And this does not mean that one should doubt the competence of the doctor who advised Holosas to a small child. This practice is explained by the high effectiveness of the drug against the background of its safe composition, verification through numerous studies and a huge number of positive reviews. The results of various observations suggest that children are well tolerated. So, if necessary, it can still be used, but only as prescribed by the pediatrician. Although, of course, it is impossible to abuse "Holosas" in the treatment of children of any age.

Treatment of children with Holosas

Typically, the drug is recommended for babies with disorders during the outflow of bile, which manifests itself in the form of loss of appetite, abdominal pain, nausea and other symptoms. In children, such deviations, as a rule, turn out to be functional and caused by errors in nutrition. The use of "Holosas" in this case effectively and quickly enough stabilizes the impaired outflow, so that all unpleasant symptoms disappear.


Before you start using Holosas, it is very important to make sure that there are no restrictions, which are:

  • Individual intolerance to the drug or its individual ingredients.
  • Allergies.
  • Children under three years of age.
  • The period of pregnancy and lactation - these conditions are not considered an absolute contraindication, but require the mandatory consultation of a specialist.
  • In diabetes, Holosas syrup is strictly forbidden, regardless of the severity of the pathology.
  • Obstruction of the biliary tract.
  • Any form of cholecystitis in which the formation of stones is observed.
Contraindications to the use of "Holosas"

Instructions for use of the drug "Holosas"

The syrup is intended for oral administration. Due to its natural composition, it is most often well tolerated by the body. But in some cases, it is likely that some side effects will occur.

To prevent negative consequences, the use of "Holosas" should be carried out in accordance with the instructions:

  • The drug should be taken on an empty stomach, about half an hour before the planned meal.
  • For adults, the recommended dosage is a teaspoon. You need to take this amount of the drug 2-3 times every day.
  • Children over three years of age are advised to give a quarter teaspoon of syrup. At the same time, the frequency of taking the drug does not change - 2-3 times a day.
  • Children over 12 years old can be given half a teaspoon of syrup with the same frequency.
  • The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the severity of the identified pathology and the presence of positive changes in the patient's condition.

Side effects

Very rarely, after applying Holosas, negative consequences can occur. Usually they appear as an allergic reaction and excessive formation of gases. Patients may experience redness and itching.

You can get rid of such symptoms with a drink of plenty, as well as decoctions of caraway and coriander.

Side effects of Holosas

"Holosas" for weight loss

This popular syrup is often used precisely to get rid of extra pounds. In this case, white raisins and a special plant, senna, belonging to the legume family, are used as an addition.

According to numerous reviews, the use of "Holosas" according to a certain scheme really makes it possible to get rid of a few extra pounds. To do this, you should adhere to a special algorithm of actions:

  1. 200 g of raisins and senna in separate containers should be filled with boiling water and covered. The amount of water in both cases is a liter.
  2. After an hour, both infusions must be filtered to get a clean decoction.
  3. Then you need to mix them and add 300 ml of "Holosas".
  4. Take the prepared remedy every day before bedtime in half a glass.

The duration of the course depends on the amount of broth remaining. Once it is over, the procedure should be discontinued. The second course can be repeated no earlier than six months later.

Use for pancreatitis

As already mentioned, this drug has a choleretic effect. In addition, its composition contains many useful substances and vitamins. But is it possible to drink "Holosas" with pancreatitis? Definitely yes! In this case, the action of the syrup is aimed at improving the production of bile acids and bile, as well as reducing the load on the pancreas.

With pancreatitis, patients are advised to drink a teaspoon of syrup three times during the day. In the chronic form of the disease and during exacerbations, this dosage can be increased. However, the final decision rests with the doctor.

Reception of "Holosas" with pancreatitis

The duration of therapy depends on the severity of the pathology and its nature. With pancreatitis, "Holosas" is usually recommended to be taken until the patient's well-being is better and the unpleasant symptoms disappear. As a rule, the course of treatment lasts about 3-4 weeks. If necessary, it can be repeated after 10 days.


Most of the responses about Holosas are positive, due to several factors. Firstly, the product is based on herbal ingredients, which attracts many patients with its safety and minimal risk of side effects.

Secondly, Holosas effectively and quickly eliminates the unpleasant symptoms that torment people suffering from pathologies of the biliary tract and liver. According to reviews, the use of the drug for only a few days allows you to stop exacerbations of chronic diseases, such as pancreatitis.

Thirdly, this drug is used by many patients for weight loss. Such getting rid of extra pounds not only does not cause any problems, but also positively affects the general condition of the body.

In addition, "Holosas" has a restorative and tonic effect, due to which it plays the role of preventing colds, drowsiness, fatigue. It helps to easily transfer increased mental and physical stress.

In addition, “Holosas” has a positive effect on children's appetite, helping parents to combat the baby’s poor health.

But the disadvantages of the drug, according to user reviews, include its negative effect on blood pressure (the drug lowers it), an increase in the frequency of urination and the occurrence of allergies in the form of redness and itching. But these disadvantages rarely worsen the overall impression of “Holosas”, since they can be easily transferred, given the positive effect of the drug.

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