Books by Irina Khakamada about personality, society and politics

Book market analysts who closely monitor retail demand for various publications unanimously note the steady reader interest that Irina Khakamada’s books provoke. And this is an occasion to look more closely at the literary work of this unusual author.

From politics to literature

Not so long ago, we saw this woman as a candidate for the post of President of the Russian Federation. But at present, the famous Russian politician Irina Khakamada has refused to participate in active political activity and struggle for a place at the top of power. However, she did not leave public life.

books of irina hakamada
Today, the life priorities of this outstanding person have shifted to other areas of social life. And above all, it is literature and journalism. The books of Irina Khakamada are diverse, but always interesting. There is no lack of reader attention to them.

How it all began. Facts biography politician and public figure

Irina Khakamada, whose books are now receiving attention in various circles of Russian society, was born in 1955 in an international family. Her father was the famous Japanese communist Mutsuo Hakamada, who was in the USSR since 1939 in the status of a political emigrant. And her mother - Nina Sinelnikova, who had both Russian and Caucasian roots. Irina received an economic education at the University named after Patrice Lumumba. She defended her thesis, conducted scientific and teaching activities. I stood at the origins of the cooperative movement that laid the foundation for free enterprise. She was a member of the Council of the Russian Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange.

irina hakamada books

Established the Party of Economic Freedom. She held important government posts during the reign of President Yeltsin. She was elected as a deputy of the State Duma. Some books of Irina Khakamada reflect the facts of her biography. But these details in them are just an excuse to say something more.

About time and about myself

Irina Khakamada, whose books touch on many topics, events, facts and persons of recent Russian history, is completely not inclined to give her literary work an exclusively memorial character. Reading them, you understand that this is an attempt to comprehend the very difficult historical period of the nineties and the beginning of the two thousandth through the prism of your life experience. And this is the experience of a direct participant in many of the most important events of this time.

irina hakamada books reviews
It is no secret to anyone that Irina Khakamada also took part in making many economic decisions of the transition period. Books, reviews of which are always carefully studied by experts and analysts, tell how a market economy was created in Russia. And about the role of the author in these processes. First of all, we are talking about such works as “The Common Affair” and “Features of National Politics”.

Not only economics, not only politics

In understanding the realities of Russian life, it is customary to be based on the solid principles of materialism and classical dialectics. These are the traditions of the national philosophical school. In the framework of this paradigm, many publicists who write on topical issues remain. Irina Khakamada, whose books are devoted to the same circle of social problems, made an attempt to comprehend them from a completely different perspective. Her book, Sex in Big Politics, is dedicated to the role of gender in social processes, understanding the secret springs of career success, and unexpected twists in the fate of significant personalities.

books of irina hakamada tao of life

The author's ideas expressed in this book have received significant resonance both in Russian society and beyond. And the success of the publication has led to an increase in demand for other books by Irina Khakamada. Reader reviews indicate that many of the author’s thoughts are heard and understood.

"Tao of life." Eastern wisdom

In 2012, one of the most famous works of a politician and publicist was published. Like other books by Irina Khakamada, The Tao of Life covers a wide range of topics. But the author himself and the critics of his work have every reason to consider this work especially significant. What is this book about? In short - about the ways of becoming an individual and the strategy for achieving success. Of course, other books by Irina Khakamada are devoted to the same topics. But it is the “Tao of Life” that can help a thoughtful reader to find answers to the most significant questions of being, to separate the important from the secondary in everyday existence, rationally prioritize the near and distant future.

books of irina hakamada tao of life

This book is based on a thousand-year-old oriental philosophy, and its wisdom is considered in all corners of the world. A more rational reader, flipping through the books of Irina Khakamada in the hope of extracting the keys from them for a successful career in business or politics, will not be mistaken. Through all the experience of his life, including in literature, the author proved that these keys are contained in his books.

Will Hakamada return to big politics?

Many of those who care about the future of Russia are asking whether Irina Khakamada should be expected to return to big politics. Often, she herself has to answer about her plans for the future. The politician shies away from a direct and categorical answer to this question, adhering to the old principle of "never say never." And at present, all interested parties can only leaf through the books of Irina Khakamada in the hope of finding answers to all questions on their pages.

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