How to cook beef stroganoff with cream? Gently cut the beef into cubes, stew in a fragrant mixture of creamy ingredients. Do not forget to complement the hearty treat with a light side dish of potatoes or rice.
Russian Cuisine: Gourmet Beef Meal
Traditional meat treats fit into the concept of a festive evening, a solemn feast, as well as in the daily diet of gourmets.
Products Used:
- 600 g of beef fillet;
- 250 g of champignons;
- 35 g flour;
- 30 g Dijon mustard;
- 25 g butter;
- 200 ml of meat broth;
- 90 ml cream;
- 2 onions;
- 2 pickled cucumbers.
Cooking process:
- Cut the beef into thin strips, chop the onion, cut the mushrooms into quarters.
- Cook the meat portion-wise in hot oil for two minutes.
- Heat oil, fry onions and mushrooms, sprinkle with flour.
- Gradually pour the broth, stirring the contents of a deep pan.
- Add fat cream, a tablespoon of mustard, meat slices and finely chopped pickled cucumbers.
Stir the ingredients thoroughly, simmer for 6 to 8 minutes. Season with aromatic herbs and aromatic spice powders (black and red peppers, turmeric, tarragon, marjoram can be used).
Wine sauce with cream. How to cook beef stroganoff?
Make an unusual sauce variation by diluting the creamy texture with wine accents.
You will need:
- 500 g of beef fillet;
- 150 g of mushrooms;
- 30 g of French mustard;
- 25 g butter;
- 170 ml of heavy cream;
- 110 ml of red wine;
- 1 onion;
- 1 pickle;
- 1 tomato;
- paprika.
How to cook:
- Cut the beef into cubes or strips, fry in oil, set aside the finished ingredient.
- Add chopped onion rings, cucumber circles, mix.
- Tomato, peeled and diced, simmer for 3 to 8 minutes with sliced mushrooms.
- Pour red wine, boil, add cream and French mustard.
- Add meat, mix thoroughly with other ingredients, season with spices.
Serve a treat with cooked rice, remaining slices of cucumbers and ripe tomatoes. Garnish with a fragrant sprig of dill or parsley, sprinkle with black pepper peas.
Hearty lunch idea: juicy beef tenderloin with champignons
Prepare a tender meat sauce with cream or sour cream. The classic recipe for beef stroganoff with cream can be varied by an abundance of spicy spices, lemon zest. Add Provencal herbs to the mushrooms.
- 500 g of beef fillet;
- 300 g of champignons;
- 300 ml of meat broth;
- 230 ml sour cream or cream;
- 5 to 10 g of sugar;
- 5-6 gherkins;
- 2 onions;
- flour;
- parsley.
The cooking process step by step:
- Cut the fillet into very thin strips with a diameter of about 4 x 4 mm and a length of not more than 5 cm.
- Cut the cucumbers into strips, the mushrooms into slices, the onions into rings.
- Fry the meat in a pan, transfer to a separate container.
- Fry onions and mushrooms, add cucumbers, sprinkle with flour, pour in the broth and simmer for the next 10 - 15 minutes.
- Stir in sour cream and season with salt, sugar, add meat, cook another 4 - 5 minutes.
As a side dish, use potatoes (boiled, mashed or french), potato croquettes, long-grain rice. Additional spices are white pepper, paprika or rosemary.
Recipe for a slow cooker, beef stroganoff with cream
Products Used:
- 500 g of beef meat;
- 50 g butter;
- 60 g of wheat flour;
- 35 g sour cream;
- 30 g of tomato paste;
- 1 onion.
Cooking process:
- Gently cut the beef into strips, the onion into rings.
- Set the slow cooker to the “Baking” or “Frying” mode, cook the onion for 8 to 10 minutes.
- Roll the meat in flour, season with spicy spices and aromatic herbs.
- Put the beef in a slow cooker, cook the next 20 to 30 minutes.
- Add sour cream, tomato paste, mix thoroughly.
Add a little cold water if necessary. Stir the food for 1 - 1.5 minutes, switch to the "Extinguishing" mode, cook for 1.5 hours.
Beef stroganoff with spices. Spicy Beef with Citrus Accent
Prepare a dish according to a traditional recipe: classic beef stroganoff with sour cream and meat broth. A creamy addition emphasizes the delicate texture of fried meat.
We will prepare the following products:
- 500 g of beef fillet;
- 35 g butter;
- 2 onions;
- 30 g of flour;
- 250 ml of broth;
- 125 ml cream;
- 2 cucumbers, diced;
- 100 g of mushrooms, fresh, finely chopped;
- lemon juice;
- mustard.
- For beef stroganoff with cream, cook the beef separately.
- Cut the meat into strips, fry in olive oil.
- Roughly chop the onion in chaotic slices, fry until crusted.
- Sprinkle with flour, add the broth and cook the sauce for 11-15 minutes.
- Add cream, season with mustard, salt and lemon juice.
- Boil the mushrooms and diced gherkins in the sauce.
- Cut the meat into strips and fry in a separate pan.
Combine spiced meat with cream sauce. To beef stroganoff beef garnish will serve: fried potatoes, rice, pasta. Serve with fresh vegetables, lettuce.
Classic beef stroganoff with champignons, onions
Products Used:
- 600 g of ground beef;
- 100 g of champignons;
- 50 g butter;
- 500 ml of beef broth;
- 150 ml sour cream;
- 60 ml of olive oil;
- 1 onion;
- mustard.
Getting started:
- Cut beef meat into thin strips, season with salt and pepper.
- Heat a tablespoon of olive oil, fry beef for 30 - 40 seconds.
- Turn over with cooking tongs or a spatula.
- Set aside the prepared meat, start frying the onions and mushrooms.
- Cut the onion in half rings, champignons - in strips or slices.
- Fry the ingredients until golden brown, add flour.
- Stir the ingredients continuously, add more spicy spices.
- Gradually add fragrant meat broth, simmer for 3-4 minutes.
- Mix gently, add mustard and sour cream, cook another 3-5 minutes.
- Once the sauce has thickened to a creamy consistency, add beef.
As practice shows, the classic recipe for beef stroganoff with beef and cream is easily amenable to culinary changes. Often cooks use pork or chicken instead of beef. Of course, this changes the taste of the dish, but with skillful cooking the meat turns out to be no less tasty, juicy and nutritious.