Salivary stone disease: symptoms, treatment, photo

Sometimes the tissues of the salivary glands begin to inflame, their function is disrupted, which contributes to the occurrence of salivary stone disease. What it is? Any person has three pairs of large salivary glands. In addition to them, in the oral cavity there are a large number of small glands that secrete saliva. Stones of completely different sizes can form in them or in their excretory ducts. Let's try to figure out what is salivary stone disease. Symptoms, treatment of this disease will also be considered.

Why can stones form?

You should know that in the oral cavity of a person is a large number of microorganisms. In healthy people with strong immunity, they do not manifest themselves in any way, since saliva neutralizes them. In addition, many obstacles prevent microbes from entering the body.

salivary stone disease

A problem can arise when a person rises in body temperature or, for certain reasons, dehydrates the body, as well as with irritation of the salivary glands mechanically. This leads to the fact that harmful microorganisms enter the large glands, which begin to multiply there, causing their inflammation. It, in turn, presses on the ducts, which results in stagnation of saliva. This is the reason for the further reproduction of pathogenic microflora and the occurrence of purulent processes.

Thus, this disease is formed due to the fact that some substances that should be dissolved by saliva begin to crystallize.


If salivary stone disease occurs, its symptoms may appear as follows:

  • the face and neck begin to swell due to blockage of the salivary ducts, because there is an accumulation of fluid, and when a stone is located in the parotid gland near the ears, a swelling occurs;
  • the process of chewing and swallowing food is difficult, since the buccal muscles are involved;
  • if the stone is large, it’s difficult not only to open its mouth, but also to talk;
  • at rest, pain in the mouth and cheeks begins to be felt;
  • due to the fact that saliva practically ceases to be produced, an unpleasant feeling of dryness in the mouth occurs;
  • face and neck may turn red;
  • with the transition of the disease to the stage of purulent inflammation, the state of health begins to deteriorate, the body temperature rises, weakness and headache occur;
  • if the parotid glands become inflamed, protrusion of the earlobe occurs;
  • an unpleasant aftertaste appears in the oral cavity.

salivary stone disease treatment

Symptoms of a disease such as salivary stone disease develop gradually. The initial stage is characterized by unpleasant sensations that occur during eating. After 20 minutes, the discomfort disappears, but do not flatter yourself too much, as the pathological process begins to develop. If untreated, it goes into the acute phase.

Acute and chronic form of the disease

Salivary stone disease occurs in acute and chronic form. In the first case, it develops suddenly and is accompanied by severe pain, general weakness, and fever. In the area of ​​the outlet of the duct of the gland, redness, swelling and soreness occurs.

salivary stone disease photo

As soon as the acute stage becomes chronic, the inflammatory process disappears, but a slight swelling persists and asymmetry of the glands develops.

Diagnosis of the disease

If you suspect a pathology such as salivary stone disease, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible, who will make the correct diagnosis. Usually, at the first appointment, he interviews the patient about past colds or other possible causes of the disease. Then it begins to examine the area of ​​the gland, palpates it and can feel for a stone in it.

In addition, an x-ray of the salivary gland, carried out with the introduction of a contrast medium, helps to diagnose the disease. This method is called "sialography." An iodine-containing drug is injected into the duct, which allows you to see its structure, as well as the location of the stone.

salivary stone disease symptoms

The doctor can also prescribe an ultrasound scan, which also allows you to determine the location of the stone. It can be very small or located very deep, which is why the doctor cannot feel for it. Sometimes carry out computed tomography of the gland. Therefore, if you feel even slight discomfort in the salivary gland, you should consult a doctor.

Conservative treatment

If salivary stone disease occurs, treatment is most often carried out surgically. It is used only if conservative therapy has not brought any result.

The acute form of the disease requires immediate treatment. If it becomes chronic, the course of therapy lasts about two weeks.

Conservative treatment includes:

  • the use of drugs that can enhance the secretion of the salivary glands;
  • conducting a course of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that lower the temperature, reduce tissue swelling and relieve inflammation;
  • antibiotic therapy;
  • physiotherapeutic treatment.

salivary stone disease in children

In addition, conservative treatment includes eating a meal consisting of grated and ground products. It is also necessary to drink as much warm fruit juice as possible or a rosehip decoction in order to increase salivation.


If salivary stone disease, photo of which can be seen in medical guides, goes into a chronic form, proceeding with exacerbations, there is a need for surgical treatment. But first, doctors carry out galvanization of the salivary glands, which consists in the fact that the gland is exposed to electric current of small power. Sometimes this is enough to eliminate the stones. If this is not possible, then they are already conducting surgery.

salivary stone disease symptoms treatment

The operation has clear indications for its conduct:

  • if as a result of a purulent process, the gland tissues begin to straighten out;
  • there was a complete blockage of the salivary gland duct with the onset of pain.

Surgical treatment consists in opening the duct first and then installing drainage. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, the pain medication is administered in several places 1-2 cm behind the stone. Parallel to the passage of the duct, two ligatures are imposed on both sides, which are used as “holders”. Only after this the mucous membrane is cut across, then the duct is opened and the stone is removed. The wound is not sutured, but a drainage tube or tape is inserted. To prevent the inflammatory process, antibacterial drugs are introduced into the area of ​​the postoperative wound.

Salivary stone disease: treatment with folk remedies

Treatment of such a disease with the help of folk remedies is auxiliary in nature and should be used in conjunction with traditional medicine.

The most common method is the use of drinking soda, a teaspoon of which is dissolved in a glass of warm water. A cotton swab is moistened in this solution and wiped with an oral cavity.

salivary stone disease treatment with folk remedies

A rather effective method is rinsing with solutions of herbs, such as sage, chamomile and eucalyptus.

Features of the disease in children

Salivary stone disease in children is quite rare and usually occurs in those who have weak immunity, as well as congenital changes in the ducts of the salivary gland.

The treatment is complex and consists in removing the stone, removing the inflammatory process, using desensitizing, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory therapy and physiotherapy.


Salivary stone disease can be asymptomatic and completely not interfere with life. But at the slightest manifestations of this disease, you need to see a doctor, because it often takes a chronic form, and this already provides for surgical treatment.

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