Appearance for every person is of great importance. After all, as everyone knows, they are met by clothes. In this article, I want to talk about what to do if my lips crack and peel very much.
Main reasons
Always begin to consider the problem, starting with its origins. That is why now I want to understand why lips crack and peel. There are several main causes of this problem:
- Weathering. It is worth saying that lips can peel off not only in winter, when there is dry, frosty air outside, but even in summer. You should always remember that they canβt be licked on the street, because in the summer they are blown by hot and in winter by cold air. This leads to drying of the upper protective layer of the lips, the appearance of cracks and, as a result, peeling.
- Allergic reaction. The next reason why lips can peel off is all kinds of allergies. However, the border of the lips also becomes red, inflamed. This happens most often due to the use of low-quality cosmetics: lipsticks, balms or lip glosses.
- Burn. The next reason peeling and chapping lips is a burn. It can be both cold - in winter, and thermal - in summer. In addition to peeling, a person will also have a slight swelling of the lips, dry mouth, itching and inflammation of the skin.
- Vitamin deficiency. It can also cause peeling. Most often this happens if a person has a deficiency of vitamins of groups A, B, E and F.
- Unhealthy Lifestyle. If a person smokes, takes alcohol, eats junk food - all this affects the body as a whole and on the lips in particular. For example, when smoking, the lips also discolor, become pale.
- Diseases Often the lips crack and peel due to certain diseases. So, first of all, this happens during a fever, when the body loses such important moisture. Gastrointestinal diseases can also lead to similar problems. Herpes, fungal diseases, dysbiosis are also common causes of peeling.
Method 1. Proper nutrition
Lips peel and crack: why and what to do? We understand further. So, I want to say that there are many different ways to deal with this problem. The first one is to set up and adjust your own nutrition. It must be fortified and balanced. Baking, baking, baking, pickles and marinades, smoked meats and convenience foods can cause dehydration. It is necessary to try to refuse to accept these foods as much as possible. Fiber needs more attention. So, it is good to eat vegetables and fruits in fresh and boiled form, with a minimum amount of salt used during cooking. You also need to drink fresh juices. Well, you should remember that every day you need to drink at least two liters of clean water.
Method 2. Vitamins
If a person has flaky and chapped lips, this can be corrected with vitamins. They must be taken orally (both with food and in tablet form). Vitamins A and E are especially important. It is also good to take fish oil. If his taste does not like, they can lubricate their lips twice a day.
Method 3. Massage
Lips, like other parts of the body, need to be massaged. You can use your fingers for this. However, it is the toothbrush that copes with this task perfectly. It helps not only exfoliate dead skin, but also gives the lips a natural reddish tint. The procedure should be performed no more than once a week.
Method 4. Protection
If a person has flaky and chapped lips, you need to try to protect them. To do this, there are special balms and lipsticks. They can be purchased at any pharmacy. Men are better off choosing colorless products, while for women there are special protective lipsticks. You need to use them regardless of the time of year. Indeed, in the summer, sponges can be burned in the sun, and in the winter they can wind or frostbite.
Method 5. Tonic
Most often, flaky and chapped lips are in the cold season - this is no secret. And in order to prepare for the winter, they need to be tempered. As a tonic, you can take the most ordinary piece of ice. Twice a day - morning and evening - they need to wipe their lips. So they will acquire a natural shade, and will also not negatively react to the influence of cold temperatures and dry air in winter.
Folk remedies
If your lips are peeling, what to do and what means to use is the first question that a person will be interested in. It is worth saying that it is very effective in this case, the means of traditional medicine. What can be done here?
- If lips crack and peel, they should be periodically lubricated with honey. It is also an excellent prophylactic.
- You can also make homemade simple, but very effective balm. So, for this you need to take cocoa butter, shea butter, almonds, cocoa powder and wax - all for a coffee spoon. Wax and oils melt, then cocoa powder is added there. Everything mixes to a homogeneous consistency. After the product cools down a little, it must be poured into an old clean tube of lip balm. The medicine should be stored in the refrigerator, the maximum time is six months. This balm is used at any convenient time as a substitute for pharmaceutical hygienic lipstick.
- Calendula oil. This plant has an excellent anti-inflammatory agent. For medicinal purposes, they can lubricate their lips about 3-4 times a day.
- You can also prepare a softening and healing agent. To do this, take the rosehip oil and sea buckthorn, mix in equal amounts. Apply on lips three times a day.
- Aloe juice. If the first cracks appear on the lips, you can cope with them and not bring the problem to peeling with aloe juice. You need to pick a leaf of this plant and rub it with a cut of the lip. Throughout the day, the sheet can be cut into pieces and treated with cracks with fresh slices.
- Sour cream mask. His lips peel and crack, why and what to do - these questions often worry many people. To cope with the problem, you can also make a simple sour cream mask. To prepare it, you need to take a teaspoon of homemade sour cream, mix it with a few drops of lemon juice, then you need to add 2-3 drops of any oil (vegetable, olive). Everything is mixed and applied to the lips, preheated by massage, for 15 minutes. After the procedure, you need to smear your lips with fat baby cream or petroleum jelly.
- The following remedy can be used to prevent cracking and flaking of the lips. First, the lips need to be massaged with a toothbrush. Next, spread with pre-prepared balm. To do this, you need to mix honey and jojoba oil in an equal amount, adding a couple of drops of tea tree. The agent is applied before bedtime, no more than once a week. Lips will not only not peel off, but will also acquire a natural reddish tint.
However, it is worth remembering that you need to use several effective means, and not all together. It will take some time to find your recipes, but your lips will be grateful for your efforts.