If gastritis with high acidity is detected, then you must definitely pay attention to nutrition. It is important to carefully choose drinks. Mineral water is useful for increased acidity of the stomach . It must be taken in combination with medicines, otherwise there will be no positive effect. The rules for receiving and choosing water are described in the article.
Mineral water with increased acidity of the stomach is considered useful, since it includes many useful components that restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and kidneys. It has natural trace elements that are of great benefit to the human body. In water, there are substances that can not always be obtained from conventional products.
The composition is determined by the source from which water is extracted. Information about this, as well as indications for use, contraindications and the manufacturer are indicated on the container label. Mineral should consist of:
- carbon dioxide;
- ions of chlorine, iodine, magnesium, potassium, calcium;
- silicon and boron.
These components are considered basic. Each water has a unique composition that has a different effect on the human condition.
Mineral water is of several types, depending on the type of ions that prevail in it. It happens:
- Alkaline. It has a lot of bicarbonates. Mineral is effective for gastritis and other diseases of the digestive system.
- Sulphate. It is used to restore the activity of the gallbladder and liver.
- Chloride. Used to regulate bowel function.
- Magnesium-containing. It is used for stress, as well as for disorders of the nervous, vascular, cardiac system.
- Ferruginous. In such a mineral water there are many iron ions and its compounds, with the help of which the hematopoietic system is normalized.
The effectiveness and advantages of drinking mineral water
What mineral water to drink with high acidity? With this ailment, alkaline medicinal-table or table fresh water will be effective. It has bicarbonates and many ions of different metals. It is able to reduce the concentration of hydrochloric acid by binding it.
Hydrocarbonates enter the body, which reduce the concentration of hydrogen ions in the body. And they are needed for the production of acid in the stomach. As a result, the level of acidity normalizes, and the feeling of nausea and heartburn decreases. The effect of mineral water with increased acidity of the stomach is to improve metabolism, since it can saturate the lymph with the necessary trace elements. There is also an improvement in immunity, a person recovers faster.
Mineral water with increased acidity of the stomach normalizes the functioning of the glands of this organ. With it, the production of mucus is activated, which protects the walls of the stomach from excess acid. With regular intake of mineral water, the output of food into the intestine is accelerated. This ensures the prevention of congestion, which restores acid to normal. A person does not feel nausea, there is no belching, heaviness in the stomach, heartburn disappears.
The doctor must perform preliminary diagnostics and provide recommendations for treatment. Also, a specialist will tell you which mineral water is better to choose. This is important to consider, since the treatment regimen and dosage are selected individually.
The choice
What mineral water to drink with high acidity in the stomach? All companies that produce medicinal water offer several types of products. For example, under the name "Essentuki" several types of mineral water are produced. There are species designed to improve the functioning of the digestive organs. Which mineral water with increased acidity of the stomach from this company is suitable for treatment? You can choose No. 2 or No. 17. They have a lot of bicarbonate, which will help restore acidity.
Before buying, you should consult with the seller about whether alkaline water is on sale. Only it can be used to reduce acidity. When choosing a mineral water with increased acidity of the stomach, one should read the indications for use: they are always indicated on the label of the bottle.
So what kind of water is needed? It should be an alkaline medical-dining room or a fresh dining room with a small amount of carbon dioxide. With timely use, a healthy fluid can not only eliminate malfunctions of the digestive system, but also for a long period to get rid of unpleasant symptoms. The general well-being of the patient depends on the right choice.
Today in shops and pharmacies you can find different names of mineral waters. With increased acidity of the stomach, the following minerals help:
- Mirgorodskaya.
- "Luzhanskaya."
- "Zbruchanskaya."
- Borjomi
- "Glade Kvasova."
Water "Essentuki", "Bukovinskaya", "Shayanskaya", "Polyana Kupel" is also suitable. Each mineral water has its own effect on the digestive tract, which should be recognized before use. For any diseases of the stomach, you should not take mineral water, which increases the acidity of the stomach.
This water is sodium chloride. It is used as a dining room every day. With hypertension and a low-salt diet, mineral water should be used carefully and in small doses. It is effective in pancreatitis, metabolic disorders, diseases of the liver and biliary tract.
This mineral water is one of the most popular. It has a lot of minerals and vitamins. It is used as a medicine for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, with high acidity. With this treatment, it will be possible to reduce acid, get rid of belching, feelings of nausea. The properties of Essentuki water include the following:
- elimination of inflammation;
- the withdrawal of mucus from the stomach and intestines;
- getting rid of heaviness in the stomach;
- normalization of the digestive process;
- elimination of toxins, harmful substances.
Medicinal water is prescribed for gastritis with high acidity. She is capable of:
- to activate the secretory activity of the stomach, the separation of mucus;
- reduce acid levels in the stomach;
- restore bowel function.
There are a lot of minerals in this water. Mineralization is 5.5-7.5 g per 1 liter. It is also used for ulcers, pancreatitis, and diabetes. Mineral is effective for joint pathologies, flu, colds and coughs. Her intake is able to improve the condition when playing sports, but it is forbidden to take with gout, arthritis, migraines, heart defects.
The doctor should prescribe the type of mineral water, as well as the treatment regimen. The initial dosage is 50-100 ml per day. It should be borne in mind that with an increased concentration of mineral substances, inflammation may appear that affects the gastric mucosa. Therapy is 1 month, and a year will require 2-4 courses.
It is advisable to drink water 1.5 hours before a meal. Then, even before the food arrives, the mineral water will completely pass into the intestine. It is advisable to use it in a heated form, up to 40-45 degrees. Then the excess of carbon dioxide, which stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, will be eliminated.
With increased acidity, the mineral water should be taken with caution. It is necessary to end its reception when:
- lethargy;
- burping;
- flatulence;
- pain in the epigastric part.
For these symptoms, consult a doctor. He will provide recommendations for further treatment.
Cons of drinking mineral water: contraindications
Although the mineral water has a useful composition, it can not always be used. It is contraindicated to drink water with:
- diseases of the heart, blood vessels, circulatory disorders;
- acute inflammation of the kidneys;
- exacerbation of chronic gastritis;
- severe impaired bowel function;
- severe nausea and vomiting;
- external and internal bleeding;
- alcohol intoxication;
- under 3 years old;
- late toxicosis, scars on the uterus, the threat of abortion.
During the bearing of a child, women need to consult a doctor, as well as specify the dose, type of mineral water, its temperature. If a large amount of water enters the body, stones in the kidney and gall bladder are likely to appear, and tooth enamel is destroyed over time.
Gastritis is an unpleasant ailment that gives a person a lot of inconvenience. His treatment should be comprehensive. Mineral intake should be required. Only upon receipt of the necessary trace elements will it be possible to restore the digestive tract, reduce the secretion of gastric acid and simply normalize the personβs well-being.