Probably every person heard the phrase “withdrawal syndrome” at least once in his life. But lucky for those who know that this is only in theory. But what about those who are faced with this phenomenon in practice? We will talk about this in this material.
Withdrawal syndrome is the most severe condition of the body (both psychologically and physically). The consequence of abstinence is the refusal of alcohol or narcotic substances (including nicotine), to the regular use of which a person is addicted. The people often call abstinence a hangover, brittle. As a rule, a hangover is called withdrawal symptoms caused by the abandonment of alcohol; brittle - withdrawal symptoms caused by drug deprivation. But, regardless of what substance the body is deprived of, the symptomatology has much in common. What exactly?
So, withdrawal symptoms symptoms have the following. Let's start with the manifestations of the nervous system. This is irritability, tension, anxiety, lack of objective reasons, insomnia, inability to concentrate, aggressiveness. Some people tend to underestimate such manifestations. In fact, withdrawal can result in depression, which in turn can lead to thoughts of suicide. There is also a risk that the level of aggression will increase so much that a person, without controlling himself, can harm the people around him. Therefore, manifestations of the nervous system must be taken into account!
And, of course, the most worrisome are the physical manifestations of withdrawal symptoms. These include pain, nausea, vomiting, weakness throughout the body, diarrhea (or constipation), tachycardia (increased heart rate), bradycardia (decreased heart rate), increased (sometimes lower) blood pressure, increased sweating, tremor ( hand shake), feeling of lack of air. This, unfortunately, is far from all of the manifestations of withdrawal symptoms. For everything here depends on how strong the body is initially, as well as on how long it has been exposed to alcohol or drugs. A major role is played by how sharply the body was deprived of the substance that caused the addiction. The more abruptly this happened, the more acute the manifestation of withdrawal symptoms.
Symptoms of withdrawal symptoms have been elucidated. And now the question naturally arises: "How to remove withdrawal symptoms?". Of course, everyone close to a person who has an addiction wants to be able to do this easily and quickly, preferably at home. But, most often, it is simply impossible. As a matter of fact, without the intervention of physicians, only nicotine withdrawal syndrome and a light hangover can pass through relatively easily. In other cases, it is worth seeking help from specialists who will monitor the patient's condition, because it is simply impossible to measure some vital signs at home, as well as provide the necessary help. In special institutions, detoxification (in other words detoxification) of the body (including injections and droppers) is carried out, as well as the treatment of those complications that arose during the use of addictive substances. But even after the withdrawal syndrome is removed, you should not relax. There are very few people who, after breaking up or having a hangover, have stopped using doping. Usually requires a long work with a psychologist, rehabilitation. Because physical dependence, as practice shows, is much easier to overcome than psychological. And, it is worth repeating, - only specialists (who must have an appropriate license for that) can do all this expertly! Therefore, to believe the ads on the pillar, promising in 1 day to get rid of addictions forever - is not an option!
But whoever is warned is armed, which means that you now know how to behave in a difficult situation!