There are many treatments for hypertension and heart failure. Among them, "Diroton" is far from the last. Reviews of experts indicate that it perfectly lowers blood pressure even in people suffering from chronic hypertension. In addition, the drug is prescribed in the treatment of conditions associated with impaired cardiac activity. It can be used for monotherapy and as part of complex therapy.
Despite its high efficiency, not all specialists are well treated with Diroton. Reviews of some doctors emphasize the large number of adverse reactions that provoke the use of the drug. What are these adverse reactions? Diroton tablets can cause:
Dizziness, headache
Dyspeptic disorders: diarrhea, nausea, vomiting
· Dry frequent cough
Pain in the sternum, tachycardia
· Physical weakness, excessive pressure loss
Allergic reactions rash, swelling, itching
· Lower hemoglobin, increased ESR
Arthralgia, hyperkalemia
· Marked impairment of kidney or liver function
It is for these reasons that the medicine is prescribed very carefully. Nevertheless, "Diroton", reviews of other experts contradict the first, is a powerful drug that can bring relief to many patients. But, like most remedies, it is prescribed only when the expected benefit largely exceeds the hypothetical harm.
How do patients relate to the drug "Diroton"? Reviews of people taking the medicine vary in their assessment. Some note a rapid improvement in their condition. Others, agreeing that the drug is undoubtedly effective, report that they had to wait a long time for recovery, and the doses were quite high. Still others complain that the Diroton medicine did not help at all.
There is nothing strange about this. After all, the body of each person is a unique creature with its own individual reactions, its own susceptibility or immunity. For some patients suffering from high blood pressure, the drug is completely contraindicated.
"Diroton", reviews of all experts in this matter are one, contraindicated:
With hyperaldosteronism, i.e. disease associated with excessively high production of the adrenal cortex hormone aldosterone
· For children
Pregnant, lactating
· After a kidney transplant
In case of any impairment of renal activity: stenosis of arteries, progressive azotemia
· If a history of angioneurotic edema is recorded
All current experts agreed that Diroton should be used with caution in the following cases:
With vomiting, increased sweating, diarrhea
If the appointment of "Diroton" was preceded by treatment with diuretics that can cause a sharp drop in pressure
· To old people
· Those whose professions need increased attention, coordination, concentration
In case of impaired renal function
Hungarian "Diroton" has analogues that some doctors prefer this drug.
This is Dapril, which is produced in Cyprus, Iramed from Croatia, the Indian Lysacard, the German drug Lysigamma, and Lisinopril, produced in Russia.
Drugs vary in price and composition of excipients.
It should be rigorously remembered that independent, without the recommendation of a doctor, treatment with any of these drugs can cause fatal harm to the body.
Doctors are required to prescribe treatment with any of the following formulations only after examination of the patient. In addition, it is very important to correctly use the medicine, observing its dosage and rules for admission.
So "Diroton" is recommended to take, depending on the condition and diagnosis, from 10 to 40 (this is the maximum dose) milligrams per day. In the event that the patient takes diuretics, Diroton is canceled or its use is reduced to 5 mg per day.