How to learn to draw sketches of clothes? How to sketch clothes

Fashion - “lady” is changeable and very unstable. Nevertheless, she often returns to long-forgotten styles and, adding a fresh idea, creates unique things. Many women strive to follow all the laws of fashion and keep abreast of design developments of clothes to be in the forefront of fashionistas.

clothes sketch

Sense of style

Here's what you can say about fashion, according to the famous Coco Chanel: “A fashionable thing is one that suits you.” As a rule, every woman knows her own style from an early age, selects things based on her figure, facial features, eye color and hair. To many it may seem that such subtleties are superfluous, but each individual touch in a person’s appearance, correctly and favorably emphasized with the help of clothes, can turn him into a beautiful and “stylish” person.

Of course, every woman does not want to be like the others, prefers to have her own zest in appearance. Invented different ways to select an individual hairstyle, makeup, clothing. We will focus on clothing. It is customary in our country that almost all of our women can independently sew their outfits. If not, then having your own sketches of invented models, you can safely turn to the atelier for tailoring clothes. In any case, a woman will be directly involved in the creation of her things.

The first step in creating clothes

We are accustomed to children on New Year's own to create costumes, while we first draw a sketch of clothes, and then we cut out. You should also act when creating your own things. New ideas are constantly being born in the head for the manufacture of a model for a dress or skirt, or maybe a suit. And when I managed to do my first successful thing, the feeling of euphoria fills, I want to create again and again, to create my own collection of clothes.

how to learn to draw sketches

Learning to draw a man

To get started, you will need to master a small drawing technique. You need to learn how to draw a person specifically for your sketches, so that the invented clothing models look profitable, and every detail that creates an individual style of the model is visible. Even if at school you were hard given drawings of men, it’s okay, we will draw a little differently.

The first thing is to draw a silhouette of a person, to calculate the proportions in the size of the trunk and legs. The generally accepted proportion of a person’s body relative to his head averages 7.5: 1. But in the sketch drawing of clothes, to make the invented model look more interesting, the legs are lengthened by one unit, respectively, 8.5: 1. But do not overdo it in the length of the legs, otherwise the whole picture will be distorted.

how to draw sketches of clothing models

To make your clothing sketch more understandable and meet all the requirements of a model drawing, draw the joints in circles in the silhouette of a person. They will look like a hinge on the bends. And then connect them with thin lines, the chest should look like an inverted trapezoid, and the head should be oval. So we got a person to try on our ideas with.

Create a clothing sketch

Now comes the moment of drawing the general outline of the conceived clothes. When general sketches of clothes appeared around a man, you can use a pencil and an eraser to achieve detailing of the model and additions to clothes. Do not forget to make markings for the cut of this thing. A sketch of clothes is necessary in order to be able to most correctly select all the stylistic details of your collection; in the picture you can always correct any error and calculate all the subtleties of the cut.

Determine how long the dress or skirt will be, outline the cutouts or collars. And then draw as if dressing a person. If you plan to create a costume, then start drawing a blouse, then trousers or a skirt, and put on a jacket on top. Draw those details of things that are visible from under the suit. Naturally, underwear in this case is not worth drawing. If you need to specify the location of the seam, mark it with a solid line, and draw a zipper with a dotted line. Complete the sketch with details that will be part of your model - these are pockets, decorative overlays or zippers, jewelry.

clothing designs

Find out all the properties of your chosen fabric.

Now you can understand from your own experience the importance of sketching sketches when creating clothing collections. How to draw a sketch of clothes, you already know. It remains to go a little deeper into the subtleties of the fabric property and its drapery. Take a look at how the fabric of your choice lies, what wrinkles turn out, how it wrinkles when walking or sitting, how it behaves in a strong wind or in a wet state. Try to note some of these points on your sketch. Then you will not find a more realistic image of the conceived model anywhere. When cutting fabric, you will already know exactly all the nuances in the behavior of the fabric when sewing and wearing things.

sketching deja

Take Fashion Magazines as Assistants

If you do not quite understand how to make sketches of clothes, first try copying the finished ones from the fashion magazine, and then just add your details that you think are necessary. After several alterations of famous models, it will not be difficult for you to independently draw and invent your own clothing collections.

The work of experienced designers

Have you ever wondered how exactly eminent designers create their famous collections? Of course, all the models are not born in their heads at once. Each idea has been hatched for more than one day, all notes on improvement are recorded in a notebook.

A whole company is working to help designers, responsible for certain moments in creating the collection. Designing clothes - This is only the first step in the work of the designer. Then his assistants are connected, because for a full collection it is necessary to achieve a general stylization of things, while maintaining the individuality and peculiarity of each model.

We apply all the advice of designers

If you are going to develop a collection of clothes for yourself, follow the advice of experienced designers. It is clear that they will not tell you how to learn how to draw sketches of clothes, but they can tell the main organizational aspects in creating details of a model of a certain style.

For example, it is recommended to immediately determine the collection line or theme. To do this, when developing individual elements of clothing, choosing the color and type of fabric, you should immediately give the names of the future collection with any adjectives to the outline drawings. It can be a “tender collection” or “creative models”, “feminine or soft clothes” and so on, do not limit your imagination.

Then it will be easier to put together all your thoughts on paper, to combine and highlight the generalizing points, while removing excesses and repetitions. Thus, it is possible to achieve a certain orientation in style and theme.

how to make clothing sketches

The joy of creating your own models

Be sure to listen to these tips, and you can go to a new level in creating individual things for yourself. You already know how to draw sketches of clothing models, of course, you will not have assistants, but this will give a special personality to your clothes. It will be only yours, because it was in your head that the idea of ​​creation arose, you drew a sketch, cut the model on fabric and sewed the outfit with your own hands. These things are completely imbued with your energy, the love with which they were created. They will not only enhance the mood, but attract the views of others, bring good luck and delight every day.

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