Salmon milk: recipes

So, in this article we will try to talk about cooking dishes from such an unusual product as salmon fish milk. Oddly enough, the recipes for their preparation are quite numerous. But first, about the benefits we can get by eating milk. First of all, you should know that the calorie content of milk is very high (100 g - 100 kcal). There is little fat in them, however, the one that is is very useful for the cardiovascular system. Amino acids contained in milk improve brain activity, and sodium salt significantly improves immunity. These substances are actively used in medicine, and in everyday life they can be obtained by regularly consuming milk dishes. Together with them you will receive a rich set of microelements and vitamins, which are extremely necessary for any body to fully function. Alas, milk is often simply thrown away, not knowing what dishes of fish milk can be prepared.

Salmon fish milk: recipes for frying


Beat 500 g of milk with a mixer to get a homogeneous mass. Add to them 200 g of white wine (preferably dry), a couple of pinch of caraway seeds, 3 tablespoons of flour, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, salt and whisk again. And then fry the pancakes in the same way as always - in butter, spreading each pancake with a spoon and frying on both sides. If suddenly the “dough” turned out to be not sufficiently viscous, you can drive one egg into it, and for those who like spicy, pepper.

Milk in batter

You will need 500 g of milk. Defrost them, rinse, dry, add salt and, if desired, sprinkle with some seasoning for fish. Make dough for batter. To do this, 2 eggs need to be mixed with a pinch of salt and 4 tablespoons of flour and mix thoroughly. Each milk (whole, by no means cut) is dipped in the dough and put in a pan with hot oil. Fry until a beautiful golden brown crust and serve until cool.

Omelet with milk

500 g milk washed and cut into pieces. 2 onions finely chop and passer, put together with milk in a pan, salt, add pepper and fry for about 5 minutes if desired. Then put in a mold for the oven. Beat 3 eggs and a half cup of milk and pour the milk, and then bake in the oven. Instead of an oven, you can bake an omelet in a deep pan by covering it with a lid.

Korean milk

We heat the oil in a skillet and pour 80 g of carrots, 200 g of milk and 30 g of onion (all finely chopped). When lightly fried, add 1 teaspoon of soy sauce and ground red pepper. Stew until tender and a minute before removing, add two cloves of garlic, pre-chopped.

Salmon Milk: marinade recipes

Milk in the marinade

200 g of milk put in a saucepan (in an enamel or glass), add a glass of 3% vinegar, half a head of chopped onion, salt, 10 peas of pepper. Marinate for 8 hours by refrigerating. When serving, you can pour them with a drop of lemon juice and garnish with olives and herbs.

Salmon Milk: Salad Recipes

Cucumber and Pea Salad

Fry 200 g of milk and cut into small pieces. Finely chop one small onion, cut one egg and one pickled cucumber. Add a couple of spoons of green peas and one spoon of mayonnaise. Salad ready!

Salad with Potatoes and Cheese

500 g of milk should be boiled in well salted water and cut into slices. Cut one egg, mix with milk and add 300 g of ordinary canned corn, one chopped bell pepper in thin slices, a handful of chopped olives and mayonnaise.

In general, it is obvious that many dishes can be prepared from milk, and sauce can also be prepared using fish milk. The recipe is quite simple, and you can season it with pasta, mashed potatoes and various cereals. So, we take 500 g of milk, remove the film and grind it through a meat grinder. Put in hot oil, lightly fry, add 1 spoon of soy sauce, two tablespoons of chopped dill, salt and pepper. Fry the milk until cooked. Then, with a fork, grind 150 g of feta cheese and mix with milk. Instead of cheese, you can use tomato paste. It (2 tbsp) needs to be added to milk along with herbs and sauce and fried all together.

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