As you know, cats have by nature quite strong immunity. But as a result of poor nutrition, as well as contact with infected animals, a healthy pet may be at risk of getting dangerous diseases. The drug "Glycopinum" for cats, the reviews of which you can read in this article, is considered an excellent immunomodulator, very often prescribed by veterinarians.
Using this product for a healthy animal, you maximize its immunity, and if your beloved cat is already sick, then this medication will speed up the healing process several times.
Release form
The drug "Glycopinum" for cats, reviews of which you can read in this article, is available in the form of tablets in blisters, ten in each. The tablet plate is usually placed in a cardboard box. The drug has a rather pleasant sweet taste, so you do not have to force your animal to take it.
Action Features
When ingested, active substances are absorbed very quickly. After four hours, the animal's immunity is significantly increased. Tablets have anti-inflammatory, anti-infective and anti-tumor effects. After using the drug, the cells will be saturated with oxygen, and lysosomal enzymes will begin to work, destroying a huge number of foreign bodies. At the same time, all the body's immune processes are activated. Most of the decay products are excreted through the kidneys.
In what cases is the drug prescribed
"Glycopin" for cats, reviews of which are mostly positive, are prescribed, first of all, to eliminate immunodeficiency. Also, the drug justifies itself with severe poisoning of the animal, as it increases the body's resistance to dangerous infections.
Veterinarians recommend using the drug "Glycopin" for cats, reviews of which are described in this article, in such cases:
- in case of infection in the body;
- in the presence of festering wounds with signs of tissue necrosis;
- if the animal has benign tumors;
- after surgery;
- to increase the overall immunity of the animal;
- with septic shock.
Using the drug as a prophylaxis, you will protect your pet from many diseases.
A few words about the appointment
Cats living in private areas are more susceptible to disease. Their immunity is weakened due to bad weather conditions, as well as due to cold and rainy weather. “Glycopin” - tablets for cats and dogs, which are an excellent tool to combat the seasonal colds of your pets.
The drug will also help wounded animals. Damaged areas will begin to heal and scar faster. You’ll notice how your pet’s coat improves. It will become smooth and shiny, all fungal diseases will disappear. Experts recommend giving the animal a tool before mating. This increases the chances of having healthy kittens and puppies.
Instructions for use of the drug
In order for the medicine to give the desired effect, as well as not harm your pet, use it precisely based on the instructions for use. If the animal cannot use the pill on its own, then you have to do it forcibly. You can add it to your pet’s favorite food or put it under his tongue. Both methods will be equally effective.
Choosing the right dosage
The drug "Glycopin" (Glikopin), the description of which you can read in this article, should be used in the correct dosage. Its effectiveness and safety depend on this.
Dosage is determined in accordance with the weight of the animal, as well as for the main purpose of use. For small kittens weighing up to two kilograms, a quarter of the pill for treatment will be enough, and an eighth for prevention. For cats up to three kilograms, a dosage from a quarter to half a pill is suitable. And adult cats weighing more than three kilograms are usually given a whole tablet or half of it.
For treatment to be effective, the animal should take the medicine once a day for a week. In some cases, the period may be increased or, conversely, reduced. An experienced veterinarian will tell you all the details of the treatment.
Are there any contraindications
Here is the drug "Glycopin" description. Reviews of the owners of the animals suggest that this drug is non-toxic, therefore it is safe for use at home. However, it should be borne in mind that the substances that make up its composition can cause allergic reactions. Also, veterinarians do not recommend taking other drugs in parallel without prior consultation, otherwise you can cause irreparable harm to the animal.
Not only owners of adult cats pay attention to Glycopin, but also owners of small kittens. Many people use the advice of veterinarians and use these pills as a prophylactic. After its use, even cats spending a lot of time on the street are not infected with infectious diseases and colds.
On the Internet, you can find many positive reviews about the tool used to treat furry pets. The owners of the animals report that their pets are getting very fast, they have a vitality, their appetite improves, their stools are normal, and the disease goes away. However, some owners of cats noticed undesirable effects after using the drug, which manifested themselves in the form of vomiting and diarrhea.
Glycopin tablets: reviews of doctors
Very often, veterinarians recommend the use of the drug "Glycopin" for pet owners. The tool is really very effective, proven and reliable. It is recommended to give these tablets to kittens found on the street, as well as to domestic cats for preventive purposes. Many cases have been described when the drug "Glycopin" saved the lives of animals. Being a very effective immunomodulator, it significantly increases the body's defenses, so the healing process is much faster.
Veterinarians advise pet owners to use this tool after surgery. The active components of the medication will contribute to the quick recovery of your pet. If you care about the health of a kitten or an adult cat, do not pass by these pills. With their help you will have a strong, cheerful and happy animal. Do not start the disease, it is better to take preventive measures. Each veterinarian will tell you that any disease is easier to prevent than to treat.