Which is better - "Suprastin" or "Diazolin"? Antihistamines: Comparison

Which is better - "Suprastin" or "Diazolin"? This question was asked, perhaps, by every person suffering from allergies. Both of these medicines are antihistamines. Both drugs are available in tablets. On this, their identical qualities end. This article will tell you what the difference between the drugs is and what is better, Suprastin or Diazolin.

what is better suprastin or diazolin

Cost of drugs

Each person starting to compare medicines first of all pays attention to the cost. So, “Diazolin" can be purchased at each pharmacy chain for only 60-70 rubles. In the package, you will find ten tablets.

The price of Suprastin is different. One pack of the drug costs about 130 rubles. This is almost two times more expensive than the above counterpart. However, the price of Suprastin is justified by the fact that you can find twenty capsules in one pack. This, respectively, is twice as much as that of its predecessor.

"Suprastin" and "Diazolin": indications and their comparison

What is the difference between these medicines in the testimony. As you already know, both of them are antihistamines. They are prescribed for seasonal allergies, during a reaction to a particular drug, with atopic dermatitis, urticaria. Often, these compounds are used to stop food allergies. During the reaction to insect bites, both of these agents can be used.

What is the difference? The medicine "Suprastin" is often used in the complex treatment of viral diseases. Whereas "Diazolin" is not used for these purposes. However, "Diazolin" can be used in the complex treatment of bronchial asthma.

suprastin Price


Which is better - "Suprastin" or "Diazolin"? Both of these drugs are prohibited during pregnancy and during lactation. The compounds are not prescribed during exacerbation of kidney and liver diseases. Also, a stomach ulcer and some intestinal diseases are a direct contraindication to correction.

The drug "Diazolin" is forbidden to use for epilepsy. "Suprastin" is contraindicated in bronchial asthma. The medication "Diazolin" is not approved for use for children under three years of age. The medicine "Suprastin" can be given to babies after 30 days of life. In this case, the medication is usually ground.

Suprastin for children instruction

Method of using drugs

As you already know, you can use the drug "Suprastin" for children. The instruction says that the dose of the medication should be crushed and diluted with a small amount of liquid. If desired, it is allowed to add the composition to food, but it should not be hot. The dosage of this product for adults and children over 14 years old is one tablet. Multiplicity of use - up to 4 times a day. Children are usually prescribed from ¼ to ⅔ tablets, depending on body weight. It is allowed to repeat the reception up to three times a day.

The drug "Diazolin" is prescribed for adults two capsules up to four times a day. For children, a single dose is reduced to one tablet. The composition must be taken orally without chewing. This is a prerequisite for treatment.

Adverse Reactions

If you ask some consumers about the effectiveness of antihistamines, they will say that nothing can be better than Suprastin. After all, this drug almost never causes negative reactions. Unfortunately, this cannot be said about the Diazolin medication. The price, instructions for using the composition are already known to you. Now it’s worth learning about the possible consequences of its use.

The medicine often causes nausea and pain in the stomach. It also contributes to the appearance of drowsiness, and in large doses disrupts the coordination of movements. A medication often provokes exacerbations of diseases of the stomach and intestines. After all, it is taken in quite a large amount.

what is better than suprastin

The use of drugs during pregnancy

As you already know, both medicines are prohibited during the period of bearing a child. However, there are quite difficult situations when a woman still needs such treatment. In this case, the drug “Suprastin” is safer for children. The instruction says that the medication can be used in late pregnancy only in an individual dosage and as directed by a doctor.

What can be said about the composition of Diazolin? This medicine should not be taken at any dose during pregnancy. Otherwise, a woman will not be able to avoid complications in the baby.

diazolin indications

Which is better - "Suprastin" or "Diazolin"?

What conclusion can be made after comparing these compositions? Both drugs are antihistamines and have similar indications. However, they have a completely different composition and active substances. It is worth noting that people with intolerance to Suprastin can use the drug Diazolin and vice versa.

Given the price and speed of action, users prefer to purchase the composition of "Diazolin". However, the medicine "Suprastin" is safer. It has been tested many times. That is why the composition is approved for use for young children. Whereas its analogue is not allowed to be used by persons under three years of age.

Another point in favor of Suprastin is the way it is used. So, the medication can be crushed, chewed and added to food. The medicine "Diazolin" is strictly forbidden to use in this way. It must be swallowed whole.

Perhaps the main drawback of all antihistamines is that they cause drowsiness. That is why they can not be used in mental work. Also, drivers of vehicles are forced to refuse drugs. But it is sometimes vital. The manufacturer of the drug "Suprastin" promises that he does not have a sedative effect. Therefore, you can take the medicine and not be afraid that you will feel bad.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that the drug "Suprastin" significantly wins compared to "Diazolin" and many other similar drugs. However, the last choice is always the consumer and his prescriber. Before purchasing this or that drug, consult with the doctor. Only a specialist can tell you the right decision, taking into account all the features of your body.

diazolin price instruction


Now you know what’s better, Suprastin or Diazolin. It is worth recalling that both of these drugs are medicines. That is why they need to be taken only after receiving recommendations from a doctor. Uncontrolled use leads to the inevitable occurrence of adverse reactions. Use the services of doctors and be treated correctly. I wish you good health!

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