The British dominated India for a long time, bringing home tea, badminton, Dalmatians, opium and many other interesting and useful things. And they also brought ground powder of bright yellow color, which they loved to add to food. Add it now and we. And this powder is curry. It is the most popular Indian spice mix added to many dishes. In India, every housewife from childhood knows the recipe for this seasoning. To do this, take turmeric, cumin, pepper, fennel, coriander, ginger and other spices in different proportions, grind together into a fine powder and add to food. There are probably as many recipes for making curry as there are housewives in India. Therefore, the taste, color and smell of curry can vary quite a lot. But still, its pungent spicy smell is impossible to confuse with anything. Based on the prepared curry powder , many sauces and gravy are prepared for a variety of dishes. That's what we’ll talk about today.
Curry Recipe # 1. Meat
For him we need a glass of broth, 2 tablespoons of curry, 4 tablespoons of any butter, 2 tablespoons of cream, a couple of cloves of garlic, one tablespoon of flour, one apple and carrot, one teaspoon of mustard and lemon juice.
Grind onions and garlic, fry in a saucepan. After adding the flour, fry for a couple of minutes, constantly stirring. Pour the broth without stopping stirring. Now it's curry's turn, remember the stirring. All together we cook for about five minutes after boiling. Add the grated apple. At the very end - mustard and lemon juice. Pour cream immediately before serving. This sauce is served hot to meat, vegetable dishes, rice or other side dishes.
Curry Recipe # 2. Quick
For it you need mayonnaise (it is better to cook it yourself) - 100 grams, curry powder - 20 grams, half a ring of canned pineapple, a little onion, salt.
Put everything together in a blender and mix. This version of the sauce is served with ready-made dishes.
Curry Recipe # 3. Universal
Take two glasses of broth: onion, clove of garlic, one tablespoon of oil, one tablespoon of flour, half an apple, a teaspoon of tomato paste, raisins, ginger, curry and coconut.
Making the sauce is similar to the first recipe: onions, garlic, flour, curry, pasta are laid in turn. After this, cool a little and gradually add the broth, all remaining products and leave on low heat for half an hour.
Curry Recipe # 4. Orange
Ingredients: 125 grams of tomato paste, 250 grams of orange juice, one tablespoon of olive oil, bouillon cube, 2 tablespoons of curry, cayenne and black pepper, salt.
In a saucepan, mix the butter and pasta, heat for a couple of minutes, pour out spices, keep it on fire for 3 minutes, then pour the juice and crumble the cube. Add salt, pepper, sugar to your taste and bring to the desired consistency.
Japanese Curry Recipe # 5
For the sauce: 3 tablespoons of tonkatsu sauce (can be replaced with Worcestershire sauce), 100 grams of butter, one tablespoon of curry, 50 grams of flour, 2 tablespoons of ketchup, one tablespoon of garam masala.
For the main dish: 400 grams of fillet, for example, chicken, one onion, two carrots and potatoes, half an apple, a clove of garlic or a slice of ginger, a liter of broth, salt, spices.
The recipe for Japanese curry suggests the following ingredients: butter, flour, curry, garam masala, sauce, ketchup. Everything is laid with an interval of a couple of minutes, mixed, in the end should be a homogeneous, dense mass.
For the main dish, cut the onion coarsely, the rest into cubes with an edge of 2 centimeters. Fry onions, meat, carrots, pour in the broth and leave for 10 minutes. Put potatoes and grated apple and cook until potatoes are ready. Add the sauce, mix well and cook until the desired density.
Curry can be added to almost all dishes: meat, any vegetables, fish or seafood, sauces, rice, pasta. Curry is one of the most versatile seasonings.