It is difficult to imagine a boy who absolutely does not like cartoons about helicopters and airplanes. The main characters of such animated tapes can be both various types of air transport, and the pilots who control them. Exciting adventures are always waiting for the characters in the air and on the earth, which kids and older children will be happy to watch. What animated films belonging to this category can be called the most interesting?
The best educational cartoons about helicopters and airplanes
Most kids become interested in flying technology from the first years of life. Developing cartoons about helicopters and planes help to satisfy the child’s curiosity and provide him with new information. The smallest such animated films will tell about the existing types of air transport. Older children, they are able to reveal the technical aspects of the functioning of aircraft.
The multi-part animated film “Weekdays of the Airport”, created by the Teremok TV channel, is ideal for kids under 6 years old. The main character of the developing animated film is Winky’s airplane, dreaming of circling the whole planet. Together with him, children will be able to open the veil of the mysterious world in which air transport lives, to get acquainted with its varieties and principles of work.
There are other high-quality cartoons about helicopters and planes, not only entertaining, but also teaching children. For example, children under 3 years old will receive a lot of new information from the animation tape-coloring “Karapuzya”. Kids will learn to distinguish a rocket from an airship, while mastering the primary colors.
Disney Studio
Cartoons about helicopters and airplanes are also produced by the famous Disney studio, whose colorful creations have not had competitors for many decades. It is definitely worth introducing children to such a wonderful work of this company as Crazy Aircraft. It was in him that the famous Mickey Mouse first appeared in the role of the protagonist. He himself creates a plane and flies to the brainchild of his hands on a world trip, capturing faithful girlfriend Minnie.
“Donald is a test pilot” is also noteworthy. This cartoon about planes and helicopters for little ones tells about the adventures of the duckling Donald Duck. The hero loves flying, but one day his air transport steals the brave chipmunk Dale. Will Donald be able to return his favorite plane and once again indulge in an exciting hobby?
“Airplanes” is another wonderful work of the Disney studio, which saw the light in 2013. The central character in the story is Dusty’s small airplane, which is modest and clumsy. Of course, the hero dreams of his transformation into an unstoppable liner, plowing the sky with the speed of lightning. The continuation of the story was the animated film "Airplanes: Fire and Water", which also gained popularity.
Cartoon "Air Cars"
The above are far from all noteworthy stories about the adventures of air transport. Listing fascinating cartoons about helicopters and airplanes, it is impossible to forget the “Air Cars”. The animated film was presented to the audience in 2012, devoted to events taking place in the life of the main character Tinnie. A small airplane that has joined a friendly team cannot win the respect of its other participants.
One day, Tinney has the opportunity to prove his own courage. To do this, he only needs to pull his friends out of the difficult situation in which they fall as a result of a fire that broke out in the mine.
Russian cartoons
Not only foreign studios are capable of producing fascinating cartoons about helicopters and airplanes. The animated film “From the Screw” was created in Russia, however, from the point of view of fascination, it is in no way inferior to American products. The plot of the cartoon covers the events taking place in the world of brave racing aircraft. Spectators will meet courageous heroes who can easily cope with failures.
Excellent cartoons dedicated to the "air theme" were produced during the Soviet era. For example, it is worth recalling the old animated film "Airplane", the main characters of which were aircraft. The cartoon tells not only about air technology, but also about friendship. Exciting adventures in heaven and on earth are included.
What else to see
What other cartoons about cars, helicopters and airplanes can children like? Deserves to watch the French animated series "Jet Grove." After watching it, the guys learn interesting details about the everyday life of the pilots. The action takes place on an airplane owned by the powerful businessman Crown. The command of the airship constantly gets into difficult situations, with brilliance comes out of them.
Kids will like the cartoon "Badji - A Bold Helicopter." The main character lives on the territory of the airfield, forced to work from morning to night. The everyday life of a small helicopter Badzhi is painted only by his loyal comrades.
This is how the most fascinating animated films in which air transport appears.