Ascorbic acid, otherwise called vitamin C, is a fairly popular drug. Most often it is used for the treatment and prevention of colds. In addition, it is recommended to use it in case of excessive mental stress, with the complex treatment of such diseases as chronic adrenal cortex insufficiency, radiation sickness and much more. It is not surprising that all people are confident in the undoubted benefit of this tool, but not everyone knows about the contraindications of ascorbic acid.
What does it consist of
One of the forms of release of the drug are round tablets, painted in a bright yellow shade. They are located in convenient blisters or packed in plastic jars. In addition to the main component, the dragee of ascorbic acid also contains dyes, mineral oils, talc and sugar.
Operating principle
Acid enters the small intestine where it is absorbed directly. Sometimes this process is disturbed due to diseases of the stomach or intestines. For example, if a person has a small bowel disease, otherwise called intestinal flu. In addition, with pathological conditions of the stomach (achilia), the process of acid absorption is also disrupted. Immediately after use, the drug quickly penetrates into all tissues. The drug is excreted in the urine and partially with feces.
When appointed
What is useful in ascorbic acid? Most often, this remedy is used for colds. And also it did a good job as a stimulant for mental exertion and physical exertion. For long non-healing wounds, this remedy is also used. Ascorbic acid helps to build bone mass in fractures and helps patients with radiation sickness recover. Women use acid during all three trimesters of pregnancy and lactation. What are the contraindications of ascorbic acid tablets?
It is undesirable to use
In addition to its beneficial effects, ascorbic acid can also cause significant harm. For example, patients with diabetes should not abuse this drug. Does not use ascorbic acid in renal and hepatic insufficiency. If an undesirable reaction to acidic fruits is observed, then this drug will also not suit such people. Care should be taken with varicose veins and thrombosis.
Use with caution
There are some features of the use of this tool:
- If a person has an increased iron content, then this drug should be consumed in small quantities. What doses are needed in this case can only be advised by the attending physician.
- Ascorbic acid increases blood coagulation.
- It is highly recommended that you do not use any alkaline, mineral water with this remedy. Thus, the effect of ascorbic acid is noticeably weakened and the walls of the stomach and intestines also irritate.
- For people with kidney disease, you can use the drug, but only in a very dosage form. The recommended rate usually does not exceed one gram.
- Before donating blood for analysis, they also do not consume ascorbic acid. The fact is that it can significantly distort the results of the study and change the final numbers of bilirubin and transamine.
In contraindications, ascorbic acid is warned that it is a kind of energy stimulant and therefore it is undesirable to use it before bedtime.
Glucose preparation
In addition to ascorbic acid, glucose is also present in this product. Moreover, its amount is much higher than vitamin C. The composition is sold in the form of large white round tablets. Most often, a drug with glucose is used to treat children. This is an excellent preventive measure that allows you to protect your child from colds. Vitamin C is part of the comprehensive treatment of poisoning poisoning and helps athletes cope with high physical exertion. For fractures and bruises, vitamin C is also often prescribed.
Forbidden to use.
Contraindications and side effects of ascorbic acid are as follows. Due to the presence of a sufficiently large amount of glucose, this remedy should not be used by people suffering from diabetes. In addition, given the calorie content of the tablets, it is also advisable for overweight patients to take another drug. Due to the fact that ascorbic acid is excreted through the kidneys, this can cause an additional burden on the organ. In such cases, you should drink the tablets in very metered doses and in small quantities.
How to accept
The permissible norm is not more than five hundred milligrams of acid per day. The instruction for the use of ascorbic acid, the dose intended for a day, is advised to be divided into five times. This is especially true for those who have chronic diseases. Such a division will avoid negative reactions and take into account contraindications of ascorbic acid with glucose. Moreover, the figure is adjusted depending on age. For example, children 4-6 years old can take only 150 mg per day. If you use this tool as a cold prevention, then the norm of an adult is reduced to 100 mg per day. Children take no more than half of this amount.
Undesirable actions
There are several contraindications to ascorbic acid. For example, in the case of prolonged use, a rash on the skin and a headache occur. Sometimes with an overdose, nausea and pain in the abdomen can be observed. Ascorbic acid may interfere with the absorption of zinc or copper. Sometimes drug abuse results in the formation of kidney stones. Therefore, all patients who have a tendency to urolithiasis should be careful.
How to avoid
Doctors do not recommend using the drug in the morning on an empty stomach, since in this case the risk of stone formation increases. Patients with high blood pressure should monitor their health and regularly measure blood pressure. And also we must not forget that acid significantly increases the rate of absorption of iron and can harm all those patients whose level of this trace element is already quite high. In this case, it is advisable to consult with your doctor, who will prescribe the appropriate treatment and advise other methods of taking ascorbic acid.
Analogs and storage
Among the analogues of the drug, ascorbic acid in the form of chewing sweets, as well as multi-colored tablets with a different fruity taste, are most popular. In addition, the administration of a solution of ascorbic acid through a vein or muscle is sometimes required.
- Pills of purple, pale pink, bright yellow or orange shade proved to be good. They are usually chewed without drinking water. The composition of the drug added food colors and flavors. Use this tool as well as regular ascorbic acid. Contraindications for this drug are similar to the rest. Given the rather impressive size of the tablets, it is recommended that they be taken no more than one piece per day.
- The acid solution is administered to the patient with various types of bleeding, weakening of the body and radiation sickness. Typically, a drug enters the blood through a dropper or by injection into a muscle. In contraindications for injections with ascorbic acid, thrombophlebitis, kidney diseases, and other similar reasons are usually indicated for which it is not recommended to use the drug. For young children, no more than 150 mg per day is required. You should be careful not to overdose the drug otherwise diarrhea may occur.
- Chewable tablets have a white tint, a pleasant fruity taste and aroma. Usually they are consumed after a meal in small quantities. Indications and contraindications for ascorbic acid in chewable tablets are similar to conventional tablets. For example, no more than four tablets can be taken per day. In case of an overdose, a rash and pain in the abdomen occurs. In some patients, sleep may also be impaired.
This product is stored at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C for 24 months. Let him go to the pharmacy without a doctor’s prescription.
User reviews
On the Internet you can find a lot of good reviews about ascorbic acid. However, there are criticisms. For example, some people are scared of the side effects that are described in the instructions for the drug. As buyers say, synthetic vitamin C helps not to get sick during the SARS epidemic. Some people prefer to use a loading dose (from ten tablets) as a prophylaxis. Usually they do this after they get in cold rain or a person feels that he is starting to get sick.
It is very confusing for users that ascorbic acid provokes the formation of kidney stones. Sometimes doctors advise taking vitamin A at the same time as vitamin C. Thus, the negative effect of ascorbine is slightly leveled out. According to users, this drug also cleanses the walls of blood vessels from cholesterol plaques. They noticed a good tonic effect after a course of treatment. In their opinion, ascorbic acid (the composition and indications for use directly indicate this), favorably affects the general condition of the vascular system.
Unfortunately, people with varicose veins cannot use this drug, since it provokes the appearance of blood clots. In such cases, doctors recommend drinking as much as possible a decoction of rose hips or raspberry leaves. They also contain vitamin C, but in a more favorable form.
Some parents of young children are skeptical of tips suggesting giving ascorbicum to babies from the age of six. In reviews, instructions for the use of ascorbic acid are often criticized on this issue. According to parents, this synthetic drug is completely unsuitable for the children's body. In addition, the property of the drug was noted to irritate the walls of the stomach a little and thus cause discomfort up to pain.
For young children, users are advised to make a rosehip decoction diluted with water. It can also affect the condition of the kidneys and therefore it is advisable to consult a pediatrician first. Even ordinary lemon water, according to users, is much more useful than ascorbic acid.
However, children like this tool and they chew fruit sweets with pleasure. No wonder manufacturers painted them in different colors, ranging from saturated purple to bright yellow. No less delicious are the flavors coming from these tablets. Not only children, but many adults can not resist them. Nevertheless, without a special need to give dragees or chewing candies with ascorbic acid is still not recommended.
In addition to the main component - ascorbic acid, obtained from d-glucose, the drug also contains a lot of unnecessary components, among which there is a carcinogen talc, liquid paraffin, carbohydrate in the form of starch syrup and so on. In a word, using this tool you can get a lot of unnecessary substances and a dubious effect. Nevertheless, it should be borne in mind that chemically obtained ascorbic acid, which has passed through several stages of oxidation, bacterial treatment, and recrystallization, cannot essentially replace natural vitamin C.