This wonderful Golden Root

Being a folk remedy, known since ancient times, the golden root promotes rehabilitation after operations and diseases. It is also called pink root, Rhodiola rosea, and Siberian ginseng.

The golden root contains essential oils and organic acids in its roots and rhizomes . And also: phenol alcohols and various flavonoids, more than twenty different trace elements. This is magnesium and manganese, phosphorus and iron, antimony and others.


If there is such a desire, then you can plant a golden root right in the garden on your personal plot. There is nothing complicated in its cultivation. Only the presence of seeds or planting material is required. Rhodiola rosea is light in composition, fertile soil. If the soil is waterlogged, heavy, clayey, then the roots of the plant rot, the rhizome grows weakly.

When caring for Siberian ginseng, you should well loosen the soil and weed weeds. If the golden root is fed with fermented slurry, then the results should be excellent. Medicinal raw materials are obtained from rhizomes. Its smell is similar to the smell of rose oil. Raw materials begin to be harvested at the time when the flowering of the plant ends and up to the ripening of its fruits.


It is best to use vegetative propagation for Rhodiola rosea . It is both faster and easier. Reproduction can also be done by sowing seeds. The seeds of this plant are small. They are sown superficially in early spring. After the seedlings have grown, they should be planted in a permanent place.

Golden root - properties, application

In Altai, Siberian ginseng is used very widely, mainly for general recovery. With the help of this tool, various sexual pathologies, visual and hearing disorders are treated. It is also used for neuropsychological diseases, diabetes mellitus, gynecological pathologies. Helps treat gums and teeth.

With bright stimulating properties, the golden root clearly contributes to increased performance. In folk medicine, the root is used for overwork and impotence. It helps with insomnia, and headache, colds, as well as nervous diseases. The preparations of the golden root plant improve well-being, shorten the recovery period after overloading the physical and mental.

In the form of alcohol tincture, the golden root is prescribed for increased fatigue, vegetative-vascular dystonia, diseases of the nervous system, and decreased working capacity. The stimulating properties are superior to those of eleutherococcus.

The golden root is used in gastrointestinal and cardiovascular pathologies in Tibetan medicine. Mongolian medicine uses preparations from the golden root as an antipyretic and restorative agent for fractures, skin diseases and tuberculosis. In the form of ointments and lotions used to treat wounds. Altai folk medicine uses golden root tea to increase health.

Siberian ginseng extract increases attention, stimulates memory, normalizes blood pressure during hypotension.

Also, the plant itself is edible. Young leaves are added to salads. Various drinks with medicinal properties are prepared directly from its roots. These are decoctions, and fruit drinks, and jelly. Improving properties have sweets made from rhizomes. This is jam, candy, candy.

Golden root: contraindications

Excessive doses when taking the golden root for the body are undesirable. The use is contraindicated in insomnia, hypertensive crisis, agitation. An overdose causes these side effects:

  • Discomfort in the heart.
  • Insomnia.
  • Irritability.

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