Ointment "Dolobene": reviews, composition, indications, instructions for use, manufacturer

Bruises and injuries, which are accompanied by the appearance of bruises and sprains, provoke severe pain. The drug “Dolobene” is capable of eliminating it instantly by a complex effect on the source of the pain syndrome. This medication has an extensive spectrum of action that helps eliminate acute pain.

"Dolobene" refers to a group of direct-acting anticoagulants that has a pronounced analgesic, decongestant, anti-inflammatory, restorative and antithrombotic property.

What is the composition of the drug?

The drug is available in the form of an ointment for external use in aluminum tubes with a volume of 50 grams. "Dolobene" is a substance of uniform mass with a pronounced aroma.

The main active substances in the composition of Dolobene ointment are:

  • heparin sodium;
  • dimethyl sulfoxide;
  • dexapanthenol.
Ointment "Dolobene" reviews

According to the instructions for use, it is known that the structure of the medication also includes additional trace elements:

  • rosemary ether;
  • cremophor;
  • trometamol;
  • isopropanol;
  • esters of citronella and mountain pine;
  • polycarboxyethylene;
  • water.

The country of manufacture of Dolobene ointment is Germany.

Pharmacological actions

The medication is intended for external use only. The pharmacological effect of Dolobene is due to its constituent substances.

Dimethyl sulfoxide eliminates the signs of the inflammatory process, eliminates puffiness of the skin, reduces pain. The substance penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin, affecting directly the source of the pathological process.

Heparin, which is part of the structure of the drug, has an anti-inflammatory effect, activates recovery processes, and prevents the appearance of thrombosis. What helps Dolobene ointment? The drug eliminates unpleasant symptoms with bruises and injuries.

Dexapanthenol also penetrates into the deeper layers of the epidermis and, under the influence of a number of chemical reactions, turns into pantothenic acid. This component activates the restoration of the skin, moisturizes it, eliminates the signs of the inflammatory process, contributing to the rapid healing of wounds.

"Dolobene" ointment instructions for use

"Dolobene" penetrates perfectly through the surface of the skin into the source of inflammation, acting locally. The first positive results are noticeable after five to ten minutes after application, when there is a significant decrease in pain, swelling and inflammation.

Complete elimination of metabolic products is noted after five to seven days from the date of discontinuation of the drug.


Ointment "Dolobene" for external use is prescribed to eliminate the following pathological conditions and diseases:

  1. Bruises (damage to soft tissues and organs without a pronounced violation of the integrity of the skin as a result of an impact with a blunt object).
  2. Injuries.
  3. Hematomas (accumulated blood in liquid or coagulated form in the soft tissue structures of the human body due to ruptured vessels).
  4. Acute neuralgia (a condition that occurs when a peripheral nerve is damaged and is always accompanied by acute, sudden pain).
  5. Bursitis (lesion of the synovial sac, which is accompanied by increased formation and accumulation of exudate in its cavity).
  6. Tendovaginitis (inflammation that affects the muscle tendon and its vagina).
  7. Tendonitis (inflammation and dystrophy of the tendon tissue, similar in symptoms to tendinosis).
  8. Fasciitis (an ailment that is caused by inflammatory and degenerative changes in the tissues of the plantar fascia and is accompanied by pain in the heel during exercise).
  9. Varicose veins (a pathological condition of the veins, which is characterized by their saccular expansion, increase in length, the formation of convolutions and nodular tangles, which leads to valve failure and failure of blood flow).
  10. Arthrosis (chronic degenerative and dystrophic damage to the joints, due to which cartilage is damaged, pathological changes appear in the capsule, synovial membrane, ligamentous apparatus and adjacent bone structures).
  11. Osteochondrosis (a disease of the spine, which is characterized by degenerative and dystrophic damage to the intervertebral discs, and then the vertebral tissues themselves).
  12. Protrusion (pathological damage to the spine, in which the intervertebral disc crawls out into the spinal canal without rupture of the fibrous ring).
Ointment "Dolobene" from which helps


Before using the drug, you must carefully read the instructions for "Dolobene", since the medication has certain prohibitions:

  1. Bronchial asthma (chronic inflammation of the airways involving a variety of cellular elements).
  2. Thrombophlebitis (thrombosis with inflammation of the vein wall and the formation of a thrombus that closes its lumen).
  3. Diseases of the liver and kidneys.
  4. Period of pregnancy.
  5. Lactation.
  6. It is forbidden to prescribe to children under the age of five.

How to apply the drug?

According to the instructions for use, Dolobene ointment can be applied only to an undamaged area of ​​the skin. The drug is applied to clean, dry skin with a thin layer and rubbed with massage movements. It is necessary to apply the ointment from two to four times a day, depending on the severity of the clinical signs of the disease. If necessary, you can use a bandage on which the drug is previously applied.

The duration of Dolobene therapy is determined by a medical specialist individually for each person. In most situations, therapy does not exceed two to three weeks.

What helps Dolobene ointment? The drug is used for violations of the skin. To get a positive effect from the use of the drug, the patient needs to follow all the doctor’s prescriptions, and also take into account some nuances. There are certain features of the Dolobene application:

  1. The medicine is applied in a thin layer to the affected area of ​​the skin.
  2. The medicine is gently rubbed into the skin with light movements, without pressing on the joint.
  3. The procedure must be repeated two to four times a day.
  4. If there is pain in the damaged area, ointment should be applied around the wound. The drug should be applied only to the skin, the integrity of which is not broken.
  5. If the medicine is applied under a bandage, materials that allow air to pass through are used for bandaging. You can start applying the bandage three to five minutes after using the drug.
  6. The drug "Dolobene" should be applied to the skin, previously cleared of contaminants.
  7. It is not recommended to use "Dolobene" on mucous cavities and wounds.
  8. The duration of therapy depends on the severity of the disease.

Can I use the medication during pregnancy and lactation?

It is forbidden to use the medicine during breastfeeding, since in the course of the studies it was found that dimethyl sulfoxide passes into breast milk, and then into the body of a newborn baby. If necessary, treatment "Dolobene" is necessary to temporarily stop lactation.

Ointment "Dolobene" warming

It is not recommended to use Dolobene ointment during pregnancy, since there is no reliable information regarding the effect of active substances on the intrauterine development of the unborn baby. To date, similar experiments have not been carried out in practice.

Ointment "Dolobene" manufacturer

Adverse reactions

If you strictly adhere to the instructions for the use of Dolobene ointment, then patients rarely have side effects during therapy with this drug. With increased sensitivity to the substances that make up the drug, a person may experience the following negative effects:

  1. Discomfort when applying the drug to the skin.
  2. Urticaria (skin lesion, dermatitis of allergic origin, which is characterized by the rapid onset of severely itchy blisters).
  3. Quincke's edema (an allergic lesion that occurs through the appearance of pronounced edema of the skin, as well as subcutaneous tissue and mucous epithelium).
  4. The appearance of an unpleasant odor from the oral cavity.
  5. With prolonged uncontrolled use, systemic negative phenomena may develop.


When applying the drug to large areas of the skin, the development of signs of poisoning may occur:

  1. Deterioration in liver function.
  2. Nausea.
  3. Pain in the stomach.
  4. Migraine (a neurological disease, the most frequent and characteristic sign of which is considered episodic or constant strong and painful headache attacks).
  5. General weakness.
  6. Increased breathing.
  7. Respiratory failure (a pathological disease in which the normal gas composition of the blood is not supported, or it is achieved due to the intensive work of the external respiration apparatus and heart, which leads to a decrease in the functional capabilities of the body).
  8. Chills and general malaise.

If the above symptoms of an overdose occur or if the drug accidentally enters the patient’s mouth, the stomach is washed and symptomatic therapy is carried out.


When combined with "Dolobene" with anticoagulants, there may be a risk of bleeding. The use of gels or ointments from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs simultaneously with Dolobene increases the likelihood of developing neuropathy.


Which is better - ointment or Dolobene gel? This is one and the same form of the drug. The medicine in the form of a gel can only be applied to a dry, cleaned surface of the epidermis. It is contraindicated to apply the medication to mucous cavities, open wounds, scratches, etc. In case of accidental contact with the ointment in the eyes, rinse them with plenty of water and immediately contact a medical specialist. Ointment is forbidden to apply on postoperative scars, as well as burn areas and ulcer surfaces.

Bruising ointment "Dolobene"

Since the patient increases photosensitivity during treatment with the medicine, it is not recommended to visit tanning salons or be exposed to direct sunlight for a long time. For children under 12 years of age, the dosage and duration of therapy with Dolobene are determined by the doctor, depending on the individual characteristics of the child's body.


The following drugs are considered analogues of the Dolobene medicine:

  1. "Hepatrombin C".
  2. Heparin ointment.
  3. Venolife.
  4. "Fastum gel".
  5. Troxevasin.
  6. Ketoprofen.
  7. Diclofenac.
  8. Essaven.
  9. Elikvis.
  10. Skinlight.
  11. "Fraxiparin Forte".
  12. "Leech."
  13. Trombless.
  14. "Leech medical."
  15. Troparin.
  16. Pradaxa
  17. Klivarin.
  18. Warfarex.
  19. Pelentan.
  20. Gepalpan.
Ointment "Dolobene" during pregnancy

If the patient has decided to replace Dolobene with an analog or generic, it is imperative to inform the attending physician about this and consult with him.

Ointment for stretching "Dolobene"

Storage conditions

Dolobene warming ointment is dispensed in the pharmacy network without a prescription. The optimal storage temperature of the drug is 25 degrees. You can not freeze the drug, and it is also not recommended to use it after the expiration date, it should be stored out of the reach of children. The average price of Dolobene ointment in pharmacies varies from 300 to 1000 rubles.

Opinions about the drug

Reviews about the ointment "Doloben" are usually positive. The drug helps to eliminate edema with bruises and other disorders of the osteoarticular system, to neutralize the pain. Before using any medicine, you should be familiar with the instructions for use or consult a specialist.

According to reviews of Dolobene ointment from bruises, it is known that this non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug is used in traumatology to reduce the intensity of pain and eliminate inflammation in sprains, muscle and tendon lesions. The drug has also proven itself in the treatment of thrombophlebitis of superficial veins. After applying the ointment, microcirculation improves, which eliminates the visible signs of venous insufficiency.

Dermatologists in their reviews of Dolobene ointment claim that they include the drug in therapeutic regimens of patients who have confirmed inflammatory pathologies of the skin to reduce the intensity of pain.

Perhaps, "Dolobene" is the most popular drug for pain in joints and rheumatism. It, as a rule, effectively fights these diseases. The only, but very significant minus of this medication is the high cost. Dolobene has substitutes that are no worse in their performance, and their price is slightly lower.

According to reviews of Dolobene ointment, it is known from stretching that before you start using such a medicine, it is still better to consult a qualified specialist in order to avoid serious health problems.

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