Technical interior piano

A piano is an instrument that has strings, keys and mallets in its device. These elements interact with each other. So the strings are in a vertical arrangement. And from the front, hammers hit them. The sound spectrum of the instrument has 88 tones.

classic instrument

Key systems

There are only four of them in the piano device.

  1. Sound. This is a string mechanism and a shield that creates resonance.
  2. Shock and keyboard. It includes mechanical components and a keyboard.
  3. Pedal. It is formed by two elements (pedals). One amplifies, and the second weakens the sound. Some models have three pedals.
  4. Body.

Back and futor

Futor Piano

Without them, it is difficult to imagine an external piano device. They support its strength and durability.

The back side of the case is formed by a wooden frame, characterized by increased strength. In some versions, a futur endowed with struts can be arranged. Thanks to him, the tool gains strength.

The foot has a wider frame. It is located across the piano. Virbelbank joins her. It is a very dense board with many layers. For its manufacture, beech or maple is used.

Pegs for string tensioning are driven into it.

Sound reinforcement deck

On the front side, a special soundboard is glued to the futur with its edges to create resonance. It is a shield with a density of 1 cm. It is formed by several boards glued together.

Bars are glued to the back of the deck. Their location with respect to wood fibers is perpendicular. Their material is high quality spruce. He also refers to them as rips. Thanks to them, the instrument sounds more powerful.

Cast iron frame. Strings and rods

piano devices

It is firmly mounted on top of the specified deck at its extreme sides and to the foot. Type of fasteners - massive screws. The string is stretched on it.

This instrument uses a cross-string mechanism. It has such specifics of positions and directions of strings:

  • bass elements follow diagonally from one cabinet angle to another: from upper left to lower right;
  • mid-range components are under item 1 and go to the lower left corner of the case.

At the bottom of the piano, the strings bend twice next to the pins embedded in the rods (parts directing pulses to the strings).

And the more powerful the tension of the strings, the stronger they fit to the rods.

At their ends are loops. They are attached to the rear pins mounted on the bottom surface of the frame.

Keyboard and Damper Technology

In front of the case there is a special board. It is called shtulrama. On it is a piano keyboard device. This configuration is supported by the side external consoles.

The damper technology is connected to the hammer system and is mounted on one bed.

Pedal structure

Piano pedal system

It includes the following components.

  1. The pedals themselves.
  2. Zugi.
  3. Stocks.
  4. Tuning screws.

As already noted, there are models that have 2 or 3 pedals. In the first there is a right and left component. Secondly, they are supplemented by a central component.

When the right element is pressed, all the silencers rise simultaneously and space for strings is formed. It turns out a continuous sound - legato.

If you press the left component, the mobile ruleik is shifted. He shifts all the mallets to the strings. And between them a slight gap is formed. The amplitude of the hammers becomes smaller, their blows also weaken. As a result, the instrument sounds quieter.

In models with a third, central pedal, the moderator is switched on (a special strip with a gasket is marked with the letter β€œM” in the image).

Moderator Image

When pressed, levers are engaged. And the mallets are limited from the strings: between them is a bar with a soft felt strip. In this piano mechanic, hammers attack strings through this stub. And then the sound is extremely weak.

Housing components

On the front side it is covered by two panels. One is under the keyboard. The second is above her.

The keys are covered by a powerful block placed in the grooves of the side walls. A hinged valve is mounted to it with the help of hinges, a music stand for musical notes is attached to the inside of it.

The upper case cover is mounted on sliding hinges. During the game, its opening is allowed to slightly enhance the sound.

The wheels are attached to the lower component of the housing. This is a measure for a more comfortable movement of the instrument indoors.

Scheme One

It is presented below and reflects the foreground of the piano with explanations.

Scheme One

The numerical designations are as follows.

  1. Side housing walls.
  2. Cover on top.
  3. Cast iron frame.
  4. Rods for fixing and tensioning strings.
  5. Soundboard creating resonance.
  6. Hammers.
  7. Ruleystik.
  8. Fengers are brake pads covering the hammer when it moves away from the strings.
  9. Keyboard mechanism.
  10. Elements filling the void between the last key and the tank.
  11. Steg
  12. The lever of the left element in the pedal structure.
  13. Tsugi of this system (item 12).
  14. Paws of the pedals.
  15. The base is a special shield that insulates the bottom case and fastens the pedal system.
  16. Wheels
  17. Moderator

Scheme Two

It shows a side plan of the device inside the piano.

Scheme Two

The numbers on it indicate the following elements.

1 - futor;

2 - virbelbank;

3 - soundboard for resonance;

4 - ripka;

5 - string;

6 - frame;

7 - steg;

8 - splitting;

9 - shtulrama;

10 - side console;

11 - mechanism;

12 - keyboard system;

13 - her leistik;

14 - her frame;

15 - pedal;

16 - pedal gear;

17 - frame of the first panel (above);

18 - frame of the second panel (bottom);

19 - keyboard valve;

20 - a cover from above;

21 - folding component;

22 - frame at the back;

23 - cornice;

24 - leg;

25 - basement.

Most often, the piano uses a system that has lower dampers. Its main component is the main transverse beam. The following capsules were mounted on it:

- shulter;

- curly levers from below;

- clamps of dampers.

There are also squares and a special bar. Thanks to them, all silencers simultaneously rise from the strings. This happens when you press the right pedal.

Tool hammer

Without it, the internal arrangement of the piano is impossible. In turn, it consists of:

- Schulter (flat block on which it is mounted);

- gammerstil (bearing rod);

- heads;

- springs to mitigate the return of the malleus;

- filza;

- capsule;

- an additional short rod;

- front schulter.

Principles of operation

Piano with bottom dampers

The system with lower silencers has a lower lever (figure). He sways in the capsule. He has a protruding part below. It is pushed by the pilot's head (custom bolt) mounted on the rear end of the key.

On top of the lever is equipped with a capsule, in which the pin (the pusher pusher) smoothly moves. It is repelled by a spring.

In statics, its upper end follows a pad upholstered in leather.

If you press any key, the lever rises in tandem with the pin. He pushes the Schulter. And the hammer head, moving in an arc, attacks the strings.

Due to these forward movements, the upper point of the pivot is deflected and out of the shulther.

The hammer jumps from the strings. The counterfenger (special shoe) is fixed with the fender buffer. At the same time, the damper spoon deflects the corresponding lever. As a result, the silencer moves away from the strings, and they get room for sound.

If you release the key, the lever is lowered in a duet with a pin and enters under the schulter. At this second, the rod mounted on the front end of the lever pulls it and the hammer back. So the hammer quickly and fully returns to calm conditions. In parallel, the Hammerstyle is located on the soft zone of the support beam. At this time, the spring depresses the silencer, and it focuses on the strings. And their vibrations stop.

Digital piano

Digital piano

Today it has huge popularity due to its functionality. In addition, it is much lighter than the classic counterpart in weight.

The digital piano does not have such an abundance of subtleties of the mechanism. The sound is formed thanks to a special circuit.

The keyboard here is equipped with a hammer system. The specifics are in the form of keys. And during the game, the performer feels the return of the hammer beating along the strings. Although these parts are not inside the tool. This is an effect for a better natural sound.

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