The upper and lower jaws are part of the bones of the face and perform the main function of fixing teeth. The jaws are interconnected using the ligamentous-muscular apparatus. Their injuries occur quite often, and most often with the lower jaw.
A broken jaw is the result of direct blows to the face, traffic accidents, and sports injuries. It consists in damage to the jawbone by violating its integrity.
If you have a jaw fracture, then the symptoms are very diverse and vary depending on the injury and its severity. First of all, the face configuration is distorted, moving fragments appear, the bite changes. Particularly dangerous complications are respiratory failure, bleeding, and pain shock. A timely radiograph allows you to accurately determine the location and nature of the fracture.
With fractures of the upper jaw, a shift of the fragments of the jaw down. It becomes impossible to close your mouth, close your teeth. There is a loss of skin sensitivity in the cheeks, lacrimation, swelling of the eyelids. Unconsciousness is the first sign of concussion.
If the broken jaw is damaged in the lower part, the asymmetry of the face appears , the chin moves, bone fragments are mobile, opening the mouth is difficult, it is difficult to chew and swallow. In case of severe pain, a shock condition may occur. A dangerous situation is possible when a fragment of the entrance to the larynx closes. In this case, asphyxia quickly develops, ending, in most cases, with a fatal outcome. The structure of the lower jaw has its own characteristics, so numerous injuries can occur in injuries - double, triple. In especially severe cases, the lower jaw may come off the upper part of the skeleton of the face. Sometimes there is a rupture of soft tissues on the face with the simultaneous occurrence of bleeding.
A broken jaw can be treated differently, since the treatment of a jaw fracture largely depends on the provision of first aid to the victim.
First aid in case of injuries of the upper or lower jaw involves measures aimed at bringing the injured area to a calm state, removing the patient from a shock state, and stopping bleeding. In case of fractures of the upper jaw, the lower one, as close as possible, is brought closer to the upper and fixed by any means at hand. In the case of a fracture of the lower jaw, the same manipulations are performed: the damaged area of ββthe facial skeleton is fixed with a support dressing. In case of tongue dropping, it must be carefully pulled by the tip, and then turn the patient face down so that suffocation does not occur. In case of minor injuries, the hospitalization of the victim is carried out in a sitting position. Referral to a special hospital is a necessary measure for the normal reposition of bone fragments.
A broken jaw is treated in an inpatient setting. Fragments of bones are compared and fixed, with the help of wire tooth splints, immobilization is ensured. Also used are polymer or wire threads, osteosynthesis from metal rods. If necessary, the wounds are sutured, with numerous defects lamellar wire sutures are applied. Fixation of damaged areas remains until they are completely merged.
In the case of the correct combination of fragments, the absence of inflammation, the fracture heals in about 1-2 months. Tires are removed after the formation of dense bone marrow at the site of damage . The final rehabilitation and restoration of all functions still requires additional time. Control over the healing process is carried out using a periodic x-ray examination.