Why does honey foam when stored in a jar?

Buying honey, buyers usually rely on its long-term storage. And when the product begins to foam, bubbles form on its surface, this cannot but confuse any consumer. There may be several reasons for this. This article provides information on why honey foams and in which cases it may be unsafe for health.

A few key fermentation factors

It should be noted right away that an experienced and responsible beekeeper always has the highest quality honey, and therefore is no longer capable of foaming. What are the reasons for this unpleasant event? Here are the most basic factors of why honey foams:

  1. White foam is the result of fermentation. The reasons for this can be both improper storage (high humidity and temperature), and dirty containers in which the product is located. If the taste, color and smell remained unchanged, then honey must be placed in the refrigerator. Otherwise, it is to be thrown away.
  2. Unripe honey. If honey was collected prematurely (due to the inexperience of the beekeeper), such a delicacy is doomed to ferment. It is proved that such a product has a moisture content of 2% higher than the ripened fellow. This is why honey foams during storage.
  3. Violation of filtration conditions. This is the most harmless and absolutely harmless to health cause. It is enough to remove a small layer of foam from the surface and continue to feast on the dessert.
  4. Fake It is not easy for an inexperienced lover to distinguish a fake (based on sugar syrup or sugar - diluted honey). From the moment bubbles appear, the product can be considered lost. An exception may be its further use in cooking - when stored in a refrigerator.
honey in jars

Here are described only the main reasons why honey foams in the bank, and how it is possible to "reanimate" it.

Features of unripe honey

Sooner or later, it will become unusable, because its life span is much less than a ripened product. Do not worry about its danger: it is harmless.

In such honey, the glucose content is higher than normal, but adjusted for its grade. To extend the period of its use, it should be stored at a temperature below 15 degrees in a tightly closed jar. Another feature of it is that honey contains more nitrogen compounds. That is why honey foams not only on the surface, but also in the whole mass.

why honey foams on the surface

Perfect storage conditions for sweet treats

As previously mentioned, a high-quality nectar dessert has a zero chance of deterioration. Moreover, it is filled with useful healing properties and is excellent in its taste characteristics. Nevertheless, you should adhere to the basic rules for its storage, so that honey can be used as long as possible:

  1. The temperature regime depends on the level of moisture that it contains. If the water is more than 20%, then the temperature in the room should not be higher than 10 degrees. If the water is less than 20% - the temperature can be within 20 degrees.
  2. Lack of temperature "cascade". It should be one, without jumps and drops.
  3. Humidity not more than 75%.
  4. A clean, sterilized jar will provide quality storage.
  5. Tightness of packaging, lids on containers. In this case, the container must be glass or ceramic.
why honey roams and foams

If you purchased honey in the winter, and immediately foam appeared on it, then this is a sign of poor product quality. Eating it is not worth it. Knowing why honey is foaming and bubbling will help to avoid some health troubles. Buy honey only in trusted locations and store it properly.

Prohibited Honey Storage Techniques

The reasons for foaming and the best way to store honey are clear. It is also worth separately highlighting some points that absolutely can not be done with this delicacy:

  1. It is not recommended to store honey in an open jar (without a lid). It has a high ability to absorb moisture from the air. An excess of the latter and glucose is ideal for the development of a bacterial environment. So honey becomes harmful to your health.
  2. If the room temperature is above normal (more than 20 degrees), do not be surprised why honey foams. It is in full swing the reproduction of those same unwanted bacteria.
  3. Metal dishes will give honey a specific taste, which is unlikely to please you.

If you are dealing with immature honey, and you really want to extend its β€œlife”, then there is the opportunity to do it. Put the honey to boil for five hours at a temperature of no more than 50 degrees and mix gently. Keep in mind that all the beneficial properties will disappear from such salvaged honey, and it is not recommended for use by people with a violation of the digestive system, since heartburn cannot be avoided.

why honey foams during storage

What is the best way to consume honey for children and adults

Despite all the benefits of this natural dessert, it still needs to be consumed in moderation. This is especially true for honey, which was collected prematurely and thermally processed. A single dosage of honey for an adult should not exceed 150 grams per day.

Experts say that children under three are not allowed to give honey. And only after reaching the specified age, honey is allowed to take a teaspoon (not more than twenty grams) per day with tea, cottage cheese or kefir. Tea should not be hot, since in this state all the useful properties of the product are greatly reduced. Consumption of more than one month for the baby is not recommended. It is better to take a two-week break between receptions.

According to experts, a child can safely do without him until six to seven years.

honey photo

The use of nectar in cosmetology

Now we know why honey foams. Bubbles appear on its surface, and the best solution is to use honey for the good of your beauty (if it is in good condition).

It can be used as a scrub for face and body. At high temperatures in the bath, your skin warms up, pores open. Apply thick nectar to those parts of the body where you plan to remove a layer of dead cells. Leave the honey on your body for 10-15 minutes and then massage the scrub with your hand or using a special brush. You will instantly see the effect of elastic and more delicate skin.

Everyone knows that the honey mask perfectly nourishes, moisturizes and cleanses the skin. Take one yolk of a chicken egg, beat it with one tablespoon of vegetable oil and honey. Then mix well. Apply to skin. Rested complexion and good mood you are guaranteed!

Honey Cake Recipe

As previously described, even the honey on which the white coating appeared is suitable for consumption. Here is the recipe for the most popular honey cake.

honey cake

To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1/2 cup reconstituted and heated honey;
  • 1 cup sour cream;
  • 1/2 teaspoon of soda (quenched with vinegar);
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 400 grams of flour;
  • vanillin.

Knead everything well and cook like regular cakes. The temperature of the oven should be 180 degrees. Duration - 35-40 minutes. Ready cakes can be soaked with boiled condensed milk or any custard.


That's all the factors that influence why honey roams and foams. This article provides information on whether it is dangerous or harmless to human health. The scope of honey in a person’s life is unlimited - even if he began to foam, it can be used as a mask and scrub.

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