Inflammation of the hemorrhoidal nodes, proceeding in an acute form, causes not only burning sensations and unbearable itching, but also pain, which intensifies during the act of defecation or immediately after it.
The discomfort that accompanies the aforementioned ailment is so pronounced that it can easily violate all the plans of the patient. Therefore, the main desire of the patient with exacerbation of hemorrhoids is to minimize discomfort. To this end, many patients use local anesthetics.
basic information
According to most doctors, pain relievers for hemorrhoids with novocaine are the best tools that can quickly and effectively eliminate all unpleasant sensations.
Novocaine or procaine is a drug substance that exhibits a pronounced anesthetic activity. It was synthesized by a physicist from Germany at the end of the 19th century.
Form, packaging
What are the suppositories for hemorrhoids with novocaine? The name of such a drug is easy to remember. "Novocaine" is a rectal suppository whose active substance is procaine. On sale, such a tool comes in blister packs, which are placed in packs of cardboard.
It should also be noted that the drug of the same name can be found in the form of an injection solution. Such a tool is widely used during various types of anesthesia.
Drug action
What determines the therapeutic effect of suppositories with novocaine for hemorrhoids? Instructions and reviews report that such a local drug has a moderate anesthetic activity, as well as a vastness of action.
After using the drug, its active substance blocks Na channels and displaces Ca from the receptors that are located on the inner surface of the cell membrane. As a result of this effect, the generation of impulses in the nerve endings and their conduction along the nerve fibers stops.
In patients using suppositories with novocaine for hemorrhoids, not only pain, but also impulses of a different modality are suppressed. If the active substance of the drug enters the systemic circulation, the excitability of cholinergic systems on the periphery decreases, the release and formation of acetylcholine from the preganglionic ends decreases, smooth muscle spasms, as well as myocardial excitability, are eliminated.
Why are candles with novocaine so popular for hemorrhoids? The reviews of specialists contain information that, compared with bupivacaine and lidocaine, procaine does not have such a pronounced anesthetic effect, so it has less toxicity.
Pharmacokinetic properties
The active substance of the drug with novocaine, produced in rectal form, is poorly absorbed through the intestinal mucosa. Therefore, with severe pain syndromes that occur with exacerbated hemorrhoids, doctors recommend using a local anesthetic, since drugs in the form of a solution for injection are absorbed quickly and very well.
Indications for use
According to the instructions, suppositories with novocaine for hemorrhoids are prescribed only if the aforementioned ailment contributes to the development of severe pain. It should also be noted that Novocaine rectal suppositories are often used in the presence of spasms of the smooth muscles of the intestines and anal fissures.
It is highly recommended not to use suppositories with novocaine for hemorrhoids, if the patient has a high sensitivity to procaine, as well as to paraaminobenzoic acid and other local anesthetics. In addition, such a drug is not prescribed for children under 12 years of age.
For the purpose of local anesthesia, Novocain suppositories should not be used in the presence of fibrotic changes in the tissues.
Suppositories with novocaine for hemorrhoids: instructions for use
Use the local drug "Novocaine" for inflammation of the hemorrhoidal nodes should only after consultation with a doctor. The appointment of rectal suppositories is carried out strictly according to an individual scheme.
When conducting the treatment procedure, it should be remembered that novocaine suppositories act only locally. Therefore, in the presence of internal hemorrhoids, it is necessary that the suppository remains in the rectum at a distance of 3-4 cm from the anus.
If the patient has external nodes, then the candle should be kept at the anus until it is completely dissolved. To do this, use a gauze napkin.
Application features
Novocaine rectal suppositories should only be stored in the refrigerator. Before the introduction of suppositories, they must be removed 10 minutes before the treatment procedure. Exposure of the drug at room temperature leads to its slight thawing, which facilitates the installation of the suppository in the rectum.
How often can I use novocaine suppositories for hemorrhoids? Such a drug is recommended to be used no more than 4 times a day. If the pain syndrome is moderate, then it is better to use the medication twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. It should be noted that the introduction of a rectal suppository before bedtime provides a good assimilation of its active substance and improves the patient's sleep.
Treatment duration
How long can I use suppositories with novocaine for hemorrhoids (photo of the medicine is presented at the very beginning of the article)? The standard duration of treatment with this drug is 1 week. In the event that during this period of time the symptoms of the disease remained at the same level, it is necessary to consult a doctor.
According to experts, the local drug Novocain can be used for a long period. However, it must be borne in mind that after two weeks of its regular use, the analgesic therapeutic effect of the drug is noticeably reduced. Thus, if at the very beginning of therapy the pain stopped for 4 hours, then in the future the anesthetic effect can last only 2 hours. In this regard, proctologists recommend replacing Novocain suppositories with another local anesthetic.
Adverse reactions
In some cases, suppositories with novocaine for hemorrhoids can cause such adverse reactions:
- increase or decrease in blood pressure, headaches;
- bradycardia, methemoglobinemia;
- peripheral vasodilation, skin rash;
- arrhythmia, manifestations of drowsiness;
- collapse, dizziness;
- weakness, anaphylactic manifestations;
- itching, hives.
With the development of the described manifestations or other side effects, you should immediately contact a specialist.
Drug interaction
Before using the Novocain suppository, it should be borne in mind that procaine is able to enhance the therapeutic effect of tranquilizers and sedatives. It is also forbidden to use the drug in question together with other painkillers, otherwise the likelihood of side effects may increase.
Similar pain medication
How can I replace suppositories with novocaine for hemorrhoids? Structural analogues of this drug are drugs that also contain procaine. However, it should be noted that in the form of suppositories such drugs are no longer on the pharmaceutical market. Therefore, in order to reduce pain in hemorrhoids, experts recommend the use of drugs with a similar effect. These include the following tools:
- Candles "Relief Advance." They include such an anesthetic as benzocaine, as well as an extract from shark liver. This combination of active substances contributes to the rapid restoration of damaged tissues and enhance local immunity.
- Suppositories "Anestezol". In addition to effective relief of pain, such suppositories reduce inflammation, and also contribute to the rapid healing of anal fissures.
- The drug "Neo-Anuzol." Such a medicine has a multicomponent composition. It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antimicrobial effects.
- Suppositories "Ginkor Procto". Such candles contain a local anesthetic butoform, as well as a plant-derived angioprotector of ginkgo biloba.
- Candles "Posterisan". The use of such suppositories helps to accelerate tissue healing, reduce pain and activate local immunity.
Reviews about the drug
What do patients say about Novocain candles? Most people who have hemorrhoids speak of them as a popular pain reliever. In their opinion, such a local drug not only provides effective anesthesia, but is also well tolerated by all patients.
Specialists fully support the positive feedback from people. They believe that novocaine suppositories are one of the best among other drugs, as they contribute to the rapid reduction of pain during hemorrhoids.
It should be noted that with proper use, Novocain suppositories never cause side effects. But, despite this, doctors do not recommend using this medicine on their own. They argue that with hemorrhoids it must be used only as part of complex therapy. It must be understood that Novocain candles alone do not treat inflamed nodes. They only stop the symptoms of the disease.
It should also be said that patients attribute its attractive price to another significant advantage of the drug in question (about 45 rubles per package).