Cough pain in the heart: possible causes and treatment features

What does heart pain on coughing say? What are the possible causes and features of treatment? The pain syndrome that occurs on the left "cardiac" side at the time of a deep breath or coughing up indicates serious changes in the bronchopulmonary tissue, narrowing of the chest, possible tears of the neuromuscular tissue and capillary networks. To collect complete anamnestic data for coughing and pain in the area of ​​the heart, you should immediately contact your local GP, cardiologist. Long inactivity and ignoring the problem often leads to a worsening of the situation, creating serious grounds for emergency hospitalization. It is worthwhile to understand in more detail what kind of cough is it with pain in the heart, and what provokes it to development? More on this later in the article.

heart pain cough

Is there a relationship between heart pain and coughing?

It is worth starting with the fact that a disease of any organ located within the chest can manifest itself completely uncharacteristically. The most common options for symptomatic complexes are:

  • Heart palpitations, along with shortness of breath and trembling hands, chest cough - this is the chronic form of bronchitis, untreated pneumonia (only bilateral pneumonia is the reason for urgent hospitalization, in other cases, outpatient treatment with antibiotics and sputum-removing medicines is used).
  • A general decrease in immunity, frequent colds, a hard croaking cough, a feeling of heaviness and "heart pain" - can be signs of oncology. Therefore, doctors prescribe additional studies for markers of pathological antibodies.
  • Curvature of the spine, kyphosis, which leads to deformation and compression of the chest, also leads to a decrease in lung volume and pain in the heart when coughing at the time of the highest physical activity.

Sanitary living conditions, labor activity in hazardous work, the presence of food and contact allergies, a sharp change in climatic conditions - moving to another country, small development anomalies become additional factors, provocateurs of erased painful manifestations.

heart pain and severe cough

Non-cardiac causes and their elimination

There are several types of disease, the development and progression of which may be similar to problems with the cardiovascular system. The main ones include:

  1. Pleurisy.
  2. Pneumonia.
  3. Pneumothorax.
  4. Pulmonary tuberculosis.
  5. Cancer.
  6. Intercostal neuralgia.
  7. Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine.
  8. Injuries to organs located behind the sternum.
cough with heart pain


Pleurisy is a chronic or acutely ongoing disease of the chest organs, provoked by infection in the body. It is always manifested by acute heart failure, cough, periodic occurrence of asthma attacks. Pleurisy is treated strictly in a hospital. Complex supportive drug therapy is prescribed: antibiotics, inhalations, vasoconstrictors - tablets and drops that lower blood pressure.

coughing pain in heart


Pneumonia is an acute inflammatory disease of tissues and cells of the broncho-pulmonary region. It can occur locally or affect the entire above designated area on both sides. When pneumonia occurs, the main blow always falls on the heart, since the blood is less saturated with oxygen, it becomes thick and it is more difficult to pump through the vessels and veins. Treatment of such an inflammatory process is always accompanied by the appointment of antibiotics, blood thinners, inhalations, physiotherapy.

pain in the region of the heart when coughing


Pneumothorax is not an independent disease, but one of the forms of complication of bronchial asthma, sarcoidosis, systemic diseases of the connective tissue, bronchiectasis. Dry cough with pain localized in the heart is a constant symptom of this disorder. Relief occurs only with the complex treatment of primary pathology.

Pulmonary tuberculosis

With pulmonary tuberculosis, a prolonged cough gives pain in the heart and leads to a constant tear of the intercostal septum, sternum muscles. Leading to the occurrence of herpes zoster pain. Cardiac colic and spastic disorders are the result of hypoxia - insufficient oxygen supply to the blood, for its normal circulation and supply of nutrients to organs, cells, tissues. Relief of symptoms and full recovery occurs in a specialized medical institution of the dispensary type. After the use of bacteriophages, anti-inflammatory and immunostabilizing drugs, problems with the heart, blood vessels and breathing go away by themselves.

Intercostal neuralgia

Intercostal neuralgia is an independently developing pathology of the nervous system, which is a consequence of a common cold with the inclusion of chest cough, as well as a change in the anatomical features of the musculoskeletal system - osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, and so on. The appearance of MN is often accompanied by the appearance of discomfort in the chest area, which can easily be mistaken for heart problems. MN therapy includes: the appointment of physiotherapy, antibiotics (if there is a local inflammatory process), therapeutic exercises, vitamin therapy, the use of chondroprotectors, for a better night's sleep, it is recommended to take sleeping pills or sedatives.

heart pain and dry cough

Cough for heart disease: features

The main cardiovascular causes of pain in the heart during coughing are:

  1. The presence of chronic coronary heart disease (CHD).
  2. Pericarditis.
  3. Pulmonary embolism.
heart pain when coughing

Chronic Ischemic Heart Disease

HIBS is a stagnation of blood, the difficulty of its passage in a small circle. It is manifested not only by a prolonged dry cough and pain in the heart, but also by trembling hands, a bluish nasolabial triangle, a change in the processes of thermoregulation, increased blood pressure, and mental retardation. The treatment of such a disease involves a complex of complex medical procedures and techniques to prevent channel stagnation, normalize blood pressure, reduce the load on the heart muscle, bronchopulmonary tissue. Drug therapy for CHD helps to maintain a normal condition of the patient, to prevent further progression of the pathology.

heartache with acute cough


Pericarditis is an inflammation of the serous membrane of the heart, which performs a protective function and prevents malfunctions of the heart muscle. This condition can occur as one of the forms of complication of pulmonary tuberculosis, rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, blood diseases, with total infection. Treatment of pericarditis is impossible without eliminating the pathology ahead, and therefore the elimination of symptoms is also impossible.

Heart attack after pulmonary embolism (pulmonary embolism)

Pulmonary infarction occurs as a result of the closure of the central pulmonary pathways through which the outflow of blood occurs. The patient’s pre-infarction condition is always accompanied by severe coughing, pain in the heart, chest, trembling hands, blue skin, nausea, swelling of the arms and legs, heart palpitations and shortness of breath. The neglected state of pulmonary embolism leads to pulmonary edema with the subsequent death of a person. Therefore, if there is a feeling of constriction of the chest and cardiac colic when a cough occurs, you should immediately contact a cardiologist and a local therapist. These specialists will help establish the cause of this condition and prescribe adequate treatment, examination, and send it to the hospital.


Thrombosis of the main arteries arises as a result of malnutrition, the presence of bad habits, a genetic predisposition to the formation of tumors and metabolic disorders, taking certain medications, and diseases of the vascular wall. To date, thrombosis can only be successfully treated if a person undergoes a medical examination in advance and does not ignore the first ailments, such as a severe dry cough, chest tension, periodic heart pain, a feeling of lack of air.

Diagnosis and elimination of a foreign body - a blood clot - is carried out strictly in a hospital. To break them up at the formation stage, they use radio wave devices, micro-current stimulation, mud therapy for a successful outcome of the first stage of treatment. The pain syndrome completely recedes and the patient is recommended to do cardio workouts in order to prevent painful conditions and register with the endocrinologist. With further progression of the disease, a surgical operation is prescribed using a special apparatus that helps to remove large foreign objects from the vessels. Running forms of thromboembolism are not susceptible to surgical and medical treatment. The patient's condition is only being adjusted.

The main thing to know is that if any symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

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