This disease is not just called the plague of the twentieth century. AIDS is dangerous and more and more people suffer and die from it every year. Only one small mistake - and life can be considered complete. Danger is everywhere, and staying healthy is not always easy. Of course, many live with AIDS for many years, but you should always try to protect yourself as much as possible from the possibility of infection with it. To do this, you must know how to get AIDS.
What is hidden under this scary word
This disease is caused by a very specific virus, which is capable of causing irreparable damage to the lymphocytes (white blood balls) of our body, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the body's immune system. It is not difficult to guess that AIDS, destroying our immunity, makes us susceptible to various diseases, microbes inside us begin to feel like real owners, and wounds cease to heal. This disease, as a rule, develops very slowly and without jumps. For many years, the virus can lurk in the body without causing anything but swollen lymph nodes. A person after becoming infected with AIDS can feel good for a long time. Sooner or later, the following symptoms appear:
- intestinal disorders;
- increased sweating;
- exhaustion of the body;
- fever.
A little later, pneumonia begins , various skin lesions (herpetic and pustular), malignant tumors appear. People die from him for a long time. Some even manage to start a family (without their children, of course), and build a career.
How can you get AIDS
This question is very important nowadays. Much has been said about this, but so far not everyone knows where and how to get AIDS. A lot of people live in the world who are in a big error about this issue. This virus is very often the focus of television and the press, which means that the problems associated with it worry many people. Sometimes thoughts about the possibility of becoming infected with AIDS can cause a real phobia: people start seeing infected people everywhere, they are afraid of insects and animals, because they believe that they are carriers of the virus, these people avoid food establishments and, oddly enough, disdain hospitals, although they are constantly tested for AIDS.
Many of these fears are not entirely justified, as AIDS infection can occur under certain conditions. This means that caution is needed, but no one is hung up on it.
How can you get AIDS:
- through a needle that had previously been injected with an infected person;
- through unprotected sexual intercourse;
- during a blood transfusion;
- the virus can be transmitted by the mother to the bearing fetus. Also, the possibility of its transmission through breast milk is not excluded, however, many are willing to argue with this.
Contrary to popular belief, AIDS cannot be infected through:
- tears;
- sweat;
- saliva.
A person cannot transmit you a virus:
- coughing;
- sneezing;
- touching you.
You cannot get AIDS in:
- pool;
- in the toilet;
- in places of public catering.
It is also worth noting the fact that insects, even those related to bloodsucking, cannot infect you with AIDS. Communicating or even eating food from one dish with other people, you can pick up anything, but not AIDS.
The study of how to become infected with AIDS must be approached appropriately. Infected people often live exactly the same life as the most ordinary healthy people. They go to the cinema, theater, visit swimming pools and gyms, take their children from schools and kindergartens. AIDS cannot just be transmitted and transmitted for no reason, which means that people infected with it have every right to be in society, to interact with us and to seek happiness in life.