Glutoxim: instructions for use, reviews

What is the Glutoxim Medication intended for? Instructions for the use of this tool will be presented in the article. You will also learn about what contraindications this drug has, in what forms it is produced, how much it costs, whether it has analogues and so on.

glutoxim instruction

Drug Release Form

In what form is Glutoxim produced? This tool can be found in the pharmacy only in the form of a clear solution, which is intended for injection. It has no smell, no color and is packaged in ampoules of one or two mg.

The composition of the medication

The Glutoxim medication, the instructions for use of which is provided in the kit, contains an active component such as bis- (gamma-L-glutamyl) -L-cysteinyl-bis-glycine disodium salt. In addition, the drug also includes auxiliary ingredients in the form of sodium acetate, acetic acid and water for injection. In fact, the drug mentioned is a mixture of disodium salts and three different amino acids (cysteine, glycine and glutamine).

Concentration of funds

The concentration of those or components in the drug may be different.

  • Glutoxim 1% solution contains 10 milliliters of the active substance.
  • A solution of 0.5% includes 5 milliliters of the active ingredient.
  • Glutoxim 3% solution contains 30 milliliters of active substance.

When opening the ampoule from the medicine, a slight aroma of acetic acid may come out. You can buy such a medicine in a cardboard box of 10 or 5 ampoules inside.

Pharmacological properties of the drug

The medicine "Glutoxim" is an immunomodulating agent that is intended to strengthen human immunity. It quickly restores cellular receptors, as well as their sensitivity to regulatory elements. Moreover, this drug produces a pronounced cytotropic effect.

After applying the medication, it is able to increase the production of all types of cells that are responsible for the non-specific immune response. In addition, the drug accelerates the formation of lymphocytes, red blood cells, granulocytes (monocytes) and hematopoiesis in the bone marrow.

glutoxim reviews

What other properties does Glutoxim have? Reviews of experts contain a lot of information that this drug can significantly improve the patient's condition. After all, it easily activates the processes of phagocytosis and tissue macrophages. The drug stabilizes the blood formula, and also increases the number of cells in it, stimulates the signaling systems that are responsible for the formation of the immune response.

The medication mentioned can initiate the production of cytokines (i.e. tissue hormones), interferons, tumor necrosis factors designed to combat the formation of cancer cells in the human body, and erythropoietin hormones that accelerate the production of red blood cells in the bone marrow.

Pharmacokinetics of the drug

After intramuscular, intravenous or subcutaneous administration, the bioavailability of the drug reaches 90 percent. That is, 10 percent of the active component is not absorbed by the human body, but is excreted. There is a linear dependence of the concentration of the drug in the blood on the concentration of the solution used.

With intramuscular administration of the drug, its maximum concentration is achieved after seven to ten minutes, and with intravenous administration, after two to five minutes.

This medication is metabolized in the organs and tissues of the body, and its decay products are excreted exclusively through the kidneys.

Indications for the use of the drug

In what cases is Glutoxim medication prescribed for patients? Instructions for use of this tool contain a long list of indications for its use. Let's consider them in more detail.

  • The mentioned preparation is very often used for the treatment and prevention of secondary immunodeficiency conditions. As a rule, they are caused by various infections, as well as chemical or radiation factors.
  • Doctors may prescribe Glutoxim to stimulate bone marrow. After all, it is the active component that is included in it that takes direct part in supporting the normal human blood formula.
  • If a patient is diagnosed with an infectious liver disease (for example, hepatitis B, C or D), then such a medicine is used as a good hepatoprotector (liver protector).
  • In the event that the patient has chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, the Glutoxim medication is used to enhance the effect of taking hormonal drugs and antibiotics.

glutoxim instructions for use

What other deviations can cause the doctor to prescribe the Glutoxim medication? The instruction says that the following pathological conditions can be indications for the use of the drug:

  • After the operation, the drug is used to prevent inflammation.
  • During the treatment of tuberculosis, this drug is very effective in disseminated form of the disease, as well as in case of reduced sensitivity of the pathogen to antibiotic agents and in stimulating the patient’s immune system.
  • Glutoxim medication is often used to prevent exacerbations of hepatitis. As a rule, this happens during anti-TB treatment.
  • The mentioned drug is an effective tool that is actively used to combat intoxication. That is why it can be prescribed to reduce the toxic effects of chemotherapy on the liver and other internal organs.
  • During the antitumor treatment, the medication is used to restore the hematopoietic function of the bone marrow. Its use helps to overcome such side effects of treatment as high fatigue, anemia, decreased appetite and increased sensitivity to pain.

It is impossible not to say that in rare cases, the patient may be prescribed the medication “Glutoxim” for psoriasis. Reviews about this drug are mostly positive.

Contraindications to the use of the medication

In what cases is it not recommended to use the Glutoxim medication? The instruction for use of this tool states that it can not be prescribed if the patient has an individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

It should also be said that studies on the use of this drug during lactation and pregnancy have not been conducted. That is why in such situations, women are advised to abandon its use.

Glutoxim medication: instructions for use

For adults, the dosage of this tool should be from 5 to 40 milligrams daily. In this case, intramuscular, subcutaneous and intravenous routes of administration can be used. The dosage in each case is chosen exclusively by the doctor.

glutoxim for psoriasis reviews

  • To combat adverse environmental factors, as well as for preventive measures after surgery, the drug is prescribed in a dosage of 5-10 milligrams every day for 2-4 weeks.
  • During therapy of inflammation of the urogenital system and lungs, as well as with allergic reactions, the drug is used in an amount of 5-40 milligrams per day. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.
  • With anti-TB treatment, the drug is used in a dosage of 60 milligrams per day in two divided doses. The duration of therapy is 2 months. After the disease enters the productive phase, a dose of 10-20 milligrams twice a day three times a week is prescribed. After a course of therapy, you should take a break for 2-6 months.
  • With psoriasis, a patient may be prescribed 10 milligrams of the drug (intramuscularly). Treatment should be carried out every day for 14 days. After that, for 35 days, the medication is used two more times a week in a dosage of 10 milligrams. If therapy of uncomplicated psoriasis is carried out, then the drug is prescribed at a dose of 10 milligrams per day for 10 days.
  • With chemotherapy and antitoxic maintenance of radiation therapy, the drug is used subcutaneously in an amount of 60 milligrams. In this case, the drug is prescribed 2 hours before the start of the procedure, and then twice a week in the same dosage. The drug is used during each chemotherapy.
  • For the prevention of infectious diseases, the drug is prescribed in a two-week course in an amount of 5-10 milligrams.

It should also be recalled that for intravenous administration, a 5% glucose solution or physiological saline should be used.

Features of the medication

What is the opinion of patients on the drug "Glutoxim"? Their reviews are different. Some men who have been prescribed this medication for the treatment of kidney disease, note that it improves erection. Experts have proved that this tool increases the number of live sperm in the semen, and also reduces the severity of side effects after the use of antibiotic agents. In addition, this medication is able to increase the effectiveness of antibacterial drugs that belong to the quinolone series (Ofloxacin, Oxolinic Acid, Norfloxacin and Cyclofloxacin).

This drug accelerates remission in the treatment of chronic kidney disease. Its use significantly reduces the frequency of relapses, up to their complete disappearance.

glutoxim application

According to experts, the drug “Glutoxim” is very effective in the treatment of chronic prostatitis, as well as infectious diseases that are transmitted sexually.

Side effects of the drug "Glutoxim"

The use of this tool must be monitored by a doctor, despite the fact that the drug does not have a large number of side effects. With intramuscular or subcutaneous administration, the patient may experience an increase in body temperature up to 37.5 degrees. But this is only on condition that the patient has an individual intolerance to the constituent components.

Use of medication for children

Can Glutoxim injections be given to children? Yes, of course. But this is only if other drugs have been ineffective.

As for the volume of use of the Glutoxim medication, the dosage for children is calculated based on the weight (2.5-5 milligrams per kilogram). In this case, the drug can be administered intramuscularly, intravenously or subcutaneously.

During the treatment of kidney diseases in young children and adolescents, the use of this drug is associated with reduced effectiveness of treatment with antibiotics and hormones. Medical practice shows that the use of this medicine accelerates the onset of remission, and also improves the general condition of patients, while there is no effect on the blood formula.

Interaction with alcohol and other drugs

In addition to enhancing the action of the quinolone antibiotic series, no other interactions with drugs have been identified. As for alcoholic beverages, given the hepatoprotective properties, this medication reduces the negative effects of alcohol on the kidneys and liver. At the same time, it accelerates the breakdown of alcohol in the blood.

Analogues of the drug, price

How much does the medication mentioned cost? It should be noted that the price of this medicine is quite high. So, for 5 ampoules of a 1 percent solution (2 ml), you will have to give about 1600 rubles. As for the 3% solution, it costs even more - about 2000 rubles.

glutoxim medicine

What to do if you don’t have enough money to buy Glutoxim? Its analogs can be much cheaper. Among these drugs, the following can be noted: Vironel, Amiksin IS, Bioleukin, Lavomax, Avonex, Anaferon, Alfiron, Galavit, Viferon, Echinacea Compositum, Immunoflazid ”,“ Azoximera bromide ”,“ Septilin ”,“ Roncoleukin ”,“ Protphenoloside ”,“ Granocyte ”,“ Immunorm ”and others.

It should be emphasized that each of the medicines presented has its own characteristics of use. However, they all have approximately the same effect on the human body.

Reviews of specialists about the drug

According to doctors' reviews, during chemotherapy, this medication is able to quickly remove all toxins from the body, which directly affects the general condition of patients. In addition, some experts argue that the drug "Glutoxim" helps well in the treatment of infectious diseases, especially with bronchitis. This immunomodulator acts efficiently and very quickly, reducing the duration of therapy by about a third.

Patient Reviews

Patients who have ever used this drug after chemotherapy note that, compared with the first course, when this drug has not yet been prescribed, the condition has become more comfortable. In this case, the taste in the mouth and dry mucous membranes completely disappeared. Also, patients significantly improved sleep, the usual anxiety state that occurred every time after the completion of the chemotherapy procedure was gone.

Those patients who were prescribed the drug “Glutoxim” for the treatment of a prostate tumor, noted an impressive result. The growth of the neoplasm slowed down, and the inflammation subsided.

Patients diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis also talk about the effectiveness of the drug. According to their reviews, the treatment of the disease is quick and comfortable. In patients, the normal blood formula is restored, signs of intoxication disappear, sleep also improves, and unpleasant bitterness in the mouth and dry mucous membranes disappear.

Additional information about the medication

Currently, studies of the effects of the drug on the human body are ongoing. In the instructions that are attached to the drug, the most studied methods of taking the medication are given. There is evidence of the effectiveness of its use in the treatment of infectious diseases, including those that are sexually transmitted, as well as various hepatitis, tumors and other abnormalities.


Shelf life of the drug and its storage conditions

Where and how to store Glutoxim medication? According to the instructions, this drug should be placed in a dark place where direct sunlight does not fall. In this case, the storage temperature should be no more than 25 degrees Celsius. Also, the drug is not recommended to be placed where young children can get it.

The shelf life of the Glutoxim medication is three years. The use of the drug after this period is strictly prohibited.

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