Barley porridge: how to cook on water and with the addition of milk

Barley porridge is not such a common and well-known product as, say, buckwheat or semolina. But in vain! The body will receive no less benefits from it, and to taste it can be no worse. Therefore, it is worthwhile, at least for a change, to try to cook such a dish as barley porridge. How to cook this product on water, every housewife should know.

barley porridge how to cook on water
Barley grits

Barley grains are crushed grains of barley. Unlike pearl barley, it is not polished, so it does not lose its valuable fiber reserves. In addition, in barley groats (cell) contains a large number of various trace elements, such as phosphorus, fluorine, zinc, potassium, iron, manganese, calcium. There are many vitamins in it: A, B (almost all the vitamins of this group), D, E. Vegetable protein, which is absorbed by the human body much better than animal, is also contained in the cell. Barley porridge made from this cereal is assimilated for a long time, which allows for a long time to calm obsessive hunger. Therefore, nutritionists advise using it to those people who are concerned about their overweight. With diabetes, barley porridge is also indicated. How to cook - in water or milk, does not matter in this case.

barley porridge on water
How to cook barley porridge in the water?

In order to prepare the cell, you do not need expensive ingredients or complex manipulations. Everything is simple and fast enough. So, barley porridge on water, the recipe of which is given below, will be ready in about twenty minutes. To prepare it you will need:

  • barley groats, 1 cup is enough;
  • cooking water, two glasses;
  • some salt to taste.

Rinse cereals with cold water, pour two glasses of water, bring to a boil. Cook over low heat until thick, stirring occasionally so as not to burn. It takes about 10 minutes. So the barley porridge is ready! How to cook this dish on water is easy to remember.

barley porridge on water recipe
Other recipes

If you take cereals and water in the indicated proportion (a glass of eggs in two glasses of water), the porridge will turn out friable. To make it viscous, more fluid is needed, up to four glasses. You can cook this dish with the addition of milk. To do this, take the food as if it were a regular loose cereal, boil it until it is desolate, and then add another glass of milk and bring the product to a boil again. Cook quite a bit, literally 2-3 minutes. Often, butter is added to the finished porridge (butter or vegetable, which is more to your taste). Many housewives are happy to diversify such a dish as barley porridge. How to boil it on the water, they know well. And fruit is added to the finished porridge, for example, a banana cut into small pieces. Then it turns out fragrant and sweet, and sugar will not be needed.

Barley porridge may be good for breakfast. To prepare it, you need a minimum of products. And it will take a little time. But barley porridge on the water (whose calorific value is average, about 315 calories per 100 g of product) will give a feeling of satiety for a long time. And there is no particular desire to snack on something while waiting for dinner.

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