Laxative, non-addictive: recommendations and reviews

More than half the population of civilized countries now suffers from constipation. This is due to a lot of stress, malnutrition and a sedentary lifestyle. But few who suffer from this problem see a doctor. Indeed, in pharmacies there is a large selection of laxatives. These medicines are one of the most common, although most of them have many side effects. And the most important of them is that they are addictive and require a larger dose. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right drug for constipation, so that it really helps. It is advisable to use only laxatives, not addictive. But the problem is that such a drug can only be recommended by a doctor, and many people buy drugs, guided by advertising or the advice of friends.

non-addictive laxatives

How to get rid of constipation

This condition is very familiar to many. Elderly people and women are especially affected by constipation. This is not only unpleasant, it brings suffering to a person, but also very harmful to health, as the body is poisoned by decay products. Due to their stagnation, the processes of decay begin in the intestine. Therefore, those who suffer from constipation, the acute question is how to choose laxatives, not addictive. But, unfortunately, most drugs have a one-time effect, and successful treatment of constipation is possible only after eliminating their causes. Without the establishment of a diet, a proper lifestyle, the patient will need more and more new doses of medication, and it often happens that a person without a laxative cannot go to the toilet at all.

Causes of constipation

  • Improper nutrition: snacks, a passion for junk food, processed foods and flour products, overeating and a small amount of fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet.
  • Crazy rhythm of life, a large number of stresses and experiences, overwork and lack of sleep.

which laxatives are not addictive

  • Improper lifestyle: sedentary work, a small amount of physical activity and lack of fresh air.
  • Bad habits, addiction to certain drugs.

What are laxatives

But even those people who lead the right lifestyle sometimes have constipation. If this is a rare problem, you can use any drug. But for those who suffer from constipation for a long time, it is very important to choose laxatives that are not addictive. To do this, you need to know that all such drugs are divided into several groups:

1. Laxatives of irritating effect. They enhance intestinal motility and, irritating its receptors, contribute to emptying.

2. Laxatives of osmotic action. These drugs contain substances that increase the osmotic pressure in the intestines and interfere with fluid absorption.

3. Prebiotics are the best laxatives, not addictive. After all, their effect is based on a change in the intestinal microflora and filling it with beneficial bacteria that establish its work.

4. Excipients are recommended only for relatively healthy people with mild constipation. They swell and increase pressure in the intestine, resulting in its emptying.

Why irritating laxatives are dangerous

It is these drugs that most often cause addiction to the body and the deterioration of the patient's condition with prolonged use. But for some reason they are the most bought and common drugs. This is a large group of laxatives, and they have a strong and quick effect. They are prescribed even for patients with intestinal atony. But among them it is difficult to choose a laxative without getting used to it. The peculiarity of the action of such drugs is that they irritate the intestinal receptors. This can cause abdominal pain, and with prolonged use it can be very addictive. The intestine ceases to work without such drugs, its tone decreases, so you constantly have to increase the dose of the drug. But with acute constipation they can be taken once, as they are very effective.

non-addictive laxative

Such laxatives include Senadexin, Bisacodyl, Guttalax, Regulax and others. In addition, there are many herbal remedies in the form of tablets or herbs. This is buckthorn bark, senna leaf, rhubarb root or joster fruit. Castor oil or various suppositories for constipation also belong to irritating drugs. All of them have many contraindications and side effects.

Osmotic preparations

These are laxatives without addictive bowel movements. They do not reduce its tone, but they also can not be taken for a long time. Although such drugs are not addictive, they have no less dangerous side effects. With prolonged use, these drugs lead to dehydration, loss of electrolytes and minerals. Therefore, most often they are recommended for a single bowel cleansing in case of poisoning and acute constipation. Such drugs are never taken for more than 2-3 months, they are also not recommended for children and people with heart disease. Such products include Karlovy Vary salt, magnesium sulfate, Fortrans, Lavacol and others.

The effectiveness of prebiotics for constipation

These are the best non-addictive laxatives . Their advantage over other drugs is that they regulate the intestinal microflora, populating it with beneficial microorganisms, so that it begins to work correctly. They not only eliminate constipation, but also improve the absorption of mineral salts, and also remove toxins. These are the safest laxatives, besides having a lasting effect. They are recommended for use even in infants and pregnant women. But many people suffering from constipation do not like such remedies, since their action occurs after some time. What kind of drugs belong to prebiotics? The most famous are lactulose preparations: Poslabin, Normase, Dufalac, Prelax and others.

Features of bulk laxatives

These are also laxatives without addiction. Their effect is the longest, so most often such drugs are used to treat chronic mild constipation. Their action is based on the characteristics of certain plant fibers to swell, absorbing water. Such drugs can be taken for a long time, as these are also laxatives that are not addictive. But you need to know that when using them you need to drink as much water as possible, otherwise they will have the opposite effect. Such laxative fillers are made on the basis of flax seeds, wheat bran, cellulose or other plant fibers. They have almost no side effects, but not everyone likes them. After all, such drugs do not act immediately, require a lot of water and can cause bloating.

Folk remedies for the treatment of constipation

  • Infusion of rowan berries, lingonberries or gooseberries.
  • It helps with constipation in babies decoction of raisins or jelly from flaxseed.
  • Often, even doctors recommend herbal supplements to treat constipation. The buckthorn bark, licorice root, joster berries, fennel and anise seeds have a laxative effect.

addictive laxative

  • In the diet of a person suffering from constipation, salads of fresh vegetables and fruits, especially pumpkins, beets and carrots, should often be included.
  • Steamed prunes, oat jelly and sour-milk products help with constipation.

How to take such drugs

non-addictive laxatives

1. When choosing a laxative, it is necessary to take into account the cause and characteristics of the course of the disease.

2. In chronic constipation, constant administration of drugs is often required. In this case, it is recommended to drink them in a minimum dose every three days or every day, but after 5-7 days of taking a break. Only then the laxative will not be addictive.

3. If the patient has not only constipation, but a complex disorder of intestinal functions, complex treatment is recommended, for example, they drink Motilium, which stimulates peristalsis, along with the usual laxative.

4. The treatment of constipation should always begin with mildly acting drugs, for example, plant fibers or osmotic. Only in the absence of effect can you resort to saline or intestinal stimulant laxatives.

5. Such drugs should be taken on an empty stomach.

6. If necessary, rapid bowel movements are used candles and microclysters.

What laxatives are not addictive

intestinal laxative

Recently, senna drugs and other drugs that stimulate intestinal motility, gradually go out of use. Doctors recommend safer remedies for constipation. Among them, it is easy to choose the best laxative without bowel addiction:

  • One such drug is Prelax. It contains lactulose and helps with both acute constipation and prolonged bowel dysfunction. It is very important that this drug not only eliminates constipation, but also normalizes microflora. And, most importantly, it is not addictive.
  • Guttalax also has a mild effect. The laxative effect is manifested 10-15 hours after taking the solution. Prescribe the drug even to children and pregnant women.
  • β€œForlax” is a herbal medicine with a mild effect and almost no contraindications. It can be taken for a long time, without fear of addiction.
  • "Phytomucil" is also a herbal remedy that gently releases the intestines and restores its functions. This is the best non-addictive laxative that normalizes the intestinal microflora. Doctors recommend it even to pregnant women and young children. Now it is the most popular laxative.

Some drug reviews

People who suffer from constipation for a long time are ready to take any medications, if only they would help them get rid of this problem. Many of them tried a large number of different drugs and chose the most effective for themselves. Most speak negatively about irritating laxatives and saline preparations. After all, they have many side effects, the most dangerous of which is intestinal addiction. Drugs like Slabilen or Bisacodyl can cause nausea and abdominal pain. In addition, patients note that over time, you need to take a larger dose, and gradually these drugs stop helping. And magnesia preparations and saline laxatives can lead to dehydration. Many constipation sufferers opt for new non-addictive medications.

laxative reviews

Especially good reviews about herbal preparations such as Phytomucil and prebiotics, especially those containing lactulose. People suffering from constipation for a long time, note that taking these medications, felt a great relief. These are laxatives that do not cause flatulence, nausea and addiction.

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