Bilateral otitis media in children: causes, symptoms and treatment methods

There are many reasons that can induce the occurrence of bilateral otitis media. In a small child, a predisposition to inflammatory processes in the middle ear is explained by the distinctive features of the anatomical structure of the hearing aid. The Eustachian tube that connects the nasopharynx with the cavity of the inner ear is small, wide and is in a horizontal position. These conditions contribute to the rapid entry of infection into the middle ear and its inflammation. Parents are often interested in what to do with bilateral otitis media in children. The answer to this question is below.

otipax instructions for use


A negative role in the formation of pathology can play a distinctive feature of the structure of the mucous surface of the inner ear. In the case of an adult, it is even, but in children it is loose and soft with a small number of blood vessels, which makes it vulnerable to pathogens. In addition, the disease can form on the background of a decrease in immunity or as a complication after viral colds infections. Inflammation is often associated with infectious diseases (scarlet fever, diphtheria and measles).

In newborns, inflammation in the ear may appear after the mother’s milk has landed in the Eustachian tube. For this reason, it is necessary to feed the children, keeping them at an angle, and already after feeding, carry it in a column, and not put it in a horizontal position in the bed.

In adults, despite prejudices, acute otitis media is not directly related to hypothermia, the influence of drafts, walking in cold weather with an uncovered head and water getting into ears. Pathogenic bacteria and microbes enter the auditory tube and then into the deepening of the middle ear when the nostrils are improperly blown in sync with the closed mouth.

The causes of bilateral otitis media in children can be a variety of chronic painful conditions: the presence of adenoids and curvature of the nasal septum. In addition, with the flow of blood into the deepening of the inner ear, the irritant of the disease can penetrate with the flu or other infectious disease. In addition, the island-inflammatory process can occur due to a defect in the tympanic membrane and the pathogen from the external environment.

bilateral otitis media in a child

What are the signs of bilateral otitis media in children?

Much depends on what form the disease is at the moment. Symptoms of otitis media in children may vary to some extent.

With an acute form, a slight swelling and severe redness of the skin occurs at the site of the lesion. In some cases, a translucent fluid begins to flow out, a narrowing of the ear canal is observed. In addition, at the very beginning of the disease, the child may complain of ringing, congestion and constant tinnitus.

Further, other symptoms appear, such as an increase in body temperature, severe and acute pain. If untreated, a tympanic membrane breakthrough occurs, and instead of a translucent liquid, a purulent exudate of greenish-yellow color already follows. At this time, the temperature rises to 38 degrees and is kept at this level. The pain intensifies, becomes shooting and can give in the eyes, as well as in the larynx.

In infants, it is not easy to determine the symptoms of bilateral otitis media, as the babies still cannot tell their parents what exactly worries them, but even in this case, observant parents can identify the disease. The kid can completely refuse food, throws his head back, shakes it from side to side, constantly cries. In very young children, all these symptoms can be accompanied by a strong fever, diarrhea, or sudden vomiting.

Drug treatment

Before starting drug therapy, it is necessary to carry out all the diagnostic measures proposed by the attending physician. It is the timely establishment of the correct diagnosis and the cause of the onset of bilateral otitis media in the child that guarantees a favorable prognosis, prevents the occurrence of severe complications and the transition to a chronic disease. It is necessary once again to emphasize that only the attending physician should determine the list of medications necessary for treatment and their dosage. As is known from medical practice, the treatment of bilateral otitis media in children is complex and has different directions and goals.

bilateral otitis media in children


Antibacterial and anti-infectious therapy is aimed at destroying the virus or infection that provoked the development of the inflammatory process. Preparations for bilateral otitis media in children of the above pharmacological action are used both in the form of ear drops and in tablet form, including the following:

  • Drops "Otipaks", instructions for use for children which states that they can be used not only with this type of otitis media. There are no side effects. The main thing is to follow the instructions of the ENT doctor. Also, when using, you can use the instructions for the use of Otipax for children.
  • Ear drops "Sofradeks" or "Otofa" have proven themselves in the fight against bacteria and microorganisms that provoked inflammation. At the same time, it should be said that the ear drops used for otitis media in children should in no case be cold - this can aggravate the course of the disease. Before use, the drops should be warmed up to at least room temperature, the pipette should be warmed up, after instillation in one ear, it is necessary to lie on this side for a while so that the drops do not leak out, and after the procedure is completed, the baby’s eye should be covered with a piece of sterile cotton wool.
  • In addition to antibacterial ear drops, their effect is fixed by the ingestion of tablets with a similar effect (for example, Biseptol, Co-trimoxazole).
bilateral otitis media in children

Broad-spectrum antibiotics

If bilateral otitis media in a child turns into a purulent form, the attending physician may decide to use a course of broad-spectrum antibiotics with the mildest effect - they will help stop the inflammatory process and prevent its further spread. The most suitable for this pathology are:

  • Amoxicillin;
  • "Cefazolin".
bilateral otitis media

To relieve symptoms

Separately, it is worth highlighting a group of drugs aimed at relieving local symptoms: lowering the general temperature of the body, relieving pain. In this group, mention should be made of such commonly available drugs:

  • Children's "Paracetamol" has long established itself as an effective antipyretic and analgesic;
  • analgesics are also recommended to relieve pain in children over 12 years old.
bilateral otitis what to do


Mandatory for use in bilateral otitis media are vasoconstrictive drops in the nose (for example, "Galazolin", "Rinorus", "Xylometazoline"). They are designed to facilitate breathing and relieve swelling on the mucous membranes of the sinuses and ears. Here it is necessary to mention the rule that has already been repeatedly agreed upon - such drops are applied for no more than five to seven days, their longer use can lead to irreversible deformations of the nasal mucosa.


bilateral otitis media in children

For more effective removal of edema on the mucous membranes, antihistamines (antiallergic) drugs are usually prescribed:

  • Loratidine;
  • Claritin
  • Allergomax.

If otitis is not complicated by purulent inflammation, then warming up the auricles using the so-called "blue lamp" can be used. When discussing drug therapy for bilateral otitis media, it is important to note this point: the course of drugs prescribed by the doctor should not be interrupted independently, even if, it would seem, relief has come. It is absolutely necessary to carry out the started therapy in full, until the final recovery.

Alternative treatment

Untimely treatment of bilateral otitis media in a child can lead to serious consequences and complications, such as hearing impairment, damage to the facial nerves. In addition, the lack of proper therapy can provoke the development of a pathology into a chronic form. The use of folk remedies for bilateral otitis media in children can be a good help with medical treatment. However, alternative methods can only be used after consulting with your doctor first. The most popular and proven alternative methods are presented below, including:

1. Instillation and lubrication of the child’s auricles. The following recipes are used for this:

  • Walnut lubrication of the inner surfaces of the ear with walnut oil. You can use ready-made butter, or you can cook it at home. To do this, chopped walnut leaves are poured with sunflower oil and infused in a cool, dark place for at least three months.
  • An effective remedy is a weekly course of laying cotton swabs soaked in infusion of wormwood flowers inside the ear. One teaspoon of crushed grass is poured with an alcohol solution and infused for at least two weeks.
  • For otitis media, it is recommended to bury the juice from the baked onions in the ears.
  • Burial of purulent complications of otitis media helps to bury the ear canals with alcohol tincture of propolis with honey (in a 1: 1 ratio).
  • One of the fastest means is considered to be the instillation of alcohol tincture of sophora. The crushed medicinal plant is poured with vodka and infused in a dark place for at least a month. To obtain the effect, it is enough to apply this infusion for several days.

2. Warming healing ear compresses of the following components:

  • Applying a compress of vodka mixed with honey to the child’s auricles.
  • In case of acute pain in a baby, warming compresses of brown bread are effective. A piece of black bread without a crust is warmed up in a water bath, wrapped in clean gauze and applied to the ear, either cellophane or a dense handkerchief must be applied on top to maintain heat.

It should be noted that the presence of high temperature and suppuration warming compresses are prohibited.

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