"Badger" (ointment): instructions for use and reviews

For the most part, children's drugs are safe and easy to use. One of the most popular medications recently for children has become the "Badger" (ointment). Instructions for using the drug and reviews about it will be presented to your attention below.

badger ointment instruction

What is included in the composition? Medication price

About the medicine "Badger" instruction reports the following information. The active ingredients of the drug are badger fat, camphor, red pepper extract. Among the additional components, wax, a variety of oils, perfume and so on stand out.

The drug is available in the form of a soft substance. In one tube there are 30 milliliters of medication. The cost of such a medicine is about 90 rubles.

Recommendations for use

In what situations is it advisable to use the drug "Badger" (ointment)? Instructions for use states that the medicine is warming. It also has an antitussive and anti-inflammatory effect. The analgesic and antiseptic effect is due to the composition of the drug. Indications for use of ointment are:

  • dry skin damaged by gusts of cold wind;
  • hypothermia;
  • treatment and prevention of colds, viral and bacterial diseases;
  • bruises, sprains and injuries while maintaining the integrity of the skin.

Experts do not recommend the use of ointment "Badger" for children without a doctor's prescription. Remember that self-use sometimes leads to unexpected reactions and side effects.

ointment badger for children

Prohibition of the use of the drug

In what cases is it not worth using the medication "Badger" (ointment)? Instructions for use say that the drug is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to its components. You can not use the drug on open wounds and mucous membranes. Ingestion of the substance in the eyes is not permissible.

For children under the age of two, the composition is prescribed only by a specialist. Self-use is prohibited. Often, young children have allergic reactions to the medicine. That is why it is especially important to carefully monitor the condition of a small patient in the first days of treatment.

ointment badger for children reviews

"Badger" (ointment): instructions for use of the drug

The composition is applied first to the palm of the hand and only after that it is rubbed over the baby's body. The duration of the warming effect is quite long. That is why the use of the composition more than three times a day is not required.

When coughing, the drug is applied to the throat and sternum. As a preventive measure, the medicine is rubbed on the back. During hypothermia, lubricate the feet with medicine and put on woolen socks. Do not use the drug in case of fever. This can trigger an even greater fever.

badger ointment reviews

Badger (ointment): reviews

Opinions about this medicine are mostly good. For a long time, the ointment โ€œBadgerโ€ for children has won the trust of parents. Customer reviews say that the composition is warming up perfectly. With a prolonged and prolonged cough, the ointment helps to quickly cure an annoying symptom. Also, the tool is very effective in case of hypothermia, when there is a risk of getting sick. Many mothers just rub the babyโ€™s feet before going to bed and put on his socks. During the night, the drug acts on frozen tissues, preventing the attachment of a viral or bacterial infection.

The drug "Badger" is often used in sports. If your child is fond of gymnastics, dancing or football, then you just can not do without this medication. With various sprains, injuries and bruises, the medicine has a warming effect. Due to this, the baby is distracted from the symptoms that disturb him. Many consumers used additionally elastic bandages or tight bandages. This enhances the effect of the described composition.

Doctors say that the medicine "Badger" is one of the safest in its category. The drug is created exclusively from natural ingredients. This is his undoubted plus. Many of these drugs are prohibited for use in young children solely because of the constituents. Consumers are attracted by the affordable price of the drug. As you already know, 30 grams of the substance will cost you no more than 100 rubles, while drug analogues cost at least 300.

use of the drug badger for children


The medicine "Badger" is a unique tool that helps to cope with many unpleasant symptoms. However, this does not give you a reason to conduct treatment yourself and refuse to consult a doctor. When it comes to the health of the child, you must always use the services of a pediatrician. Remember that a responsible approach and properly prescribed treatment is almost half the way to recovery. Good health to you and your baby!

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