Many people who are faced with the fact that the jaw clicks (when opening the mouth, while chewing, yawning and other actions) prefer not to seek the help of a doctor, since such sound effects are not accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. This is a huge mistake, since the jaw apparatus, and especially its lower part, performs many important functions. For example, thanks to the movement of the jaw, chewing of food is carried out, a person can talk. If you ignore the problem, then it can develop into more serious problems with the whole body, and not just with the oral cavity.
It is worth paying attention to exactly how the jaw clicks. This will help identify a possible ailment that leads to similar symptoms.
Clicking sounds during yawning
If the jaw clicks when you open your mouth while yawning or during a normal conversation, and at the same time an unpleasant sound is heard from the right or left side, then you get a feeling that it is just clapping teeth. Over time, a person ceases to pay attention to these clicks, attributing everything to the anatomical features of the structure of the jaw apparatus. However, the problem can be much more serious.
If the jaw clicks when opening the mouth, then it is likely that the patient develops a serious ailment or arthrosis (intraarticular cartilage tissue is gradually destroyed). In the latter case, clicks can be heard even when a person slightly opens his mouth. This is due to the fact that tissue degeneration and a change in the cartilage layer occur. The meniscus becomes thinner, and the cartilage gradually begins to grow together with the articular head, which leads to an unpleasant sound effect.
If you do not start timely treatment, then this can lead to irreversible changes. In the advanced stage, a person cannot normally open or close his mouth, his facial expression changes.
In some situations, when the jaw clicks - it wedges. Cases of dislocations and subluxations of the joints of the jaw apparatus are frequent. This happens because of:
- sharp and wide opening of the mouth;
- facial muscle strain (most often this happens with athletes, singers and reciters);
- stressful situations (severe facial contraction is provoked).
A bite of a joint can provoke a dislocation or subluxation of something solid (if a person opened his mouth wide and tried to bite an apple) or a deep yawn. In this case, a displacement of the head of the joint occurs. Such dislocations are commonplace in medical practice. In this case, if the jaw clicks, treatment is not required. It is enough to straighten the joint, after which the patient is no longer tormented by discomfort.
The more dangerous cause of a characteristic sound may be an inflammatory process in the temporomandibular joint. In this case, the ailment will develop gradually - at first the clicks do not bring pain, but then it becomes very difficult to open the mouth, the chin is displaced during chewing or yawning.
Clicks are heard near the ear, only when chewing
If during chewing food begins to "rustle" in the ears, then it is likely that the patient is suffering from a malocclusion. This is due to the uneven distribution of the load on the jaw apparatus. In this case, the jaw clicks and there is discomfort during chewing or swallowing food.
To get rid of this problem, you will need specialized orthodontic remedies that will help correct the dentition. If this problem is not treated, it can provoke frequent migraines, and sometimes dizziness.
Clicking the jaw causes pain
If a person's jaw clicks, the reasons may be more serious. You need to understand that in the joints of the jaw apparatus of a person there are no nerve endings, therefore, when an ailment occurs, the patient experiences pain and discomfort during the conversation, chewing or yawning. Additional symptoms develop - migraines, "rustling" in the ears, pain in the neck and scapular region.
Some patients experience partial or complete hearing loss and severe pain in the temporal and occipital parts of the head. In this case, it is a serious inflammation of the joints.
Inflammatory processes
Mechanical trauma or the development of infectious or chronic inflammatory ailments also lead to such symptoms. Rupture of the joint capsule or periarticular ligament could occur due to injury. There is a chance that the joint cavity has got blood or bacteria.
If the infection got into the temporomandibular joint or nearby tissues, then the so-called contact infection occurs, which can be caused by:
- purulent form of otitis media;
- an abscess;
- purulent mumps;
- boils;
- phlegmon of soft facial tissues;
- osteomyelitis;
- infectious diseases of the oral cavity.
If the jaw clicks and hurts due to inflammation, then the cause of this could be any infectious disease (viral, fungal, bacterial). Most often, such problems occur when:
- sore throat;
- measles
- scarlet fever;
- diphtheria;
- gonorrhea;
- syphilis;
- tuberculosis
- sepsis.
The jaw clicks: another type of cause
Additional reasons for the appearance of unpleasant symptoms include:
- Incorrect dental treatment or incorrect installation of fixatives and other orthodontic products.
- Cartilage wear. This happens due to age-related changes, so the jaw often clicks in the elderly.
- Surgery of the mandibular joint. During the recovery period, some patients experience a lack of intraarticular fluid. Because of this, friction occurs, causing an unpleasant sensation.
If, in addition to clicks, there are no unpleasant sensations, then it is worth trying to reduce the amplitude of movements with the jaw apparatus and try to avoid increased loads on this zone. Gradually, the symptoms will disappear.
If clicks are accompanied by pain, then postpone the visit to a specialist is not worth it. Only diagnostic measures will help identify the exact cause of the unpleasant sound.
Which doctor to contact
If there is a suspicion that the jaw clicks when opening the mouth due to the anatomical features of the structure of the jaw apparatus, then you should consult an orthodontist. Perhaps the problem is solved by installing fixing brackets or crowns.
With the destruction of cartilage tissue and the occurrence of inflammatory processes, a visit to the dentist can not do. In this case, it is recommended to visit several specialists at once:
- Traumatologist, orthopedist. Specialists will determine if the patient has dislocations, as well as damage to bones, cartilage or ligaments.
- Otorhinolaryngologist. Your doctor will check for sore throat, nose, and ears.
- Neurologist. The specialist will exclude or confirm damage to the trigeminal nerve.
- Infectious disease. Determine the presence of inflammatory or infectious processes.
- Rheumatologist. The doctor will check for arthritis.
You will also need to visit a surgeon and a gnatologist.
If a person has noticed that his jaw clicks while chewing, it is recommended to establish the causes of the disease immediately. At the first stage, the doctor conducts a visual examination of the patient. He asks to move the jaw, open and close it, and note if the patient experiences pain.
An x-ray study is mandatory. After examining the picture, a specialist will be able to determine the displacement of the jaw, injury and malocclusion. It is additionally recommended to perform an orthopantomogram. The image will clearly show the location of the dentition and possible problems.
If the doctor suspects that the jaw clicks due to rheumatoid arthritis, then an additional blood test will be required for the rheumatic complex. In this case, the main indicator will be the level of ESR. If it significantly exceeds the norm, then it is more likely to say that the patient has rheumatic pathology.
In some situations, determining why the jaw clicks is difficult. In this case, perform:
- electromyography;
- arthroscopy.
Based on the data received, the doctor will prescribe therapy.
Snaps jaw when chewing: treatment
It all depends on the specific causes of the development of pathology. Most often, a specialist recommends reducing the load on the jaw apparatus. Recommends giving up solid foods. In some situations, you need to wear a specialized orthopedic dressing that limits the movement of the jaw.
If the patient suffers from malocclusion and other anatomical problems, it is necessary to recreate the correct closure of the upper and lower dentition. This can be achieved by grinding, prosthetics or removing improperly formed fillings, for example, if they are too high. Other measures may be required, it all depends on the specific situation.
If the clicks are caused by arthritis, then in this case you can not do without taking antibiotics. As a rule, in order to save a patient from a pain syndrome, specialists prescribe Diclofenac and Ibuprofen. To accelerate recovery, specialists prescribe a course of physiotherapy. With the help of electrophoresis, laser therapy and ultrasound therapy, you can achieve a quick positive result.
If conservative methods of treatment are not effective, then surgical intervention is indispensable. In this case, you may need:
- Arthrocentesis. This operation is performed under local anesthesia. The essence of the procedure is that a thin needle is inserted into the cavity of the injured jaw joint, through which a sterile liquid is poured, which allows washing the damaged cavities. In this way, tissue decomposition products are removed, and inflammation is reduced. Additionally, glucocorticosteroids are introduced into the joint. They help not only reduce inflammation, but also get rid of the resulting adhesions. If the joint disk was damaged, then hyaluronic acid is injected into the joint.
- Arthroscopy This procedure is carried out if arthrocentesis did not give visible results. If adhesions have formed in the joint and deformation has occurred, then arthroscopy will help to cope with this ailment. During the operation, a special surgical instrument and an endoscope are inserted into the joint cavity. The resulting commissures and scars are excised.
- Open operation. Such measures are performed only in the most difficult situations, when other therapeutic measures have proven powerless. The essence of open surgery is that a small incision is made in the front of the patient’s ear and the doctor removes the wreckage of the joint, cartilage and other particles. After this, prosthetics are performed.
Is it possible to get rid of an ailment at home
If we talk about what to do if the jaw clicks, then we need to understand that only a qualified specialist will be able to determine the cause of the disease and prescribe treatment. Folk remedies can help reduce pain, but for a short time, it is impossible to cure the ailment with the help of herbs, so you should not delay a visit to the doctor.
However, temporarily getting rid of discomfort at home will help a warm, damp towel. It must be applied to the jaw. In addition, you can take an analgesic, which will help temporarily forget about the pain.
If a person suffers from severe tension of the jaw muscles, neck and head massage, which can be performed at home, will help relieve pain. However, such manipulations are recommended to be performed with caution. First you need to consult a doctor.
If the ailment is not caused by serious problems, then a slight malaise can be alleviated by preparing tincture of oregano and coltsfoot. To do this, mix 40 g of each herb and pour the resulting mixture into 0.5 vodka or medical alcohol. The liquid should be left in a dark place for several days, after which it is recommended to use the infusion for rubbing areas of the body in which pain occurs.
If the cause of the clicking of the jaw lies in mechanical damage or contusion, then plantain will help. Fresh leaves of the plant must be applied to the jaw.
Preventative measures
To avoid unpleasant symptoms, it is worthwhile to carefully monitor oral hygiene. Some people violate common truths known to everyone since childhood. If you neglect brushing your teeth and do not visit the dentist, then the microflora of the oral cavity becomes favorable for bacteria and viruses.
Also, experts recommend strengthening the immune system. Then the body will be much easier to cope with infectious ailments. Do not forget about proper nutrition and timely treatment of respiratory diseases.
Do not delay treatment. If the jaw began to click, then this is not a harmless anomaly, but a very likely symptom of more serious ailments.