Tequila "Kazadores" takes a premium position in its segment as one of the most expensive alcoholic beverages. Its composition has not changed for over 100 years, the recipe remains clean, without impurities, and the deliveries are certified and undergo severe control. In its semantic meaning, this alcohol fully corresponds to its name, which is translated from Spanish as hunters, and on its label a red deer flaunts. All components of the recipe, design and even packaging elements are fully consistent with the original idea, and blue agave, from which this tequila is made, is grown with all care and scrupulousness.
Brand History
Unlike other status drinks, the history of the Kazadores tequila brand is well known. The founder of the company is a certain Jose Maria Benjuelos, an ordinary farmer who invested all his savings in an agave farm. The only mystery remains the reason why the red deer appeared on the alcohol label. According to one version, before the Kazadores tequila became popular, the farmer was forced to get his family food by hunting, after which he decided to keep black days in history for his craft in such an original form.
According to another interpretation, the deer appeared on the label as a sign of respect for Los Altos County, where the original production of the drink was located. It is a deer that is a symbol of this territory. It is here that the initial distillation still continues to work, in which even part of the equipment corresponds to historically authentic counterparts. Later production went to the famous Bocardi house, which still holds a controlling stake.
Production specifics and taste palette
Tequila "Casadores", also known as just "hunting", is a premium drink. The company is proud to still adhere to an authentic production formulation, which also applies to equipment. The initial formula is kept in the strictest confidence, it is only known that tequila of this type is subjected to a double fermentation procedure, which is not typical for such alcohol. The resulting mash also undergoes double distillation, the drink is cleaner, and its taste is thinner.
Tequila "Casadores" is 100% composed of blue agave distillate. The raw material in the form of cones is processed in special clay ovens, and the finished drink is aged in white American oak barrels supplied by one specific company, which is selected by selecting applicants. After aging, the drink acquires a color from straw to honey-yellow, and depending on the aging and the emphasis of taste on more complex tones, berry or spicy with an admixture of citrus.
Varieties of tequila "Casadores"
Despite the fact that the initial drink was conceived as accessible to farmers and hunters, it later became status and even symbolic. Now such alcohol is available at a relatively high price, regardless of the variety, of which there are several:
- Tequila Casadores Blanco. The youngest drink that barely spent half a year in barrels. It is colorless, has a rich, tart taste of agave with an admixture of citrus fruits and spices, especially cinnamon. Available at the lowest price.
- Tequila "Casadores Reposado." It is considered a medium-class drink, aged for at least 8-10 months, has a pale yellow, straw color. The taste of agave in this drink is softened due to the notes of caramel, has a woody hue.
- Tequila Casadores Anyeho. It has an aging time of 12 months, which is not typical for any agave distillate. Amber-yellow drink with honey and cinnamon flavor, notes of jasmine and clove.
Respect for tradition
Regardless of the status of the drink, it is known that distillate is treated very carefully in the distillery. The secret of the recipe has made tequila manufacturing companies extremely popular, and management is not going to give up market leadership to its competitors. Compliance with historically reliable methods of processing raw materials and quality has made the Kazadores company one of the largest in the tequila production segment. At the moment there are only a few analogues on the market that are comparable in quality to the alcohol of this brand, and bottles with deer are highly valued in collections around the world.