How to protect yourself from chickenpox? Chickenpox Prevention

As you know, it is easier to prevent the development of the disease than to engage in treatment. When it comes to the risk of contracting chickenpox, some people forget that this is an unwritten rule. There are parents who seek to intentionally expose their own baby to infection at an early age. No matter how strange such a decision may look, kids are much easier to tolerate the disease than adolescents and adults. An ill person acquires a fairly stable immune defense against infection.

How not to get chickenpox on an adult? How dangerous is the disease? We will consider the answers to these questions in our publication. I would also like to talk about the symptoms and treatment of chickenpox in children.

Characteristic symptoms

how not to get chickenpox on contact

After the end of the incubation period, the signs of the development of the disease sharply make themselves felt. Initially, there is an increase in body temperature to indicators from 38 to 40 about . The patient is concerned about bouts of headache. General weakness is noted.

Then, the formation of foci of skin rash that spreads throughout the body is added to these symptoms. Inflamed red spots are filled with a clear liquid. Next, the bubbles burst. Dry crusts form on the skin, which independently disappear after a week. The disease develops according to a wave-like pattern. Therefore, over time, the rash is able to re-occur in previous areas of the skin.

Often, infection with the causative agent of the disease is tolerated by young children quite easily. In adolescents, a viral illness is much more complicated, forcing them to stay in bed for several days due to the development of high temperature, body aches. Chicken pox is especially dangerous for pregnant women. The virus can most negatively affect the condition of the fetus.

Incubation period

how not to get chickenpox for an adult

How many days is the incubation period for chickenpox? This definition should be understood as the time period when the infection progresses with might and main in the body, but there are no external symptoms of the development of the disease. The incubation period with a weakened body is about a week. If the immunity is quite strong, the disease may not make itself felt for more than 20 days. During this time, the viral causative agent of the disease spreads to body tissues along with blood. Further, the infection settles on the mucous membranes and in the structures of the skin, where it actively multiplies. A contagious person continues to remain for 5 days after the disappearance of the last rash on the skin.

Treatment features

how to protect yourself from chickenpox

How to protect yourself from chickenpox? Often, parents resort to covering up the lesions with greenery. According to doctors, the therapeutic decision is controversial. Since the crusts of chickenpox can fall off on their own. Using the tool does not allow to destroy the virus. However, it protects against the development of other infections on the skin that can form as a result of combing the wounds.

Often with the development of chickenpox, doctors prescribe sedative and antihistamines. A good option is the use of drugs that prevent the development of herpes.

In general, for the speedy elimination of unpleasant symptoms, it is important to resort to the following actions:

  • Personal hygiene, in particular regular hand washing.
  • Ventilating the room where the patient is located.
  • Daily linen change.
  • Absorption of abundance of pure water.
  • The use of antipyretic drugs and folk remedies.

Is chickenpox dangerous for those who have been ill?

Is chickenpox dangerous for ill

In some cases, reinfection with the pathogen is observed. According to statistics, this is noted among approximately 3% of the world's population. Unpleasantness occurs against the background of contact with a chickenpox patient with weakened immunity. Often, a pathogenic virus lingers for a lifetime in body tissues. A repeated reaction of the body to the activation of infection is not manifested by the formation of a characteristic wind rash, but is expressed in the occurrence of herpes zoster.

Most often, the problem affects the body of adults. However, cases of reinfection of children are known. If signs of the return of chickenpox are noted, it is important to seek medical advice immediately. Otherwise, other dangerous ailments can develop against the background of the underlying disease.


how many days the incubation period of chickenpox

How not to get chickenpox on contact? To significantly reduce the risk of infection, a special vaccination should be performed in advance. Vaccination makes it possible to develop immunity against the action of the causative agent of the disease. The essence of the method is the introduction into the body of a weakened sample of a viral infection. In the future, the immune system produces special antibodies that inhibit the activity of the pathogen.

The possibility of preventing chickenpox by vaccination should be confirmed by a doctor. The pharmacological agents that are used to perform the vaccination have many side effects and contraindications. In particular, it is dangerous to introduce such medicines into the body of infants, pregnant women, allergy sufferers, people who suffer from exacerbation of chronic ailments.

Immunity strengthening

chickenpox in children symptoms and treatment

How to protect yourself from chickenpox? An important point is the increase in the protective properties of the body. Strong immunity can produce an abundance of antibodies that destroy the structure of potentially dangerous agents. The risk of infection with the causative agent of chickenpox in people with a weakened body increases significantly.

To strengthen immunity, resort to the following actions:

  • Lead an active lifestyle.
  • Maintain the right balance between exercise and relaxation.
  • Perform preventive hardening of the body.
  • Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Avoid the formation of bad habits, in particular, give up drinking alcohol and smoking.
  • Take vitamin complexes and drugs that act as a source of essential minerals for the body.

Limit contact with the patient

Those who wish to learn how to protect themselves from chickenpox should avoid interacting with infected people. Try not to attend educational institutions during the quarantine period. If the patient is a family member, set aside a separate room for him. Do not go here unless absolutely necessary. In parallel, carry out daily wet cleaning in the apartment, and properly ventilate the premises.

It is important for healthy relatives of the patient to carefully observe personal hygiene. In no case should you use the dishes of an infected person, wipe yourself with one towel, touch clothes and bedding. Doctors advise not to neglect the use of medical masks, which create a good barrier to infection in the body. Wear the tool every time you communicate with the patient, which will eliminate the transmission of the causative agent of the disease by airborne droplets.

The use of antiviral agents

chickenpox prevention

How to protect yourself from chickenpox? Use the advice of an experienced doctor regarding the possibility of using drugs with antiviral effects. Such drugs stimulate the production of antibodies of the immune system, and also act as a source of biologically active substances that can slow the reproduction of viral agents.

Often, in order to prevent chickenpox, doctors prescribe Zovirax, Famvir, Valtrex. These medications can significantly improve well-being also in those cases when an infection of the body by the pathogen has already occurred. In order to relieve characteristic symptoms, the use of such funds is prescribed during the first day after the onset of the first foci of skin rash.

In addition, it is advisable to use effective folk remedies. A good solution is to use an abundance of foods rich in vitamin C. According to the observations of folk healers, with the development of chickenpox, oregano oil, olive leaf extract, and garlic help.

Probable complications

People say that chickenpox is the most harmless "childhood" disease among all infectious diseases. Indeed, chickenpox usually occurs in babies easily, without serious consequences for the body. However, this cannot be said about adults who were not exposed to a viral pathogen at an early age. In this case, patients suffer from not only a characteristic skin rash and fever, but also severe bouts of headache and muscle pain.

Quite often, adults experience more serious complications. We are talking about such dangerous conditions as pneumonia, meningitis, encephalitis, damage to the tissues of the optic nerves. With this in mind, mature people who have not previously had chickenpox should pay attention to timely prevention, which will reduce the risk of contracting a viral infection from a child.

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