How to cook tomato paste at home: simple recipes

Homemade tomato paste is much more useful than the store counterpart. It does not have excess salt, preservatives, dyes or thickeners. Such a blank is stored for a long time. In addition, it is simply tastier. But not all housewives know how to cook homemade tomato paste. At first glance, such a thing may seem too complicated, especially for beginners.

How to cook tomato paste at home?
In fact, this is not so at all. To understand how to cook tomato paste at home, everyone can do it. Here are some great ways.

How to cook tomato paste at home? Option one

To make six hundred milliliters of pasta, you need two kilograms of ripe tomatoes and a tablespoon of salt. It is better to choose the most ripe, fleshy and aromatic fruits, they will give the finished sauce a particularly rich taste. Rinse the tomatoes and chop them as small as possible. Transfer to a deep pan with thick walls and send to the fire. If it turns out that there are too many fruits, do not worry - during heating they will quickly decrease several times. Estimate the point to which the volume of six hundred milliliters should reach the pan - the mass will need to be evaporated to this level during cooking. Stir the fruit, which will soon produce juice and turn into slurry. As soon as this happens, the contents of the pan should be crushed with a blender and salt. If you want a uniform, seedless product, wipe the finished mass through a sieve. This product must be kept on medium-high heat, stirring occasionally. Be careful: a high density of mashed potatoes leads to splashes, and a burn from tomatoes on the skin can be very painful.

How to cook homemade tomato paste?
Evaporate the mass in this way to the desired volume. This will take about four hours. Before you cook tomato paste at home, do not forget to sterilize the jars. Transfer the prepared pasta to a prepared container, pour a little vegetable oil on top of the product and tighten the lid tightly.

How to cook tomato paste at home? Second option

You will need three kilograms of ripe tomatoes, onions, three tablespoons of sugar, two tablespoons of salt, one - natural apple cider vinegar, as well as spices to taste. Before preparing tomato paste at home, sort the fruits and cut off all the defects. Grind them with a blender or meat grinder and transfer to a pan.

How to cook tomato paste at home?
Do not fill it to the brim when cooking in this way - it will foam during cooking. Use a wooden spoon with a long handle for mixing. Boil the paste for about sixty minutes to evaporate about a third of the liquid. If you do not take the product for too long, it retains a maximum of useful substances, so your preparation will not only be an excellent component for soup, pasta or vegetable stew, but also a real source of vitamins during the winter cold. Tomatoes are good for the heart, strengthen the immune system and help maintain an attractive appearance.

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