Is it harmful to crunch your fingers and neck?

Each person has some bad or strange habits, since ideal people do not exist. Among the specific hobbies are finger crunching, which is very annoying to many. Also, some comrades love to crunch on the neck, absolutely not caring about the well-being of others. It’s just that it is difficult to tolerate such sounds calmly, which can cause severe psychological discomfort. Not only strangers suffer in the process of action, but also the “crispy” person himself.

Crunch lovers rarely ask themselves whether it is harmful to crunch their fingers, as habit is quickly becoming an integral part of their lives. As a rule, in such a straightforward way, a person simply relieves stress, trying to pull himself together. We can say that there is a kind of sound accompaniment of one’s own thoughts, adjustment of one’s own actions and adoption of important decisions. If the reason for the strange behavior lies in the inability to control the mental state, distractions will help. At first it will be difficult to switch to another subject, but with the help of training you will be able to choose a different method of thinking over important decisions.

Another reason for an unpleasant crunch is the desire to stretch oneself. Modern people spend a lot of time in offices, which leads to discomfort in certain parts of the body. To get rid of unpleasant sensations, people begin to crunch their fingers, neck or spine. Such emergency measures allow you to feel temporary relief, which leads to the emergence of psychological dependence. A person gets rid of discomfort for a short time, without thinking whether it is harmful to crackle his fingers, as he is not interested in the long-term consequences.

In such cases, it is enough to offer the sufferer a suitable alternative to crunching and he will forget about his bad habit. Salt baths and a relaxing massage of the hands help to relieve tension in the joints. Such procedures allow you to get rid of tension in the limbs without any harm to health. In addition, they are characterized by a longer period of exposure to the body, but the crunch gives only a short-term investment.

If you think about whether it is harmful to crack your fingers and neck, then you have problems with the joints. They do not receive sufficient load, are constantly in the same position, which leads to the deposition of salts. They cause unpleasant sensations, which must be fought. Only sharp jerks with your head or pulling out your fingers will not bring any benefit, but, on the contrary, can become a trigger. Doctors note the presence of multiple dislocations and subluxations in such patients, which over time lead to the occurrence of more serious diseases.

In order to better deal with salt deposition, it is best to perform a set of special exercises daily. Regular exercises can save you from such problems, but there should be no sudden movements so as not to cause joint displacement. If you are concerned about the question of whether you can crackle your fingers, then you should listen to your own feelings. When such a habit has not yet taken root, nothing bad will happen. If finger crunching has become part of everyday life, you should look for some reasonable alternative.

As an emergency, a regular workout, which many people remember from school, is suitable. It is enough to move a little with a brush, move your fingers to restore balance. If you think about whether it is harmful to crack your fingers, you are already halfway to getting rid of a bad habit. Just calculate the possible consequences - and the next time you will not start to crack your fingers so actively.

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