What exercises help with constipation? Treating constipation with exercise. Pregnancy Constipation Exercises

Treatment of constipation with exercises has been practiced for a very long time. It should be noted that regular physical activity can not only get rid of this unpleasant condition, but also significantly improve bowel function.

constipation exercises

What are the most effective constipation exercises? We will tell about this a little lower. You will also learn about why difficulties with emptying occur and how they manifest.

basic information

Before presenting the exercises for constipation, it should be told what constitutes such a phenomenon.

In medicine, constipation is called delayed, systematically insufficient or difficult bowel movements. WHO classifies this problem as a disease. Although most gastroenterologists say that constipation is not a disease, it is just a symptom.

Causes of occurrence

Why does constipation occur (exercises for emptying will be presented below)? There are a great many reasons for the development of such a state. The most common of them include the following:

  • unbalanced nutrition (for example, the use of refined and processed foods with insufficient amounts of plant fiber);
  • lack of a normal / habitual rhythm of life and exposure to stress;
  • a sedentary lifestyle (including the development of stagnation in the pelvis);
  • general diseases (diseases of the spinal cord, intestinal tumors, diabetes mellitus, hemorrhoids, autoimmune systemic diseases, injuries of the anus and intestines);
  • drug abuse, including laxatives.

pregnancy exercises for constipation
The cause of episodic constipation is a violation of the usual way of life (for example, while traveling).


Regular constipation exercises allow patients to get rid of such unpleasant symptoms as:

  • stool retention;
  • muscle effort during the act of defecation;
  • a feeling of bloating and heaviness in the stomach;
  • too dry and dense feces (including in the form of balls);
  • feeling of incomplete bowel movement.

It should also be noted that chronic constipation is often manifested by signs of dyspepsia, or rather heartburn, decreased appetite, nausea, flatulence and abdominal pain.

In the chronic course of such a pathological condition, intoxication of the body may occur. Against this background, the patient's condition is noticeably worsening. He develops fatigue, increased irritability, general malaise, headaches, and sleep disturbance.


What exercises help with constipation? First of all, doctors recommend normalizing the intestines through massage. Performing such procedures regularly will speed up emptying.

exercise constipation

It is advisable to do massage in the morning, without getting out of bed. First you need to do 10 stroking, rubbing and kneading in the navel in a circular motion, strictly clockwise. After this, it is required to bend the right leg in the knee, and then, pressing it to the stomach, keep it in this state for several seconds. Then you should slowly get out of bed, first placing your right foot on the floor.

To implement another massage method, it is necessary to soak a towel in cold water, and then squeeze it strongly. After wrapping the rag on the right hand, it should be moved from the abdomen towards the lower rib (on the right side) and back 5-9 times. After this, a similar procedure must be carried out with the left hand.

If you perform these simple actions every day, the result will surely please you.

Simple exercises for constipation

For greater effectiveness after the massage, patients are recommended to perform the following exercises. You should drink a full glass of water (in large sips) at room temperature. After ΒΌ hours, you need to do 10 squats, and then squat for 17 seconds, then gently stretch your legs and squat again 4-5 times.

constipation exercise to empty

Such exercises contribute to rapid bowel movement. In the event that this does not happen, you need to drink another 2-3 glasses of water. Drinking each of them should do squats.

Standing loads

Exercise treatment for constipation is especially popular among those who should not use laxatives.

So, to make your intestines work, we offer the following loads:

  • With your feet shoulder-width apart and your hands on the belt, tilt your body back, then lean forward to form a right angle and straighten again. This exercise trains the lumbar muscles and activates the colon.
  • Leaning against the wall with your feet shoulder-width apart, close your hands on the back of your head. After taking a deep breath, try to push out your stomach strongly, and exhale - pull it in. Such a load trains the diaphragm and abdominal breathing, improving intestinal motility and abdominal circulation. By the way, deep breaths always stimulate the contraction of the walls of the digestive tract.
  • With your hands on your belt and feet shoulder width apart, slowly lean first to the left and then to the right.
  • Take the following starting position - the legs should be spread a little wider than the shoulders. Slightly tilting the case back, immediately lean forward. At the same time, try to reach the floor with your hands. Thus, you will train the muscle tissue of the back, which will contribute to a better outflow of venous blood from the digestive tract.
    exercise constipation
  • Spread your arms apart, and put your feet shoulder width apart. When leaning forward, reach your opposite foot with your fingers. Such exercises have a direct effect on the motility of the colon.
  • Put your feet shoulder width apart and spread your arms apart. In turn, rotate the body to the right and left. This exercise normalizes intestinal motility.

Sitting exercises

To perform such physical exertion you will need a chair with a back:

  • Sitting on a chair and turning to its back sideways, lean forward, straighten as much as possible, and then cross your arms at the back of your head. After that, slowly lean back. At first, such an exercise is quite difficult to perform. Therefore, you should stick with one hand behind the back, and the slopes must be done with a small amplitude. As a result of such exercises, you can strengthen the abdominal cavity, back, and also improve blood circulation of the digestive tract.
  • Sitting on the edge of the chair, lean forward and try to reach your feet with your fingers. Returning to the starting position, bend one leg at the knee and grab it with your hands, and then press it to your stomach. Do this exercise with the other leg. Such movements massage the intestines well and promote the passage of gases.

Pregnancy Constipation Exercises

It is no secret to anyone that during pregnancy, many women suffer from constipation. To get rid of this condition, we recommend that you constantly do the following exercises:

what exercises help with constipation

  • Standing on all fours and straightening your back, you should carefully bend down, lowering your shoulders. Returning to the starting position, you should move back with your pelvis. Such actions should be carried out 15 times.
  • In the same position (on all fours) it is necessary to take a deep breath and, as much as possible rounding the back, press the chin to the chest. After exhaling, the spine should be bent, and the head lifted as high as possible.
  • While on all fours, you should sway slightly back and forth. Next, you need to turn the pelvis left and right.

It should be noted that such exercises allow pregnant women not only to empty their intestines, but also to relieve organs such as the kidneys.

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