The drug "Ceftriaxone" for children: description and reviews

Antibiotics have been very successful since their invention due to their effectiveness in the fight against infectious diseases. But over time, when the drugs of this group were studied in more detail, their side effects were revealed that undermined confidence in these drugs. The third generation antibiotic Ceftriaxone is not without them. Children are prescribed it in the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases.

Pharmacological properties

The drug "Ceftriaxone" has a wide spectrum of bactericidal action, showing activity against anaerobic, aerobic, gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. The drug is produced in the form of a yellowish or white powder, which is intended for the preparation of solutions for intravenous and intramuscular injections. The drug "Ceftriaxone" is diluted with a one percent solution of lidocaine. The antibiotic is prescribed for meningitis, pneumonia, peritonitis, pyelonephritis, lung abscess, with infected wounds and burns and other diseases.

As the annotation recommends, Ceftriaxone for newborns needs to be administered in an amount of twenty to fifty milligrams per kilogram of weight. For a child aged from two months to twelve years, you can increase the dose of the drug: from twenty to one hundred milligrams per kilogram of weight. The doctor prescribes the duration of the course of treatment individually, based on the symptoms of a particular disease. The maximum amount of drug that can be taken by a child during the day is two grams. The dose of the drug “Ceftriaxone” for children (newborns) cannot be entered more than indicated in the annotation, since in infants the enzyme system is still immature. For infections of soft tissues and skin, children are prescribed Ceftriaxone in an amount of from fifty to seventy-five milligrams per kilogram of body weight.

The drug "Ceftriaxone" creates an obstacle to the synthesis of vitamin K and suppresses the intestinal microflora. It can provoke the occurrence of bleeding (when taking medication with drugs that reduce platelet aggregation). Also, the simultaneous administration of Ceftriaxone with “loop” diuretics is not recommended: the possibility of manifesting a nephrotoxic effect increases. The drug "Ceftriaxone" for premature babies and infants with hyperbilirubinemia is prescribed only under the supervision of a doctor. Caution must be exercised during treatment with this agent in patients who have impaired renal function.

Although studies of the drug regarding its effect on the body during pregnancy have not been conducted, women who are expecting the birth of a child should be taken with caution and only in cases where the risk is minimal. If the drug is prescribed to a woman during lactation, for the period of treatment she needs to stop breastfeeding.

Many are afraid to give Ceftriaxone to children, as they are concerned about the side effects of the drug. These include diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, cholestatic jaundice, pseudomembranous colitis, hepatitis. Allergic reactions are possible: itching, skin rash, eosinophilia. In rare cases, Quincke's edema may appear . Long-term use of the drug affects the composition of the peripheral blood.

Reviews about the drug

Young mothers who observe how Ceftriaxone is prescribed and administered to children in hospitals leave reviews of a different nature. Some, inspired by the result of treatment, talk about the happy recovery of the kids. Others speak with caution about the drug, as they could see the side effects of the drug with their own eyes. One of its significant drawbacks, according to many, is the pain of this injection, which is why it is difficult for a child to withstand the entire course of treatment. However, the result of therapy is most often positive, therefore side effects do not overshadow the advantages of this drug.

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