Why scream in my sleep?

The life of a modern person is filled with stress and various events. Of course, before, people also experienced such situations, but they treated them more calmly. Precisely because it is considered only a feature of a person. Few people turn to a doctor with a question: “I scream in my sleep. What to do?"

Meanwhile, every psychologist will say that this is a complex problem that requires mandatory measures. The most accurate cause of the “scream in my sleep” problem is the negative emotions that a person does not express during wakefulness. Psychologists advise you to resolve this situation as soon as possible and speak with the person to whom you have been experiencing negative emotions for a long time. If this is not possible, then resort to the written version. To do this, a letter is written addressed to the one with whom you need to communicate, and then burned. After conducting a written explanation several times, the problem of "screaming in a dream" goes away.

Who is predisposed to this state of nocturnal trance? First of all - these are people with a focus on others - introverts. They are sociable, cheerful, but very dependent on the opinions and actions of others. Also, do not exclude those whose work is associated with great responsibility and communication with a large number of people. And, of course, children who are unlikely to say: "I scream in my sleep," because they simply don’t remember this or do not realize the severity of the problem. Although, children's nightly fears are a very serious reason for parents to turn to a psychologist. And oddly enough, it was for parents, and then for children.

The fact is that the child screams in his sleep not only from strong shocks or emotions that he has lived in the last month (this is the maximum period during which the child can maintain a heightened sense of anxiety). It’s not uncommon that an elementary separation from a mother, for example, during inpatient treatment or resting in a camp that your child does not like, can leave its imprint on the psyche and result in screams in a dream.

Somnologists conducted a series of experiments in which they checked the psychological connection between mother and child. And they found that quite often it is the parents who are to blame for the fact that the child screams in a dream. The little man feels their concern for any reason, strong feelings, quarrels within the family, even at a distance and if the parents are in another room. It is also worth considering your behavior for those who allow children with an unstable psyche (up to 12 years old) to watch a variety of films and programs with scenes of violence, shootings, horrors, etc. This necessarily affects the perception of the world by the baby. And most importantly - no adult computer games.

Another important aspect that causes screams in a child’s dream is the anxiety of the mother (she is more connected with her baby than the rest of the family), the expectation of these states of nighttime trances and the constant monitoring of night sleep. That is why psychologists insist that children should sleep separately from their parents and, preferably, in another room.

If the mother herself brings up the child or is very strict in this, other family members support such upbringing, and there is no one to receive discharge or comfort from, then cries in a dream will be an obligatory accompaniment every night. Do not zeal in severity. Everything should be in moderation. And a child, first of all, should receive both reasonable punishments and comfort from the same person for certain actions.

Overexertion in childhood (school load, simultaneous attendance of several circles with serious requirements, etc.) also leads to sleep disturbances. The mother’s experiences during pregnancy, nightly fears, during which hormones are secreted into her body and penetrate the placenta, cause fetal anxiety, can disturb the psyche before birth.

And the most important thing that you can advise in this situation: find a discharge yourself and teach your child to do this. So you will not only save your psyche, but also improve your quality of life.

We wish you and your children health and a sound, healthy sleep!

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