Hemorrhoids: causes in men, symptoms and treatment features

Diseases of the intestines are increasingly affecting humans in recent decades. Many people think that they start because of malnutrition and poor ecology. However, these are not the only prerequisites for the development of a particular pathology. This article will tell you about a disease such as hemorrhoids in men. Signs, causes, symptoms will be described for detailed reference. You will also learn about ways to treat this pathology.

hemorrhoids causes in men

Hemorrhoids: types, stages

The causes, symptoms, treatment of pathology will be presented to you further. Before this, it is worth giving a description of the disease itself, as well as telling about its main forms and types.

Hemorrhoids are a formation that is located on the walls of the rectum. It appears due to defects in the intestinal walls, as well as disruption of the blood vessels. During the progression of hemorrhoids, the walls of the veins expand greatly, and the blood stagnates and thickens. Subsequently, the inflammatory process begins. In its location, the hemorrhoid can be internal and external. Also, education has 4 main stages:

  • 1 - nodes are small in size and practically do not manifest themselves;
  • 2 - the first signs of hemorrhoids are determined , the inflammatory process begins;
  • 3 - nodes are not adjusted independently after falling out, but you can return them to their place with your hands;
  • 4 - there is no way to correct the fallen nodes, a strong inflammatory process progresses, palpation is unbearably painful.

In addition to the described species, hemorrhoids can be congenital and acquired. The second type of pathology occurs in 80 percent of all cases. Also, acquired hemorrhoids are an independent disease or a consequence of another pathology.

hemorrhoids causes in men treatment

Why does he appear?

Often the representatives of the stronger sex are tormented by the question of what are the causes of hemorrhoids. In men, why does the disease occur? To answer it clearly is not possible. Factors that contribute to the progression of the disease are still being studied. If you turn to a specialist, then the doctor will probably be able to find the true cause of your disease. Each person can have it individually.

As you can already notice, men are more interested in this problem. The age of patients usually varies from 30 to 50 years. Younger people are less likely to suffer. Indeed, representatives of the stronger sex are more likely to encounter a problem. Women may also have hemorrhoids, but most of them will immediately contact a specialist. Men do not want to talk about their problem to the last. In this case, a vicious circle arises, passes into the next stage of hemorrhoids. The causes of this pathology in men can be different. Consider why the disease develops, which are the main prerequisites for this.

Constipation and malnutrition

Why does hemorrhoids appear? The causes in men, which can be called the main ones, are digestion and intestinal obstruction.

Most men refuse to eat properly. They prefer to eat fatty meat, instant foods, various sauces and many spices. All this leads to the formation in the vessels of toxins and plaques. Due to the lack of fiber, inhibition of the intestines occurs. As a result, constipation occurs. So, in the presence of nodes, most patients cannot normally empty the intestines.

Alcohol and smoking

Hemorrhoids causes men in the form of bad habits. Almost every second patient regularly drinks alcohol. Moreover, the higher their strength, the greater the likelihood of developing pathology.

While drinking and smoking, blood pressure rises. The veins of the lower extremities and the pelvis overflow with blood. The vessels begin to stretch, forming nodes. All aggravated by morning diarrhea. After all, often after drinking a large amount of alcohol, a person experiences intestinal disorders.

signs of hemorrhoids in men and the main causes

Strong physical activity

In recent years, heavy sport has become a very popular activity. Men can drag dumbbells and barbells for hours without thinking about the consequences. Some members of the stronger sex are forced to lift weights in connection with professional activities.

All such stresses lead to the development of hemorrhoidal nodes. In the presence of pathology, physical activity can provoke their loss. In this case, the continuation of classes will only exacerbate the situation.

Professional activities and hemorrhoids

The causes of men are often associated with prolonged sitting. The disease develops among drivers, programmers, accountants, computer game lovers and just lazy people who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

If a man has to sit up to 6 hours a day, then blood stagnates in the pelvic organs. Clothes can aggravate the situation: tight swimming trunks, jeans, trousers. As a result, after a few years of such a lifestyle, a hemorrhoidal node appears.

causes of hemorrhoids in men why the disease occurs

Symptoms of the disease

Signs of pathology are usually manifested in a complex. At the very beginning of the disease, a person may not notice an illness at all. However, in the absence of timely examination and treatment, the disease begins to manifest itself every day more and more.

  • Most often, patients complain of pain. It may be accompanied by itching, burning. The pain appears during bowel movements and persists for some time after the act. In the later stages, the discomfort does not leave the patient at all.
  • Most men with hemorrhoids note a discharge of blood and mucus from the anus. This happens after bowel movements or after lifting weights. It is worth noting that the higher the stage of the disease, the more serious the situation may be. In severe cases, the patient suffers from anemia, severe blood loss.
  • Constipation and discomfort are eternal signs of hemorrhoids. Most patients use quick-acting laxatives to facilitate bowel movements, but this only exacerbates the problem. A man suffering from hemorrhoids always feels a foreign body in the rectum, he has a feeling of incomplete emptying.
  • Loss of nodes is a clear sign of hemorrhoids, which appears at the 3-4 stage of the disease. The patient can independently detect nodules in the anus. In most cases, they are painful.

If you have one or more symptoms of a pathology, then you should definitely see a doctor. The specialist will tell you in detail what causes hemorrhoids in men. Treatment will also be selected individually, according to your characteristics.

causes of hemorrhoids in men and women

Lifestyle change

You already know what are the causes of hemorrhoids in men. This pathology affects women less often. To get rid of the disease, the representative of the stronger sex must definitely reconsider their lifestyle.

For starters, it’s worth switching to a normal diet. Try to eliminate greasy, heavy foods. Eat more fiber. It is found in all types of vegetables and fruits, herbs. Drink more pure water, exclude carbonated drinks and alcohol. Prefer walking. Go to work on foot, and during the workday periodically take a walk every two hours of continuous sitting. Now you know what causes hemorrhoids. And treatment methods should be appropriate. If the disease develops due to constant training and stress, then such a sport should be excluded.

hemorrhoids in men signs cause symptoms

Conservative therapy

At the earliest stages of the disease, the patient may well feel better with medications. However, the appointment should be made by the doctor after examination and testing. Much depends on the type of pathology.

For the treatment of external hemorrhoids, ointments are used ("Hepatrombin", "Heparin", "Vishnevsky" and so on). They are applied exclusively to the cleaned anus. If the formation is located inside, then candles are recommended (Proctoglivenol, Relief, and others). They should be inserted only after bowel movement. Often these forms of medications are combined with oral medications (Detralex, Troxevasin, Venarus). You can take medications for a short time, and in the absence of effect, you should think about other methods of correction.

hemorrhoids causes and methods of treatment

Minimally invasive treatments

If there is no effect from taking medications, then you need to turn to other methods of treatment. The most popular methods are ligation and sclerotherapy.

During ligation, the hemorrhoid is compressed by a silicone ring. Thus, there is a cessation of tissue nutrition, and hemorrhoids disappear. During sclerosis, the doctor injects the desired drug into individual nodes. Then they are replaced by connective tissue. After the described procedures, continuous prevention of pathology is necessary.

hemorrhoids types of stage causes symptoms treatment

Short conclusion: results

From the presented article, you learned the main signs of hemorrhoids in men. And the main reasons are presented to your attention. Remember that at the first manifestations of the disease you need to consult a specialist. The sooner you start treatment, the better the result. Do not take any medications yourself. With improper therapy, you can only exacerbate the problem.

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