Hangover drink: recipes and expert advice

Almost everyone is familiar with a hangover. It is not necessary to be an alcoholic in order to once drink excess at a fun party, and in the morning to wake up with a heavy head. Nausea, dizziness, and severe dry mouth are all typical symptoms of a hangover. There are many ways to help yourself get on your feet faster. Today we consider the most effective drinks from a hangover.

dairy drinks

Understanding concepts

Drinking culture is something that you need to learn from childhood. And of course, on the example of parents. If they drink several glasses of wine on major holidays, then the child develops such a stereotype of behavior. In this case, most likely, he will not need a drink from a hangover in his life.

Now let's see what it is. A hangover is a poisoning by the decay products of alcoholic beverages. And it is treated, like any intoxication. But withdrawal or withdrawal syndrome is the body’s reaction to a lack of a substance that has become necessary. In this case, it is ethanol.

It is clear that these are two different states. Therefore, everyone chooses a drink from a hangover for himself. The notorious 100 grams help with withdrawal symptoms. A person begins to feel normal, working capacity returns. Unfortunately, not for long. But with a hangover you should not drink alcohol, overcoming a powerful disgust. An intelligent person should understand that this is good. So, alcoholism is far from him and 100 grams simply will not help. It will be just as bad, plus signs of intoxication will be added.

Number One Choice - Beer

Indeed, this is the most popular drink from a hangover. In the light of all the above, we can conclude that it is better to refuse it. But there is a slight exception. Toxicologists say that in the case of severe irritability after taking alcohol in the evening, taking a small dose of alcohol will have an anesthetic and soothing effect on a person.

So doctors do not prohibit beer. But it should be a live, malt-brewed drink, not pasteurized, from a bottle. This beer has several advantages:

  • It contains many vitamins, including group B.
  • This is an excellent diuretic, will lead to a decrease in edema, a decrease in headache and stress on the heart and blood vessels.
  • Beer has hop tranquilizers. This will not reduce physical suffering, but it will slightly alleviate anxiety.

Of course, you can’t drink beer without control. Otherwise, it will lead to the fact that the next day will be even worse. A glass of drink will be enough.

what to drink with a hangover

Practical recommendations

Removing alcohol intoxication is a rather slow process. Do not flatter yourself that now you will learn a magic recipe that you can use to be in shape in the morning. The whole process is reduced to the fact that the liver develops special enzymes that are designed to decompose ethanol to acetic formaldehyde, and then remove this toxic compound. Of course, liver cells suffer greatly.

Before talking about what to drink with a hangover, it would be nice to learn how to prevent its development. Preventing a hangover is an opportunity not to break away from the team and have fun in the evening, but not to feel bad in the morning.

  • Pause between shot glasses. Usually the effect begins to be felt after about 20 minutes. If you chase, then overlap will occur, and you may lose control of yourself.
  • As an appetizer, you need to choose sources of protein (fish or lean meat), as well as complex carbohydrates, such as potatoes. Fatty foods will slow the absorption of alcohol, but increase the load on the liver.
  • Do not lean on sweets. Simple sugars accelerate the absorption of alcohol. So leave the cakes the next time.
  • Before going to bed, try to drink as much mineral water with lemon juice as possible.
    hangover drink

The next morning

If preventive measures were not enough, then the question of what to drink with a hangover in the morning will become very relevant. Let's look at what your body needs after a stormy feast. We remind you that there is no magic medicine that could remove ethanol from the body. If you only induce vomiting, while he has not yet sucked into the blood. After that, only the liver can cope. Therefore, you need to drink as little as possible, and then help the body quickly remove toxins from the body. The second task can be dealt with in the following ways:

  • You need to drink as much water as possible, about 2.5-3 liters. If there is vomiting, then this amount must be increased in order to compensate for the loss. It can be not only water, but also juices, green tea with mint, chamomile, oregano, St. John's wort, dog rose.
  • Vitamin B6. Shock doses of alcohol destroy all reserves of this essential substance in the body. Therefore, drink pomegranate juice, eat eggs, buckwheat and chicken.
  • Vitamin C. Actively binds and neutralizes toxic compounds.
  • Fructose. Accelerates the neutralization of alcohol, found in honey.
  • Potassium, Magnesium, Vitamin PP (Niacin). These substances help the liver, which means they also work to relieve alcohol intoxication.

To speed up all processes, it is recommended to sweat. To do this, a hot bath with salt, a warm-up and a walk in the fresh air are suitable. Of course, if you feel very unwell, it is better to postpone the walk.

hangover cucumber pickle

Dairy products

Everyone knows about their benefits to the body. But, naturally, at the party they prefer strong drinks. In this case, it is worth remembering them the next morning. Kefir, koumiss, tan - all of them are able to facilitate the course of a hangover. They help bind and remove toxins that accumulate in the intestines. In addition, it is a source of easily digestible protein. After all, despite yesterday, the body needs nutrition. Fermented milk products contain a large number of vitamins and minerals. This supports the strength of the body. Lactic acid bacteria remove toxins from the body and protect the liver.

Of course, sour-milk drinks are not a panacea, but they can bring some benefit. There is one exception. If you have severe poisoning with nausea and vomiting, then drinking kefir is almost useless. For this purpose, water or weak tea is better. After intoxication decreases and vomiting stops, you can begin to restore your body.

How to drink sour milk?

To date, the store has a large selection of yoghurts, airan and other representatives of this family. Which drink is better than a hangover? The ideal solution would be koumiss. It is sour that relieves bouts of nausea. It is also the most carbonated, which accelerates the impact. It contains the largest amount of B vitamins and lactic acid.

On the first day after the party, you can drink no more than 600 ml of fermented milk drink per day. It is best to drink it in small sips throughout the day. There is no need to load the stomach now, which is why drinks with high fat content are best left for later. Do not forget that improvement does not mean that recovery can be completed. During the week, it is recommended to drink fermented milk drinks every day.

Tea with Hypericum

Many have heard that this plant contains toxic substances. In fact, not every species is different. In particular, St. John's wort is widely used for the preparation of various preparations. Remember the famous "Novopassit", it also includes the extract of this plant. Toxicologists recommend it for use, because the special substances that are contained in it, regulate digestion, activate blood circulation and relieve spasms, relaxing the whole body. That is, the tremor and anxiety that are characteristic of the morning state after a stormy party pass literally in a few hours.

Therefore, if you are interested in how to quickly get out of a hangover, then pay attention to this unique tea. You can brew it in different ways. Just put in a cup a teaspoon of plant material and pour a glass of boiling water. You can add apricot or currant jam. They drink it cold, so you can brew it in the evening and put it in a cool place.

Red rowan

These berries have long been popularly known as true salvation for a number of diseases. Rowan was collected and harvested by all the housewives in order to prepare medicinal drinks in the winter. And the men, who had been pretty out on the evening, simply went out into the frost in the morning and plucked the elegant berries from the tree. This helped to quickly bounce back. And we can learn from them how to quickly get out of a hangover. To do this, let's prepare a tasty and healthy drink.

Crush berries with a wooden pestle. In a glass of boiling water you need to take about a tablespoon of berries, you can a little more. Add a teaspoon of honey and leave it under the lid for about 10 minutes. This time is enough for all beneficial substances to go into the water. You can not only drink a drink, but also eat berries. This will make you feel better. The composition contains vitamins P, C, carotene and important organic acids: grape, succinic and malic. This unique complex neutralizes the remaining alcohol. With the removal of toxins, consciousness is enlightened, the headache passes.

how to quickly get out of a hangover


We continue to consider what to drink from a hangover. Folk remedies can help cope with the consequences of yesterday's excess libation. And you can remember about your favorite drink of childhood. Of course we are talking about cocoa. This drink is not only tasty, but also very healthy. But you need to cook cocoa only on water. On milk, it will not give a magical effect. And the secret is very simple. To cope with the consequences of taking alcohol, the body spends a lot of magnesium. As a result, headache and other symptoms of a hangover. Cocoa, like chocolate, contains many beneficial compounds, including magnesium. Just do not need to drink it in liters. One cup is enough.

hangover drinks recipes

Juices and brines

In the morning, the body suffers a huge shortage of vitamins and minerals, because all reserves are spent on coping with intoxication. This once again suggests that you need to think several times before drinking a second glass of alcohol. In addition, beneficial salts are washed out of the body, disrupting the water-salt balance. Cucumber pickle from a hangover helps to make up for losses. But the record holder is not he, but cabbage pickle or sauerkraut itself. It contains most of all lactic and ascorbic acid.

After a few hours, you can drink a glass of orange or apple juice. This will saturate the body with vitamins and help relieve intoxication and cope with the effects of yesterday.

what drink helps with a hangover


In the pharmacy today you can find many drugs that promise a hangover relief. In fact, these are most often analgesics that do not help much. Best of all, learn the hangover drink recipes and apply them one at a time. If you decide to resort to medical treatment, then you need to understand what functions the selected drug should perform:

  • Contribute to detoxification of the body. Polysorb, activated carbon, Polyphepan, Enterosgel are called to fight intoxication.
  • Relieve thirst. Normal water works best. But to cope with dehydration, you can take "Rehydron".
  • "Ibuprofen", "Ketorol" to relieve headaches. You can take them, but the cause of the malaise lies in dehydration, a lack of magnesium and vitamin B. Therefore, it is better to work on replenishing the necessary elements.

As you can see, there are not many drugs that can relieve a hangover. And of course, the best way to deal with it is to stop drinking alcohol.

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