Prevention and treatment of flat feet in adults

Flat feet are associated with deformation of the foot, deterioration of depreciation properties, complications and negative consequences. As a result, there will be no uniform load distribution. Timely treatment of flat feet in adults is necessary, since spring function will not be performed with this pathology of the foot.


The correct structure of the foot while walking allows the body to evenly distribute the load. With flat feet, the shape of the foot is deformed. The types of this ailment are as follows:

  1. Transverse. In this case, the transverse arch will be wide. This type of pathology is often found in adults.
  2. Longitudinally. Due to the decrease in the height of the longitudinal arch, the foot will be longer. Deformation is observed in children and adolescents.
  3. Combined. Both types of changes are present.
flatfoot treatment in adults

Flat feet can also be congenital. But such a phenomenon is rare. The reason for this is the abnormal structure of the skeleton of the child.


People who spend a lot of time on their feet do not notice the appearance of flat feet. And the occurrence of pain and discomfort is associated with fatigue. There are main symptoms by which you can identify this disease.

The early signs of flat feet include:

  1. Fatigue of the legs, which can cause general fatigue and chronic fatigue syndrome.
  2. Aching pain in the feet.
  3. Pain in the muscles of the hips, lower leg, lower back, appearing during movement.
  4. Difficulties in the selection of shoes.
  5. Muscle calf tension.
  6. Swelling.
  7. The appearance of coarsened and thickened skin, which cause discomfort while walking.
  8. Quick wear shoes.
  9. You may get the impression that the foot has increased in length, and therefore larger shoes are required.

In advanced situations when walking, pain appears in the sacrum and lower back, there may be headaches. Prolonged walking becomes painful.

Symptoms vary depending on the type of ailment. With a longitudinal form of the disease, the following symptoms are observed:

  1. Fatigue of the legs.
  2. Pain with pressure on the foot or sole.
  3. Swelling.
  4. The difficulty of choosing shoes.
  5. Pain in the feet, lower back.
  6. Shoe deformation.

With transverse flatfoot, the following symptoms appear:

  1. Pain in the forefoot.
  2. The emergence of corns.
  3. Finger shape changes.

Symptoms and treatment of lateral flatfoot in adults are different compared with longitudinal. With any type of ailment, proper treatment is required. Effective measures will quickly eliminate this defect.

Why does it appear?

The causes and treatment of flat feet in adults are interrelated. Therefore, it is important to find out why the disease appeared? The main factors include the following factors:

  1. Foot injuries. These include fractures, problems with muscles and ligaments.
  2. After rickets. The disease leads to the fact that the bones are soft, easily, quickly deformed.
  3. Static flat feet appears due to various reasons associated with an increase in the load on the foot. There is deformation during obesity, pregnancy, constant standing, wearing tight shoes or in heels (from 4 cm). Muscles become less elastic with age. Probably a hereditary factor.

It is advisable to consult a doctor to find out the causes of flat feet. In adults, treatment methods and prevention are prescribed depending on the factor that led to the deformation. If the disease appeared after the disease, then effective measures prescribed by the doctor are required.

flat feet treatment in adults at home

What does the complex treatment of flatfoot in adults at home consist of? An integrated approach is required. First, you need to purchase orthopedic shoes, start performing exercises, and also go for massage. It should be borne in mind that the treatment of flat feet in adults may vary depending on the different degrees of the disease.

1st degree

At the 1st degree, conservative methods are chosen. It is necessary to do exercises regularly:

  1. Spread your legs and stand on toes 10 times.
  2. Take a rolling pin or a ball and put legs on this item. 5 minutes ride.
  3. In a sitting position, you need to put the feet on the heels and rotate them in different directions 10 times.
  4. Take steps on opposite sides of the foot (10 on the outside, 10 on the inside).
  5. Get on your heels and smoothly move to the toe, and then back - 10 times.
  6. For 3 minutes, squeeze and unclench your fingers.
  7. Use your toes to shift objects.

It is beneficial to perform a foot massage. You need to stretch your feet or use massagers. It is important to wear only high-quality shoes, preferably orthopedic. Insoles should be created in the foot. Shoes should not hamper movement, and the heel should be chosen no more than 2-4 cm. It is also necessary to monitor nutrition so that there is no weight gain. It is preferable to follow a diet that allows you to get rid of extra pounds.

2nd degree

What the deformation looks like is shown in the photo. Symptoms and treatment of lateral flat feet in adults may vary. With the 2nd degree, timely treatment is required to exclude surgery. The course of treatment consists of:

  1. Massage.
  2. Special gymnastics.
  3. Choosing orthopedic shoes.
  4. Order insoles for the prevention of corns.
  5. Manual therapy.
  6. Exclusions of overload walking.
  7. Perform exercises to strengthen the muscles of the feet, formation of posture.
  8. Swimming.
transverse flatfoot adult symptoms treatment

These measures will quickly cure the disease, as well as prevent deterioration. With such procedures, a person recovers quickly enough.

3rd degree

With the 3rd degree, earlier treatment of flat feet in adults is required, because only then will an excellent result be obtained. The course includes:

  1. Weight control, diet.
  2. Performing contrast foot baths.
  3. Wearing comfortable shoes, preferably orthopedic, with a heel of no more than 4 cm. It should not be very narrow or spacious.
  4. Regular foot massage.
  5. Physiotherapy.

These recommendations do not benefit everyone. Surgery is often prescribed. What measures should be followed? Consult a specialist.

Orthopedic shoes and insoles

During treatment, flat feet in adults need to change shoes to ensure the correct natural position when walking. Its sole absorbs shock when moving.

Wearing the right shoes gives the following results:

  1. The load on the foot will be less.
  2. Leg fatigue decreases.
  3. There will be no deformation of the joints.
  4. At the foot, improved depreciation functions appear.
  5. The load on the spine is reduced.
adult flat feet and treatment

Thanks to individual orthopedic insoles, it will be possible to replace special shoes. This treatment will be cheaper. Insoles will be taken into account the structure of the foot.

Exercise Exercise

To correct the deformation of the foot at home, you can do special gymnastics. It will take only 15 minutes a day to strengthen the muscles, the formation of the correct position of the foot. With exercise, blood flow improves and overall leg fatigue decreases.

Treatment of flat feet in adults at home should be performed using the following exercises:

  1. Raising the ball with your feet.
  2. Raising pens and pencils from the floor with your toes.
  3. Tiptoeing.
  4. Walking with support on the outside of the foot.
  5. Kicking the bottle.

Such exercises can serve to treat and prevent the disease. It is enough to perform them regularly to get a noticeable effect.


The treatment methods for flat feet in adults include massage. It is recommended by all experts. It is important that the procedures are carried out by a qualified person. The course of treatment should be at least 12 sessions. The duration of 1 procedure is at least 10 minutes.

But you can not contact a specialist, but perform the massage yourself. Then you need to purchase special devices - a rug, rollers, balls. To relax the muscles after the massage, it is advisable to make warm baths.

Folk methods

Treatment of transverse flatfoot in adults is performed using massage mats. They are sold in pharmacies. Products suitable for self massage. Every day you can walk on the rug for 5 minutes.

You can massage yourself. With four fingers, it is necessary to fix the leg horizontally. The thumb should be pressed all over the foot. Especially useful in the morning.

flat feet in adults causes prevention treatment methods

Whatever the symptoms and treatment of flat feet in adults, it is important to follow a diet. At the beginning of treatment, you need to adjust your personal menu. It is necessary to exclude sweet, flour, fatty foods. Vegetables, cereals should be introduced into the diet.

You should eat up to 5 times a day, but not more than 350 g per 1 time. This will eliminate excess weight, which becomes the cause of the deformation of the foot.

During treatment, it is especially important to consume milk, as it is rich in vitamin D. This vitamin can be taken separately, having bought in a pharmacy in a clean form. If in doubt that the body does not receive many vitamins and minerals, you can take a course of drugs.

Healing baths

Water procedures can prevent the disease. After a difficult day, especially when you had to be on your feet for a long time, it is advisable to let your feet relax by placing them in a warm bath. The following recipes are effective:

  1. At 0.5 liters of boiling water, 100 g of oak bark is added. Everything is put on fire for 30 minutes, filtered and poured into a basin with warm water.
  2. You need sea salt (1 dessert spoon), which dissolves in warm water (1 liter). Feet should be lowered for 10 minutes. Then they are rubbed and massaged with hands treated with a moisturizer. With such procedures, blood circulation improves, bones are strengthened and the body relaxes.
  3. Useful baths with a decoction of sage, chamomile and pine needles. One glass of dry plant is poured with hot water and boiled for 15-20 minutes. Then it is necessary to insist until cooling. Then ½ part is diluted with hot water. And you can keep your feet in solution for about 30 minutes.


Pills and injections have no therapeutic effect - they only eliminate the symptoms: discomfort when walking, cramps, pain, inflammation. Doctors recommend the use of medicines only at stages 2-3 of the pathology.

For this, the following may be prescribed:

  1. Muscle relaxants - eliminate cramps and cramps. Such drugs as Sirdalud, Midokalm, Tolizor help.
  2. Nonsteroidal antifungal drugs - "Diclofenac", "Ibuprofen".
  3. Corticosteroids - Prednisone, Diprospan.


Due to flat feet, various complications can occur. Among them:

  1. Increased pain.
  2. Clubfoot.
  3. Unnatural posture, curvature of the spine, the appearance of scoliosis.
  4. Ingrown nails.
  5. Dystrophic changes in the muscles of the back and legs.
  6. The appearance of ailments associated with damage to the feet.


flat feet in adults causes treatment

Treatment and prevention of flatfoot in adults are similar. To prevent an ailment, it is necessary:

  1. More often walking barefoot on grass, earth, pebbles, coniferous needles. And for this you should go to nature.
  2. Wear the right shoes. She should not fly or squeeze her legs.
  3. It is necessary to perform exercises. Allocating a few minutes a day will prevent the development of the defect. You can use the massage mat for charging.
  4. To control the posture and the correct position of the feet while walking, as well as in a standing position.
  5. Perform home baths with anti-inflammatory drugs - chamomile, sage, St. John's wort. With them, you can get rid of fatigue, swelling.
  6. Do foot massage, which is required to improve blood circulation. So stimulated reflex points, of which 90 are on the sole.
prevention of flatfoot in adults treatment

With flat feet, you can not overwork, as tension appears in the ligaments and muscles. Do not massage the upper foot. In diabetes mellitus, it is necessary to monitor the state of the blood.

Thus, there are many effective ways to treat and prevent flat feet. With this disease, an integrated approach is needed, since only with it will it be possible to eliminate the ailment.

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