The nose does not breathe, there are no snot. What to do?

It is believed that a runny nose can be easily managed independently, without the help of doctors. Generation-proven home remedies really help. Unfortunately, medications are often taken as harmless help in the fight against the disease. There is a common mistake in self-medication, which leads to very unpleasant consequences, one of which is drug dependence. This is an abuse of nasal drops: naphthyzine, galazolin, sanorin. They can be called much more, but these are the most popular. Usually, when one of us has a cold and a runny nose, the mandatory and easiest, in our opinion, medical procedure is to instill nasal drops. Perhaps this helps to some extent, if it is correct and according to the instructions to use the drug. If you open the instructions attached to the drops, you can read that you can use them no more than three days. However, many neglect these rules and make things worse for themselves. It seems that the nose โ€œputs offโ€, and you can breathe freely, but this is only temporary. More and more, your body gets used to the drops and comes to the point that the nose does not breathe. No snot, but what is the reason then? Right. Depending. This terrible state is very difficult to get rid of.

Such improper treatment leads to swelling of the nasal mucosa, in another way it is called - rhinitis. With this disease, the respiratory organs feel much worse than with ordinary colds. There is a heaviness when inhaled, as if you cannot get enough air into your lungs. In this case, a person begins to suffer from a lack of oxygen in the body, a headache, a feeling of fatigue. If the nose does not breathe, there are no snot, you should sound the alarm so that, God forbid, not bring the matter to surgery.

The cause of rhinitis can be a common allergy. In this case, the symptoms are very similar to those that we indicated above. Swollen nasal concha, it becomes difficult to breathe. But still, a disease called rhinitis is the most common cause of nasal congestion in the absence of a runny nose.

Using nasal drops, it is very simple to achieve ease of breathing, but these apparent sensations in this case deceive us. The fact that the nose does not breathe, there is no snot, already tells us that in the nose with each new intake of drops, the inflammation increases more and more. Drops become our kind of drug. This is also the reason that the nose does not breathe at night and you cannot fall asleep without resorting to the help of โ€œgood enemiesโ€ - nose drops. They have to drip more and more, bringing more harm to our body. Naphthyzine addiction is very scary. Do not let yourself start the disease.

When asked why the nose does not breathe when the runny nose does not bother us at all, the answers can be completely different. Do you have an allergy, or you become addicted to nose drops, only a doctor should determine. Do not try to diagnose and prescribe treatment yourself.

Self-medication, as we see, often leads to the opposite result, and therefore it is better not to experiment with your health, but to go for treatment to an experienced specialist. He will help you find out the causes and deal with the disease.

In order for you to be sure that the doctor performs all the correct actions necessary to eliminate rhinitis, remember that the treatment must be comprehensive. Medicines should be attributed to you, physiotherapy and, if necessary, surgical treatment methods are mandatory.

Now you are well aware of the problem when the nose is not breathing. No snot, but that does not mean that everything is in order. The body is sounding alarm, begging for help. Do not self-medicate, but trust in specialists, and then health will not leave you.

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