"Panavir" (spray): instructions for use. "Panavir" (spray): price

How should I use the drug "Panavir" (spray)? Instructions for the use of local funds will be presented later. You will also learn about how much this medication costs, what patients say about it, what is its composition, etc.

panavir spray

The composition of the drug

What are the components of Panavir? The spray contains substances such as polyethylene glycol, lanthanum nitrate, water, eucalyptus oil, sodium hydroxide, potato shoot extract and castor oil.

It should be noted that this medication is available under different names. "Panavir (spray) Intimate" is used as a means to prevent infection of the genital organs, and the drug with the word "Inlight" is prescribed for the oral cavity.

Due to such differences, both forms of medication have completely different nozzles. However, the rest they practically do not differ from each other.

Therapeutic effects of the drug

Why is a drug such as Panavir prescribed? The spray enhances the non-specific link of the immune system, and also activates the production of interferon. This effect increases the body's resistance to certain bacterial infections and various viruses.

From the foregoing, it can be safely noted that the drug in question has the following therapeutic effects:

  • antiviral;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • anesthetic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • neuroprotective;
  • antipyretic;
  • wound healing.

Panavir spray instructions for use

Basic properties

Why use the Panavir medication? The spray has a pronounced antiviral and immunomodulatory effects.

The anti-inflammatory property of the drug is due to its immunomodulatory effect. After using the drug, interferon immediately begins to be synthesized and white blood cells are activated. The latter enter the focus of the inflammatory process, and then destroy all pathogenic microbes.

As for interferon, it activates the bloodstream and removes the products of toxins and decay, while regenerating tissues. As a result of this effect, the inflammation is quickly eliminated, and the patient fully recovers.

What other properties does the Panavir drug (spray) have? The instruction reports that this medication also has an analgesic effect. It also exhibits moderate neuroprotective properties and a pronounced wound healing effect.

panavir spray Price

Indications for use of intimate spray

For what purpose do they use Intim Panavir (spray)? Reviews of experts say that this form of the drug is prescribed for the treatment of the external genital organs in men and women after sexual contact.

The use of aerosol significantly reduces the risk of infection of partners with various viral infections. In addition, it contributes to the rapid restoration of tissue integrity and wound healing.

Thus, Intim Panavir (spray) is a prophylactic against viral genital infections. It is also used to care for the intimate area.

Indications for the use of an oral spray

Why can Panavir Inlight be prescribed? Spray for children and adults is used as part of the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, as well as to support the oral cavity in a functional state.

The considered agent is often prescribed for the prevention of viral infections. In addition, it is used to care for the oral cavity.

Panavir spray instruction

Contraindications to the use of all dosage forms

Any form of "Panavir" is prohibited for those who are diagnosed with severe kidney disease, and also have an individual intolerance to the components of the drug, an allergic reaction to mannose, glucose, arabinose, ramnose and xylose.

The drug "Intim Panavir" (spray): instructions for use

How should I use this form of the drug? According to the instructions, the nozzle, which is included in the kit, must be tightly put on the drug bottle. Next, it is pressed 3 times, directing the stream to the skin of the external genitalia. In this case, the drug should completely cover it with a thin layer.

If desired, the medication can be rubbed into the surface of the integument with massaging movements or left for independent absorption.

If necessary, the drug substance is also applied to the vaginal mucosa. To do this, enter the nozzle and also produce 3 clicks. If you use the nozzle not from the kit, then it is recommended to enter it no deeper than 2 cm.

The spray can be sprayed both before and after sexual contact. If required, it can be used daily.

According to experts, this drug can also be used to treat the oral cavity (for example, instead of Panavir Inlight aerosol). This is due to the fact that they have exactly the same composition. In this case, to spray the drug, the bottle is placed on the table, and then bend over it so that the nozzle enters the nose or mouth by 2 cm. After that, 2 sprayings are made.

panavir spray reviews

How to use Inlight Panavir (spray)?

The price of this drug is indicated below. To use it for the treatment and prevention of colds, from the box you need to get the nozzle, which is intended for the treatment of ENT organs, and then tightly put it on the bottle. After that, the nozzle is inserted shallow into the nose or mouth and pressed 3 times.

For the treatment of influenza and SARS, as well as maintaining the nose and mouth in a normal functioning state, this medication is recommended to be used twice a day (evening and morning) for a long time.

Aerosol can be used every day. If necessary, it can be used to treat genitals (for example, instead of "Intimate Panavira"). To do this, put on the bottle a second nozzle, which is included in the kit.

Side effects

Panavir sprays for treating the external genitalia and oral cavity can cause redness of the mucous membrane and skin, as well as provoke itching in the places where the medication was applied.

According to experts, such side effects are temporary and quickly go away on their own without the use of any therapy.

panavir spray intimate

In general, both forms of this drug are well tolerated by humans and extremely rarely cause undesirable effects.

Breastfeeding and Pregnancy

In the course of studies, it was found that the active components of this agent do not have embryotoxic, mutagenic, teratogenic or carcinogenic effects. Therefore, they do not adversely affect the development and growth of the fetus.

As a rule, Panavir spray during pregnancy is prescribed for the treatment of herpetic, cytomegalovirus and other viral infections.

Analogs and price

How much does Panavir (spray) cost? The price of this tool depends on the form of release. An aerosol intended for treating the genitals can be purchased for 340-360 rubles, and an oral medicine for 300-320 rubles.

As for the analogues, this drug has a lot of them. Among the most popular drugs are the following: “Oxolin”, “Alpizarin”, “Armenicum”, “Virasept”, “Hyporamine”, “Isoprinosine”, “Isentress” and others.

Patient Reviews

Most reviews of Panavir spray are positive. According to patients, this drug is a good prophylactic that is aimed at combating viral diseases. Regular use of aerosol can improve the quality of human life, as it quite effectively eliminates discomfort after sexual contact, and also gently cares for skin in the intimate area. By the way, some representatives of the weaker sex report that the spray "Panavir Intimacy" allows you to get rid of even thrush.

panavir inlight spray for children

As for negative reviews, they compare this remedy with ordinary intimate soap, which does not have any effect on genital herpes and other viral diseases.

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