Many of us love coffee and drink it almost always. They drink it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Sometimes a person drinks several cups at a time, justifying it either with a sad mood, or some other reason.
One of the main dilemmas regarding coffee drink is the question - does coffee raise or lower blood pressure? Currently, the theory that coffee helps to increase pressure is practically not true.
Nevertheless, it has been proven that the use of it in a certain amount is, in its way, a prevention of liver cancer, or rather reduces the risk of its occurrence. A coffee drink is also beneficial for other organs, but in a limited amount not exceeding two cups per day.
And still, you cannot call this drink harmless. Since it is not known for certain that coffee raises or lowers blood pressure, it is not recommended to drink it to people with coronary heart disease, kidney diseases. Also, it is not advisable to use for people suffering from insomnia, increased irritability and hypertension.
But, considering the main question of whether coffee raises or lowers blood pressure, we can say that it definitely helps to increase blood pressure. However, only for a certain time, until the body comes to action. Therefore, with hypertension it is not advised to use it, and with hypotension it is even recommended.
Hypotension (low blood pressure) has a significant effect on normal life. Frequent symptoms that occur with low pressure, such as dizziness, aching headache, fatigue, increased irritability, can disrupt the usual way of life.
The main causes of hypotension are eating disorders, stress, general neurosis, and viral diseases. Coffee helps increase pressure if you have drunk the entire cup of an invigorating drink. In the opposite case, coffee lowers pressure - there is general weakness and drowsiness.
People who suffer from hypertension should be treated with extreme caution, as coffee raises the pressure. It has been proven that a frequent increase in blood pressure is observed more often in people who abuse coffee than in those who do not drink this drink.
In the presence of bad habits, such as, for example, smoking, there is a decrease in the risk of blood cancer. It is proved that a coffee drink reduces the likelihood of asthma, myocardial infarction, migraine, atherosclerosis. It is especially useful for men to improve reproductive function, that is, to increase sperm motility.
Negative effect of coffee:
-can wash out calcium, which is necessary for bones;
- dehydration as a result of a strong diuretic effect;
-caffeine contained in it refers to drugs;
-Drink is not safe for the heart, as it raises blood pressure.
Positive effect of coffee:
-improves mood;
-reduces the possibility of cancer;
- useful in liver diseases;
-increases the digestive tract.
With regular use of coffee in moderation, an improvement in digestion and well-being is observed, swelling and constipation are reduced. With proper use of the drink, blood pressure remains within normal limits. It is worth recalling that with elevated pressure, it is advisable to remove coffee from the daily diet.
An unusual drink when it enters the human body gives it all its beneficial properties. The truth that coffee raises or lowers blood pressure is not reliably known. It is useful or not very good for your body, it is up to you to decide. Scientists to this day have not come to a consensus on this drink. Any substances, including coffee, can be both poison and medicine. The main thing is quantity.